UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Please see THIS post for final tally.
Behold, the Spring Promotions. It’s been a while since our last round of promotions, wherein the administrative structure of the wiki went through a considerable change. Dust has settled and now it’s time for the Spring promotion vote.
Inactive Staff Removals:
As far as I am aware, no new additions have been made to Inactive Staff. I reserve the ability to adjust this section if I am reminded of anyone who has become Inactive in the past several weeks.
User | Status |
None Currently | - |
Operational Staff Voting:
This is an open vote for all staff members.
Below is a group of suggestions regarding JUNIOR STAFF who Team Captains have deemed ready to be voted upwards to OPERATIONAL STAFF. Please read the commentary provided by Team Captains in order to help your judgement regarding these staff. If you feel they have displayed readiness, vote yes. If they are not ready, vote no; please explain your reasoning.
Junior Staff Member: | Dr Solo suggested by Roget and Soulless. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Solo has been outstanding on the facebook page, keeping up regular posts and being consistent with posting, as well as taking the initiative to come up with his own ideas on improving our efficiency and workflow. Also regularly contributes valuable perspective to in-team discussions. |
- | Soulless says: Dr Solo has been junior staff under me for nearly a year (Will be a year as of May) and has been part of the SCP Foundation for 4 years (joined 2013). He has been consistently active, both on the site and the chat. He has made himself part of the regular members here and is often involved with the goings on in the site, giving good feedback constantly and reliably. He's been here long enough to see the ups and the downs. He has also shifted his critique from the last round's concerns towards something more structurally-focused. Examples here, here and a saved one from a deleted articcle here. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: I've seen times where Solo became discouraged on something they probably could have succeeded at if they kept at it. Most of the work they've done boils down to posting on facebook, although they have done it well, and we have promoted good people for that before, I can understand if people want to see more from him. I can't speak for any work he may have done on other teams. |
- | Soulless says: Dr Solo was rejected last round for generic or "gospel" critique. I don't know if this is still an issue and he has worked on it. After talking with him, he has also informed me that he may be spotty at times due to college commitments (his activity shoots up in breaks). |
Junior Staff Member: | LilyFlower suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Lily has been keeping up regularly on our serious tumblr and helped Vince with keeping up with posting good content. Also is a forward thinker who has pushed me in the right direction on Internet Outreach policy, and has strong but not pushy vision for how the team could be more effective in its operation. Also an incredibly sweet person who doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her body. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Lily is new to the team and is not as experienced as the other folks going up for JS. Although she has also been a chat half-op her time on the team has been doing a bit in a short period of time, so I can't speak for how she will be able to sustain this level of her work in the long term. |
Junior Staff Member: | Joreth suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Joreth is one of our most active reddit mods, an important job as it is the #1 director of traffic to the site from all of our social media accounts. Has resurrected many of the regularly scheduled postings that weizhong did when he was active and has helped bring the subreddit back from being an upvote farm for scp authors while other discussions withered away. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Joreth shitposts often in sssc and may not get along with every member of staff. I know that I've seen other staff members complain about his behavior. However, I have also not seen any evidence that he fucks around when the job is serious, so take that with a grain of salt. Joreth does not frequently contribute to overall IO discussion like some other team members do but has a clear vision for the subreddit that aligns with the team's overall goals. |
Junior Staff Member: | Sirens suggested by Roget and Soulless. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Sirens is simply outstanding. On WikiWalk, she has accomplished major feats of writing and working and if she sets her mind to a task, it will be done. Additionally, Sirens is a great person who's easy to get along with and contributes to important discussions. Overall, I would probably rate Sirens as the best candidate for operational staff among the bunch. See the Groups of Interest page and the telekill collaborative test log for examples of her fine work. |
