Logging from last night, TeleportingCats was acting somewhat immaturely then made a joke about triggers. Quik kicked and warned, logs from Roget;
18:11 DrMagnus Also it's a good way to get teenage doods to shave the teenstache regularly.
18:11 Dr0Shadow Okay how far/near to a sun can a planet be but still b in the habitable zone?
18:11 TeleportingCats :/
18:11 Quikngruvn Depends on the star.
18:11 DrMagnus .W habitable zone
18:11 TeleportingCats -TRIGGERED-
18:11 jarvis drmagnus: Circumstellar habitable zone - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumstellar_habitable_zone - In astronomy and astrobiology, the circumstellar habitable zone (CHZ), or simply the habitable zone, is the range of orbits around a star within which a planetary surface can support liquid […]
18:11 Quikngruvn Depends on how much—
18:11 TeleportingCats I'm an edgy little teenager.
18:11 Quikngruvn What in the hell, Cats?
18:11 * Quarks-3 quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
18:11 DrMagnus Not funny cats
18:12 * TeleportingCats was kicked by Quikngruvn (Triggering is not a joke 'round here.)
18:12 Dr0Shadow …HIP 56948 is the same as our sun
18:12 Scantron 's why i picked it
18:12 DrMagnus If it's a yellow giant of comparable size, it would be.
18:12 Dr0Shadow akay so 3rd-4th then
18:12 Quikngruvn Anyway, the habitable zone of a star depends on how much energy it puts out.
18:12 DrBleep ^
18:12 Metaphysician resists…
18:13 DrMagnus Comparable attributes I should say.
18:13 DrBleep Quikngruvn also the size
18:13 Dr0Shadow But as its basically our sun, that doesnt matter, right?
18:13 subtletea DrBleep: it's not how big it is
18:13 Quikngruvn There was an exoplanet system recently that placed a handful of planets in the habitable zone.
18:13 * teleportingasslesscats joined #site19
18:13 subtletea it's what you do with your Dyson sphere that counts
18:13 teleportingasslesscats Wait,
18:13 DrMagnus Metaphysician: if you wanna make a mama joke go for it at me :P
18:13 teleportingasslesscats I was unaware of this;
18:13 DrBleep Subtletea touche
18:13 teleportingasslesscats I'm sorry on my behalf.
18:13 Dr0Shadow Its fien
18:14 subtletea .w trauma trigger
18:14 jarvis subtletea: Trauma trigger - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trauma_trigger - A trauma trigger is an experience that causes someone to recall a previous traumatic memory, although the trigger itself need not be frightening or traumatic and can be indirectly or […]
18:14 teleportingasslesscats But was kicking me really necessary? I think a warning would have worked, but whatever works for the chat.
18:14 Quikngruvn cats, that's just common courtesy.
18:14 * Oboebandgeek99 quit (Quit: Leaving.)
18:14 subtletea teleportingasslesscats: this is what a 'trigger' is
18:14 DrMagnus That is a warning around here, cats
18:14 Quikngruvn …the kick /was/ the warning.
18:14 teleportingasslesscats I'm aware of that,
18:14 subtletea as an abuse survivor, I'd appreciate it if you didn't.
18:14 teleportingasslesscats I myself am ''triggered'' by violence against animals;
18:15 Cimmerian ahh quotes show you're being totes respecting about it
18:15 teleportingasslesscats I hold no hard feelings against abuse victims, and they deserve my respect for what they have gone through.
18:15 Cimmerian grumfles
18:15 subtletea then if you're genuinely triggered by something you should know how awful it is
18:15 DrMagnus That….Makes this kind of worse not better.
18:15 DrBleep Hi Cimmerian
18:15 subtletea and how shitty is is to joke about it
18:15 Quikngruvn Hoo boy.
18:15 subtletea I'd think anyway.
18:15 Cimmerian I live!
18:15 subtletea hi Cimmerian
18:15 DrMagnus Cimmerian: evening :)
18:15 teleportingasslesscats Had I known about your past experiences, I would have probably not said that.
