The SCP Foundation Internet Outreach team would like to run an art contest through the social media pages. As a prize, we would like permission for placing the winning artworks at the top of some hub pages for a few months.
Prospective Rules:
SCP Social Media Art Contest
It's the tenth year anniversary of the foundation of the SCP Foundation! To celebrate, aside from doing the most contests we've ever done in a year on the mainsite, we will be running the first-ever Social Media Art Contest!
This contest is about celebrating SCPs of all sorts, new and old, as well as the other actors in the SCP Universe.
Categories will be Series I, Series II, Series III, Series IV, Characters, Mobile Task Forces and Groups of Interest. Entries will consist of artwork from articles in each of those categories.
Winners will have their artwork displayed at the top of the various series pages until January 2018!
- Art must meet a resolution of 500 by 500.
- The piece must be safe for work.
- There are no limit on how many pieces of art an individual can contribute but one person cannot win multiple categories.
- Must depict one SCP, Character, or Group of Interest relevant to the category. SCPs from groups of interest are allowed as long as it is clear what category it is being submitted to.
- Entries can be emailed to (The Official SCP Gmail).
- File name must indicate who or what is being depicted.
- Brownie points will be given to entries depicting lesser-known content.
Contest will run from July 1st 2017 to August 15th 2017. Entries will be judged for the next month, possibly two months if the volume of submissions are large enough.
What Will I Win? Winners will have their displayed on the hubs relevant to their category for the remainder of the year. (Or other amount of time)
(Potential) Judges:
EldritchCyanide does not match any existing user name
If everyone is cool with this, or has suggestions for ways to adjust it, then we would run it at the specified times. We will also take volunteers for judges if anyone wishes to help out. We figure this would be a fun thing and a nice way to get some main wiki/satellite fandom interaction going.
It would be announced across the various pages, and given continued coverage throughout the proceedings. We expect to receive quite a large volume of art but not an unmanageable one. We may also create a main site art gallery with everything following the conclusion of entries being added.
So basically, you guys have any problems with this being done?
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!