- | Soulless says: Sirens has had experience being staff members on communities before and has regularly kept in contact with me to discuss policy. Sirens ultimately has shown me that she is exceptionally level-headed even when watching massive blowups happen on 05command. I value Sirens opinion on policy and conflict fairly highly. Some of her critique work can be found here and here. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Sirens has often deferred to others to take the drivers seat of action on the team. However, as junior staff member this is more or less the expected role she would fill. I am confident enough in her abilities that if promoted, I am certain she would begin to take more initiative. And that's relative, because I have given her relative freedom in operation on major tasks like the groups of interest page. This really is a tiny quibble that's only circumstantial, and in all other respects Sirens has been a massively productive Junior Staffer |
- | Soulless says: Sirens is on more than one team, and may struggle sometimes with time management with all her duties. |
Junior Staff Member: | BananaRepublic does not match any existing user name (Levi) suggested by Roget |
Strengths: | Roget says: Levi has been a positive contributor to the WikiWalk team and is willing to work on big projects. Follows direction and doesn't wait for other people to start working to get going. Able to keep up a steady pace of contribution without causing any gaffes or problems for staff. Their WikiWalk work can be found through the grand crosslinking page linked to on the staff policy hub, and they are also currently working on a GoI hub for the WikiWalk teams project to fill in the missing ones. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Levi is still learning the site and I've seen them giving bad crit to people, which can be worse when it comes from a staff member. In addition, although Levi has been useful and helpful they've not taken a big role in policy discussion or debate, and I would want to see more of that before they're made into a full Operational Staff member. Nothing about their work has been incompetent or shows signs of doing the work out of anything less than a love of the wiki, so they deserve at least a vote. |
Junior Staff Member: | AbsentmindedNihilist suggested by Soulless. |
Strengths: | Soulless says: Niles is pretty well beloved in the community. She is an excellent writer, constantly active, and is passionate about the community here. She is fairly expressive and cooperative and I am glad to have her on my team. Some of her work for the Site Criticism team can be found here, here, and here. |
Weaknesses: | Soulless says: Niles will be entering college soon, and with it may mean a reduction in activity for the site. Having spoken with Niles, examples she gave were that she may be unable to provide thorough critique or participate in new projects even if she appears online in chat at the time, due to potentially being in class or studying. |
Junior Staff Member: | ChaoSera suggested by Soulless. |
Strengths: | Soulless says: ChaoSera is active and here. He is on the site and chat regularly and has several well-logiced opinions on not just his duties as a junior staff but on site policy that I feel is vital as an operational staff member. I feel that his current position as junior staff limits how much he can contribute to the development of site policy and infrastructure in a rather unfortunate way. I genuinely think some of their ideas (Non-Disc threads for chat) might be fairly decent and they're active in recording/posting Non-Disc threads for members on the site. ChaoSera stands for every critique he does, and his work can be seen in his post history (assuming articles aren't deleted). |
Weaknesses: | Soulless says: Having conferred with ChaoSera, it is of note that English is still his second language. He claims that he may occasionally struggle to express what he means or miss nuances in works. |
Junior Staff Member | Aiden Eldritch does not match any existing user name suggested by Zyn |
Strengths: | Zyn says: Aiden's crit quality is reliable and he's good at handling drafts from newer authors. Has a reliable chat presence, which is nice for when people go to chat asking for forum feedback. Good at reviewing ideas too, along with follow-up. Is not afraid to be blunt when something needs a lot of the fixings. |
Weaknesses: | Zyn says: he has IRL things to think about, so not as often available for forum crit as some of the other JS. Not much that can be done about that though! |
Junior Staff Member | Lazar Lyusternik suggested by Zyn |
Strengths: | Zyn says: Lazar's active and excellent at responding to Ideas threads. Lazar follows up on discussion, as evidenced here, and is able to provide in-depth details when hashing out complicated SCP concepts like here. Lazar is polite and approachable, and I see them on chat fairly often. |
Weaknesses: | Zyn says: I would like to see Lazar respond to drafts more often, though this isn't really a weakness so much as a direction to go in for the future. |
Junior Staff Member | Zachary Maxwell does not match any existing user name suggested by Zyn |
Strengths | Zyn says: Zachary is our most active reviewer and will follow-up with authors who respond to their feedback, and is both polite and thorough. Zachary also reports problematic users and threads to me when necessary, and checks themselves to make sure they're acting accordingly in scenarios involving trouble behavior. I'm very impressed. |
Weaknesses: | Zyn says: Burnout, really. Zachary does a ton of reviewing and I want to make sure they're not feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the amount of work they take upon themselves. |
Candidate | YES | NO |
BananaRepublic does not match any existing user name | ||
Aiden Eldritch does not match any existing user name | ||
Zachary Maxwell does not match any existing user name |
To Moderator:
This is a closed vote, only open to Moderators and Administrators.