18:15 DrBleep retreats into the tissue dome before the coming storm.
18:16 subtletea You shouldn't say it anyway.
18:16 Lily teleportingasslesscats: it's just common sense not to say it anyway
18:16 subtletea No matter if you know someone's an abuse victim or not.
18:16 Quikngruvn Dude, you shouldn't say it anyway.
18:16 Dr0Shadow okay Scantron could you make up a number of how meany planets are between your 3k and HIP 56948?
18:16 Metaphysician fidgets.
18:16 ARD It's interesting to note that several psychologists and studies argue that encountering triggers is the best way to overcome them
18:16 Scantron 69,420
18:16 DolphinSlugchugger dead pigs
18:16 Dr0Shadow Scantron: … A reasonable amount man
18:16 DolphinSlugchugger world is a fuck
18:16 subtletea ARD: making jokes about it is not confronting it?
18:17 teleportingasslesscats I think there might be some environmental differences between you and I,
18:17 tretter .sea recruitment drive
18:17 jarvis tretter: Recruitment Drive (R-28126) (written 4 days ago by tretter; rating: +50) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/recruitment-drive-28126
18:17 subtletea I need to drive home anyway
18:17 ARD subtletea: I didn't say that
18:17 tretter Y'all should go check this out
18:17 Scantron Dr0Shadow: how about just 69
18:17 * TheRaven joined #site19
18:17 DrBleep That's a good GOI piece up there
18:17 * teleportingasslesscats is now known as Teleportingcats
18:17 Scantron it's bad actually
18:17 FloppyPhoenix the factory is s-spooky
18:17 Quikngruvn cats, how about, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.?
18:17 Dr0Shadow Scantron: Can't tell if your serous anymore
18:17 ARD GAW is bad
18:17 Teleportingcats Ermh,
18:17 subtletea teleportingasslesscats: don't condescend to me please
18:17 ARD Tretter's piece is good
18:18 FloppyPhoenix dude i love GAW, you take that back
18:18 subtletea ARD: sorry I misunderstood what you meant
18:18 FloppyPhoenix :^)
18:18 Teleportingcats Context? I don't intend on talking down to anybody,
18:18 ARD FloppyPhoenix: your opinion is terrible
18:18 Metaphysician ARD A reason why I feel like this channel sounds more pro self-harm and it is… difficult not to comment.
18:18 ARD Metaphysician: that's a comment on it
18:18 subtletea I need to drive home and take a break.
18:18 subtletea Be right back.
18:18 Metaphysician ARD Well, you said what I was thinking
18:19 Metaphysician Making me feel somewhat safer to note that.
18:19 * DrMagnus|Home quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:19 Quikngruvn I think that's two separate issues.
18:19 Teleportingcats But in all seriousness, I'll tone down my jokes a tad bit.
18:19 ARD Metaphysician: all I said was that it may be better to confront your triggers rather than avoid them which I thought was interesting considering the purpose of trigger warnings is to help people
18:20 Metaphysician Meaning to encourage the opposite would be… logical conclusion.
18:20 Quikngruvn One is facing what caused the underlying trauma, while the other is joking about how people have reacted to said traumas.
18:20 FloppyPhoenix ARD: my opinion is terrible yes :D
18:20 Teleportingcats I wasn't joking about reacting to said trauma,
18:20 Dr0Shadow Scantron: The GOC knows "Vulcan: Relating to the extraterrestrial nigh-posthuman civilization of HIP 56948(x)"
18:21 Quikngruvn You were, cats, when you joked about being triggered at all.
18:21 Lily 19 is not encouraging self harm, and I'd rather you don't imply so meta when we're just saying "don't make 'triggered' jokes"
18:21 Teleportingcats I was making a joke about Magnus saying something about teenage underhair or something.
18:21 * JaneRand quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
18:21 Scantron Dr0Shadow: you're seriously telling me you can't think of a number that could work there?
