So. We've done a lot of work lately to ease the clutter of various parts of the site, and we're doing pretty well, I think. Specifically, Quik's work on member pages has given me an idea.
I know that several of our admins (oh, hi dox) dislike sandboxes. They accomplish little other than cluttering the recently edited page when in use and contributing to netrot when not. So, I've come up with a way to do something about that.
I propose that we seek out all currently existing sandboxes, boxsands, work benches, and other sundry user created test pages on the main SCP wiki, and through the magic of copy/paste transfer them to new pages here, PMing the owner the new URL, then delete the page from the wiki proper.
Should any author need a place to test ideas or practice writing, they can be directed to the sandbox wiki. This will simultaneously ease the clutter of the main site and allow us an alternative to pastebin in which formatting and special characters will display properly for reviewers.
Should the rest of you like the idea, I volunteer to carry it out myself. I'll need a bit of help or another tempmodship for the actual page deletions step, though.