Below is a group of suggestions regarding OPERATIONAL STAFF who Team Captains have deemed ready to be voted upwards to MODERATOR. Please read the commentary provided by Team Captains in order to help your judgement regarding these staff. If you feel they have displayed readiness, vote yes. If they are not ready, vote no; please explain your reasoning.
OpStaff Member: | Doctor Cimmerian suggested by Roget |
Strengths: | Roget says: I don't know if the reasons even need to be spilled out, but here we go. Cimmerian is our most outstanding operational staff member. Willing to swim against the current, eloquent, intelligent, good instincts about right and wrong, kind, funny, and capable of putting together well thought out insights on policy discussion. Frankly, we would be criminally incompetent not to promote Cimm to moderation. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Cimm has kind of leaned on us to do promotions, probably because he knows he'll go up, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because we really need new mods and he is clearly a no-brainer pick. So I guess that's not bad then. I have no complaints. |
OpStaff Member: | Jacob Conwell suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Conwell has been nothing less than the reason the WikiWalk project didn't crash and burn spectacularly. His help was invaluable to drafting the policies and carrying out the work. More than anyone, he developed our processes and set an exemplary model of how a WikiWalk staff member should operate. Like Cimmerian, Conwell is simply an outstanding Operational Staffer. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: I sometimes think that Conwell can be too quick to approve policy changes without giving them the level of thought that they require. But this has almost always been in cases where other folks have been tackling issues that he may have had and could already see being addressed. I would ask that Conwell, if promoted, try to give himself larger voice in policy discussion. |
OpStaff Member: | Accelerando suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Accelerando is one of the site's biggest workhorses and took on a massive mantle of being the primary tag worker after Aelanna was removed. In addition to that, he has a very level head on his shoulders and always takes a detached view from things, possibly because he doesn't come in chat much so he's not likely to be caught up in the whirlwind of groupthink. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Because Accel doesn't always come in chat to be a part of discussions, he may be out of the loop if important policy discussions take place in chat. Beyond that, he also doesn't have a great deal of experience in policy discussions that he may be expected to participate in as a moderator. |
OpStaff Member: | Vincent_Redgrave suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: Vince is usually a very clear thinker, who's been able to run one of the most difficult teams as an Operational Staff member. The work he's done on licensing and Internet Outreach has been extremely productive and useful. Vince also provides good perspective in policy discussions and can usually be expected to ask the right questions. Also has a good vision for how the spheres of influence he has on the site should progress to make the community a better place. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: Vince is prone to self-doubt, and has at times made hasty decisions which led to further problems. He's also susceptible to groupthink, largely due to this lack of confidence. If promoted, I would hope that the vote of confidence the staff community gives him might be a motivator to be more decisive and worry less. |
OpStaff Member: | A Random Day suggested by Roget. |
Strengths: | Roget says: ARD is a robustly active staff and community member who has a good head on his shoulders and contrbutes regularly and readily to staff discussions. He's also very willing to swim against the current and ask those questions nobody else thinks of until it's too late. When push comes to shove, he's a staff member we can usually trust to do the right thing. |
Weaknesses: | Roget says: ARD also has a tendency to be personal about issues with some users, and I've seen some immaturity or petulant behavior when in tense or potentially confrontational situations. ARD is also quick to get annoyed with people who aren't fast on the uptake or otherwise bother him personally. If promoted, I would ask ARD to try to take a long look at how he treats other people and be the best person he can be. I think he's a good person, and can rise to the occasion. |
Candidate | YES | NO |
Vote YES or NO. Someone who you are ambivalent to should not receive your vote of confidence for staff. If you don't know who someone is, then I invite you to educate yourself and get to know their work before voting.