18:21 * DrMagnus quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
18:21 Teleportingcats Seeing as I happened to be a teenager,
18:21 * NineVolt joined #site19
18:21 DolphinSlugchugger hello
18:21 Lander as someone who has experienced triggers (and purposefully read things containing them in order to desensitise) a trigger warning gives someone in a state where it can hurt them to read it a choice about whether they are prepared to or not
18:21 ARD Metaphysician: yeah but that doesn't mean I think the channel encourages self harm
18:22 Dr0Shadow Scantron: …fuck HIP 56948e it is
18:22 Dr0Shadow *fuck it
18:22 Scantron k
18:22 Lander So I think they're worthwhile
18:22 DolphinSlugchugger trigger warnings exist because not all media is a replacement for a mental health professional
18:22 Metaphysician Whatever. See, this was pointless.
18:22 Teleportingcats I thought I would use the ''triggered'' meme,
18:22 Teleportingcats To overexaggerate my reaction.
18:22 Cony Which was what got you kicked
18:22 Lily well, don't do that in the future
18:22 Lily This is dragging on so
18:22 * DreadLindwyrm quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
18:22 Quikngruvn cats, don't do that.
18:22 avarice.wa.us.synirc.net NickServ invited DrMagnus into the channel.
18:22 * DrMagnus joined #site19
18:22 Quikngruvn MOVING ON.
18:23 Lily Let's move on, new topic
18:23 Teleportingcats Fair enough.
He joined 17 for clarification which led to this.
23:24:20 <Teleportingcats> Hello?
23:24:25 <GreenWolf> is basically what I'm trying to get at
23:24:25 → Solo joined (oirt.oud|olos#oirt.oud|olos)
23:24:29 <Lily> Teleportingcats: do you need help
23:24:42 <@ProcyonLotor> That's true, yeah
23:24:50 <Teleportingcats> I'd like to clarify something.
23:25:18 <Lily> Teleportingcats: yes?
23:25:23 <Teleportingcats> Although I hold no bias towards the party in which I offended,
23:26:45 → SourBacteria joined (PI.06BB3D09.C3036151.B23C0833|tibbiM#PI.06BB3D09.C3036151.B23C0833|tibbiM)
23:27:25 <Teleportingcats> I am confused to whether or whether not the punishment I was given, or the reason for said punishment, followed site regulations and/or the law,
23:27:32 <Teleportingcats> Correct me if I'm wrong,
23:27:35 <Lily> yes
23:27:36 <Lily> It did
23:27:40 <Teleportingcats> I'm just trying to clarify something.
23:27:44 <Teleportingcats> Are you sure?
23:27:45 <Lily> You got kicked for an offensive joke
23:27:48 <Lily> I am sure yes
23:27:55 <Lily> A kick is the same as a warning
23:28:28 <Teleportingcats> Ermh, is there an exact paragraph in the rules that states that?
23:29:02 <Teleportingcats> Also, if my memory serves me correct,
23:29:14 <%Tombstone> Anything up to a 48 hour ban is considered a warning under our current escalation
23:29:24 <Lily> Teleportingcats: yes, stabdard escalation starts with a warning
23:29:29 <Lily> In this case it's a kick
23:31:49 <Lily> Teleportingcats: is this cleared up enough for you?
23:31:57 <Teleportingcats> The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that congress shall not inhibit free speech, and according to the Citizens United act, money counts as a form of speech. Seeing as this site is technically a business/entity, these laws still do apply, yes? I just want to know.
23:32:10 <Teleportingcats> Feel free to correct me.
23:32:14 <GreenWolf> no
23:32:19 <GreenWolf> not at all
23:32:35 <Teleportingcats> Is there any legal document that states so?
23:32:38 <&Quikngruvn> This is not a government entity.
23:32:40 <%Tombstone> Dude.
