Right, so after the kerfuffle with concerneduser occurred (last sighted in 17 at 13:15 EDT), WestyDude posted in 17:
[14:59] WestyDude Yo, I'm receiving PMs from a guy named "concerneduser", who is repeatedly calling me a facist and telling me to go kill myself. Is this a chat user of some kind?
[14:59] WestyDude fascist*
'Coon got a copy of the PMs Westy claimed to have received, but the style of writing was not the same at all. After some sleuthing (props to 'Coon here), chops decided the incident looked really fishy and that Westy most likely did not receive any messages from concerneduser (who we do believe is a different user entirely), so 'Coon confronted Westy directly in 17:
[16:19] /@ ProcyonLotor invited WestyDude into the channel.
[16:19] -->| WestyDude (vog.tod.buh|nrop#vog.tod.buh|nrop) has joined #site17
[16:19] WestyDude What's the matter
[16:19] ProcyonLotor Do you really think we're stupid?
[16:19] ProcyonLotor Come on man
[16:20] WestyDude What
[16:20] ProcyonLotor You didn't foresee us running an IP check on a reported death threat?
[16:20] ProcyonLotor I mean, we were suspicious originally
[16:20] -->| Zyn (yobylf.etuhc.egabr|g.ehtotnI#yobylf.etuhc.egabr|g.ehtotnI) has joined #site17
[16:20] =-= Mode #site17 +ao Zyn Zyn by ChanServ
[16:21] WestyDude Hmm, yes, I knew you were gonna find out. I like to impulse lie here and there, I am terribly sorry. I shall take any punishment you can give
[16:21] WestyDude Well, like isn't the right word, I tend to
[16:21] ProcyonLotor Damn straight you will.
[16:21] ProcyonLotor Your agreement with it has ceased to matter.
[16:21] ProcyonLotor Do you have any idea how seriously we take this shit?
[16:22] WestyDude I do, and I'm a stupid
[16:22] =-= TohuWavohu is now known as DolphinSlugchugger
[16:22] ProcyonLotor I am supposed to be on fucking vacation, enjoying myself for the FIRST TIME in GODDAMN MONTHS but no, there's an urgent death threat and I'm the guy who's good with IPs.
[16:22] FortuneFavorsBold gyrxindr: you still here?
[16:22] ProcyonLotor "Sorry, buddy, gotta excuse myself because important chat shit has come up!"
[16:23] gyrxindr Yes
[16:23] ProcyonLotor I know I fucking flew down to Atlanta on my own dime to see you and all
[16:23] ARD FortuneFavorsBold, gyrxindr would you guys mind taking this to PMs
[16:23] ProcyonLotor But gimme fifteen
[16:23] gyrxindr currently doing some revisions from the critique in thecritters
[16:23] <—| ClassyB has left #site17
[16:24] FortuneFavorsBold yessir
[16:24] WestyDude Is there anything else
[16:24] -->| ClassyB (PI.14487F1A.F3FF1E3A.A28D05BF|tibbiM#PI.14487F1A.F3FF1E3A.A28D05BF|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[16:24] ProcyonLotor I mean, I know I'm supposed to maintain an air of professionality here. Have to conduct myself in a manner becoming of staff, after all. But fuck it, damn the torpedoes.
[16:24] ProcyonLotor You're a real piece of shit, you know that?
[16:24] WestyDude Yes
[16:24] Zyn Coony.
[16:24] Zyn You want to head back to your vacation?
[16:25] Zyn I can take it from here.
[16:25] ProcyonLotor No. I'll be even more pissed if I don't see it off.
[16:25] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!*@hub.dot.gov by ProcyonLotor
[16:25] ProcyonLotor Perma.
[16:25] =-= WestyDude was booted from #site17 by ProcyonLotor (Now get out and don't come back.)
Consensus among chops online at the time (myself, 'Coon, sal, and Silber, plus ARD) was permaban from chat for trolling and malicious action against another user. I would also highly, highly recommend removing Westy (
Westrin on the wiki) from whatever staff roles he has. I've already taken the liberty of removing him from membership on 05.