The small-scale test of the new log format in the SCP-2673 Containment Maintenance Log appears to have been successful. While it did reveal a few weaknesses and bugs in the code, many of them have been fixed or addressed, and even despite potential shortcomings the users of the site appear to like the new format a lot, and I have received a number of requests from users to convert other logs in this way.
However, so far the format has only been tested at a small scale; the SCP-2673 Containment Maintenance Log only has 13 entries in it. In order to test if this format is capable of handling larger pages, I am proposing to perform a medium-scale test of the format using the Log of Unexplained Locations.
Reasons for selecting the Log of Unexplained Locations:
- It contains only 45 entries, minimizing the labor needed to convert the log, while still showing if the new format will work for larger logs.
- It has only 128 revisions, minimizing the labor needed to generate the author metadata for the new pages.
- It is currently tied for 4th most desired page in the poll I'm running to see which logs people want converted first.
- It contains a minor format screw entry (using monospace font instead of default), but no significant breaks in the underlying entry format. The proposed handling of this case can be seen in my prototype for the page.
- It requires no special sorting to make sense.
You can see the prototype for the converted page here sandbox.
The features present in this version of the code are:
- Each entry on the main log page has its own rate module box attached to it.
- Entries whose ratings fall to -3 are filtered from the list (effectively killing it, since nobody would ever see it again unless they go looking).
- New entries can be created using a template form.
- The list of entries on the main log page is by default sorted top rated first.
- Users can change the sorting to match their preference
- Entries are split into pages of 10
- Each entry provides a link to its own position in the list, including the correct page in the list. (Unfortunately, only when using the default sort order, and if the order entry changes it can break links to entries that change page.)
- Each entry gets a unique static pseudorandom 'UL-XXXXXX' ID number.
I plan to implement the change following these steps:
- done: Create page and parent it to log-of-unexplained-locations.
- done, completed by
anqxyr: Get an admin to make the following changes to the site configuration:
- Enable autonumbering for category log-of-unexplained-locations. (screenshot)
- Disable navigation elements for category log-of-unexplained-locations. (screenshot) (This second change is a performance improvement but not strictly needed.)
- done: Manually create a page in the category for each existing entry. Concurrently with this, examine the edit history for the page and generate the author attribution metadata table to be added to Included in this, the main log page will be attributed to
Unknown Author.
- done: Replace the contents of log-of-unexplained-locations with the new code.
View the results here: Log of Unexplained Locations