23:32:43 <GreenWolf> First Amendment does not meam private citizens have to listen to you
23:32:50 <GreenWolf> or give you a platform to speak
23:33:00 <%Tombstone> We're not a business/entity, you're not paying us.
23:33:10 <GreenWolf> it just means the government can't arrest you for saying something
23:33:10 <%Tombstone> Also
23:33:12 <%Tombstone> This is the internet
23:33:14 → Orionbasher joined ⇐ AbsentmindedNihilist quit
23:33:24 <%Tombstone> Some people here aren't american
23:33:49 → Avocadonut joined (oaml.yyyyyasereh|ova#oaml.yyyyyasereh|ova)
23:33:50 <Teleportingcats> Yes, however, feel free to correct me,
23:33:55 <Teleportingcats> I am unaware of this,
23:34:00 <GreenWolf> also, if your only argument to support what you're saying is that it's literally not illegal to say, maybe you should rethink what you're saying
23:34:06 <&Quikngruvn> We just did correct you.
23:34:06 <%Tombstone> For example, the first amendment of your constitution doesn't even begin to approach relevance when I, an Irishman, tell you you're being an idiot
23:34:17 <&Quikngruvn> The First Amendment doesn't apply here.
23:34:52 <Teleportingcats> The author of SCP-173 originates from the U.S., yes?
23:34:55 <%Tombstone> Don't try to be a rules lawyer.
23:34:55 <Teleportingcats> Just clarification.
23:35:05 <subtletea> We're not the government. Just because it's legal for you to say it doesn't mean we can't find it distasteful and make it against our rules.
23:35:07 <&Quikngruvn> What does that have to do with anything at all?
23:35:09 <%Tombstone> You're not very good at it, and it just annoys you.
23:35:14 <%Tombstone> *us about you
23:35:21 <Teleportingcats> I'm not trying to, I just feel as if my punishment was unjust.
23:35:26 <GreenWolf> as usual, there is a relevant xkcd here: https://xkcd.com/1357
23:35:33 → %EldritchCadence (halfopped) joined
23:35:36 <&Quikngruvn> Dude. You were kicked for an offensive joke.
23:35:37 → NineVolt joined ← SourBacteria left ⇐ %Randomini quit
23:35:51 <%Tombstone> Buddy if it was me I would've gone for the short ban
23:35:53 <Teleportingcats> A joke I had no idea would offend anybody.
23:35:54 <%Tombstone> You got off easy
23:35:59 <&Quikngruvn> That's just, like, SOP 'round here.
23:36:12 <&Quikngruvn> And now you know and won't do it again, right?
23:36:21 <Teleportingcats> I had no idea that the joke would offend anybody.
23:36:26 <&Quikngruvn> If so, then it has accomplished its goal.
23:36:48 <Teleportingcats> What has accomplished its goal? I am confused.
23:36:55 <&Quikngruvn> Sigh.
23:37:00 <%Cimmerian> You gain nothing from this argument. It's a kick. It happened. It's valid. You'll progress here more easily if you let it go and move on.
23:37:14 <&Quikngruvn> Do you, or do you not, now realize that you should not joke about being triggered in 19?
23:37:31 <Teleportingcats> I do now, yes,
23:37:44 <Teleportingcats> However,
23:37:56 <&Quikngruvn> Then there you go. Now you know. Message delivered.
23:38:03 <subtletea> Can I say something?
23:38:12 <subtletea> Politely, and it's not divisive.
23:38:27 <%EldritchCadence> PM it to me, please.
23:38:55 <%EldritchCadence> ^@subtletea
23:39:55 → Moenennbys joined (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.185234B8-CRInys|316802diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.185234B8-CRInys|316802diu)
23:41:11 <Teleportingcats> Although I hold no hard feelings,
23:41:58 <Teleportingcats> I have information from the site itself that, to me at least, sounds like it might counteract your claims; correct me if I'm wrong.
23:42:05 <Teleportingcats> According to the licensing guide:
23:42:07 <@ProcyonLotor> Speaking as a user and not an op, Teleportingcats. To invoke the 1st Amendment as a cudgel while remaining ignorant of its contents and purpose displays a revolting entitlement.
23:42:39 <Teleportingcats> True,
23:42:44 <%Cimmerian> Teleportingcats: The only guide of import in this situation is the chat guide. None of the others have any bearing.
23:42:46 <Lily> Teleportingcats: the licensing guide has nothing to do with disc action in chat
23:42:53 <Teleportingcats> Oh.
23:43:16 <Teleportingcats> I was under the impression that the chat itself was legally owned by the site.
23:43:32 <%EldritchCadence> We operate as two distinct beings.
23:43:37 <%EldritchCadence> Like pepsi and coke.
23:43:38 <@ProcyonLotor> You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
23:43:44 <%Cimmerian> Well. Then we are now correcting your impression.
23:43:48 <%Cimmerian> It is not.
23:43:50 <&Roget> they're separate entities managed by overlapping organizations
23:44:03 <DrBleep> EldritchCadence, except the chat and the site don't hate each other.
23:44:10 <@ProcyonLotor> If you don't understand something, ask or otherwise do not invoke it. Don't throw crap at the wall to see what sticks.
23:44:12 <Teleportingcats> Yes, I am aware of how chat engines work,
23:44:31 <%Cimmerian> The channel operators have complete authority in chat, and a kick is considered a warning. The chat operators may issue a warning for behavior such as that which you displayed earlier.
23:44:34 <&Soulless> Hey guys we have over 4 pepole dealing with this issue when only one person needs to handle it.
23:44:39 <Teleportingcats> I had no idea that the ''triggering'' comment would offend anybody, given the tone of the site.
23:44:40 <&Roget> Alright lets leave this to the ops and- yeah
23:44:41 <&Soulless> Please let one person handle it.
23:44:55 <&Soulless> I'm going to start kicking for any further comments not from the person handling it.
23:44:58 <@ProcyonLotor> I'll take it if no one else wants it
23:45:08 <%EldritchCadence> Procy, I suggest you do so.
23:45:17 <@ProcyonLotor> Any objections?
23:45:20 <@ProcyonLotor> Bueller?
23:45:33 <@ProcyonLotor> Alright, I have the conch.
23:45:43 <Teleportingcats> Well, I have an easier time communicating with Roget, however, I do not wish to disturb him.
23:45:47 <Teleportingcats> Carry on.
23:45:54 <@ProcyonLotor> Yes, I fully believe you did not know.
23:46:01 <@ProcyonLotor> That was the purpose of the kick.
23:46:24 <@ProcyonLotor> If Quik thought you were being a shit on purpose, he probably would have banned you.
23:46:47 <Teleportingcats> I was under the impression that because the site had content that some would consider ''gruesome'' (I.E. SCP-610), that it would be acceptable for me to make such a comment.
23:47:06 <@ProcyonLotor> Silly logic, ain't it?
23:47:30 <Teleportingcats> Thank you for clarification, that's really all I needed to know.
23:47:42 <@ProcyonLotor> Happy to oblige.
23:47:46 <Teleportingcats> Thank you, I'll try not to make any comments along those lines.
23:47:49 <Teleportingcats> Anyways,
23:48:00 <Teleportingcats> Are there any other subjects that would get me banned?
23:48:04 <Teleportingcats> *Punished.
23:48:15 <@ProcyonLotor> I mean, try not to be an asshole?
23:48:18 <Teleportingcats> Sorry, my grammar is non-existent today.
23:48:21 <Teleportingcats> Alright.
23:48:22 <@ProcyonLotor> We're not a charm school
23:49:20 <ghostinthewoods> Sorry to butt in, but I can elaborate on things generally not kosher in PMs if you want, Teleportingcats, unless an orp would rather do it/etc
23:49:31 <Teleportingcats> That would be appreciated.
23:49:49 <@ProcyonLotor> If they're okay with it, by all means
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~