Logging for Anakin, TomatointheMirror made a rather distasteful joke using slurs, Anakin kicked.
Keep an eye on, guy's already been told off for immaturity a few times.
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~
Logging for Anakin, TomatointheMirror made a rather distasteful joke using slurs, Anakin kicked.
22:06:03 <TomatointheMirror> SCP-1702
22:06:04 <%jarvis> tomatointhemirror: SCP-1702: The French Hive (written 4 years ago by Aelanna; rating: +216) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1702
22:06:07 <TomatointheMirror> wooh
22:06:17 — TomatointheMirror dabs his forehead.
22:06:30 <WoodchuckNorris> no
22:06:33 <WoodchuckNorris> no dabbing
22:06:45 — DrOrganic assimilates
22:06:50 <mrronin> draft time, honies
22:07:05 <WoodchuckNorris> assimilation is fine
22:07:17 — subtletea dabs the sweat from my brow
22:07:23 — TomatointheMirror dabs the FUCK up ni🅱️🅱️a 😂😂😂😂
22:07:24 ⇐ JackIke quit (efiL.dnoceS.A.teG.dluohS.uoY.ailartsuA|eiDuoYfI#efiL.dnoceS.A.teG.dluohS.uoY.ailartsuA|eiDuoYfI) Ping timeout: 181 seconds
22:07:27 <Rimple> SCP-2559
22:07:27 <%jarvis> rimple: SCP-2559: "I've Heard There's Something Going Around" (written 5 months ago by Rimple; rating: +101) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2559
22:07:31 <TomatointheMirror> I'm sorry.
22:07:34 — Rimple does a dance
22:07:34 <@MrAnakinSpecter> …
22:07:45 ← TomatointheMirror (moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|94517046#moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|94517046) was kicked by @MrAnakinSpecter: You know what you did.
22:07:47 <WoodchuckNorris> if you were sorry you wouldnt have done it
22:07:50 <%Lily> jfc
22:07:54 <WoodchuckNorris> o shit
22:07:58 <Rimple> What did he do?
22:08:00 → TomatointheMirror joined (moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|94517046#moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|94517046)
22:08:08 <@MrAnakinSpecter> "TomatointheMirror dabs the FUCK up ni🅱️🅱️a 😂😂😂😂"
22:08:10 <Conwell> Rimple: -1. Not enough robots and lasers.
22:08:16 <TomatointheMirror> Yeah.
22:08:16 <WoodchuckNorris> "dab the fuck up nibba"
22:08:21 <@MrAnakinSpecter> Tomatointhemirror: Never do that again.
22:08:22 <DrBleep> Rimple, nice you broke 100
22:08:22 <@MrAnakinSpecter> Ever.
22:08:31 <mrronin> how tf r u doing emojis
22:08:36 <TomatointheMirror> I wasn't planning on it.
22:08:44 <TomatointheMirror> mrronin I'm on mobilez
22:08:52 <TomatointheMirror> *mobile
22:09:11 <@MrAnakinSpecter> Tomatointhemirror: You absolutely know how inappropriate that is, even if you are replacing letters or whatever. See that you "plan on it" in the future as well.
22:09:23 <TomatointheMirror> Noted.
22:09:32 <@MrAnakinSpecter> Good.
22:09:36 <@MrAnakinSpecter> Move on, all.
Keep an eye on, guy's already been told off for immaturity a few times.
~🌸~Flower Power~🌸~
There was an argument in 19 regarding neo-nazism, which got slightly out of hand. Following a seven op discussion (and a vote), TomatointheMirror has been banned for one week for disruption.
The logs are mismatched because I joined mid-argument.
9:49 AM <tawny> neo-nazis deserve to be in at least as much danger as they're putting me in with their existence and views
9:49 AM <TomatointheMirror> I still think it's going a bit far to get someone's personal info and threaten to release it over a meme. Or even just to get their personal info.
9:49 AM <NineVolt> DrBleep What are you talking about? Of course PS is made by Microsoft! Next you're going to say that XBox isn't made by Nintendos
9:49 AM <%ARD> TomatointheMirror: they didn't threaten anything
9:49 AM <mlister> tawny I disagree, and I myself am someone who's threatened twice-over by neonazin views
9:49 AM <DrBleep> Joreth, they frame issues where the evidence and facts are heavily supported on one side, with almost no evidence on the other side as being of equal weight.
9:49 AM <%ARD> TomatointheMirror: they got his personal info because they wanted to find out who made a meme tweeted by the president
9:50 AM <TomatointheMirror> Tawny So, no danger at all?
9:50 AM <TomatointheMirror> ARD y tho
9:50 AM <ihp> Hey guys.
9:50 AM <NineVolt> eyo ihp
9:50 AM <%ARD> TomatointheMirror: why not
9:50 AM <TomatointheMirror> Ihp hey
9:50 AM <ihp> Hmmm
9:50 AM <DrBleep> tbf, all the major media complexes do that these days, but CNN is especially guilty.
9:50 AM <ihp> I've had this SCP on my sandbox for over a month. x.x
9:50 AM <ihp> I need to post it soon
9:50 AM <%ARD> TomatointheMirror: if Obama tweeted a picture you'd want to know who made it
9:50 AM <mlister> TomatointheMirror Don't act like Neo-Nazi views don't threaten anyone
9:50 AM <tawny> I don't know why you would think a group that advocates for killing blacks and queers and religious minorities and *actively does so now and then* wouldn't be dangerous to me
9:50 AM <TomatointheMirror> ARD because it's a harmless meme
9:50 AM ← TomatointheMirror (ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM) was kicked by @AidenEldritch: Hey, you know what's great? Denigrating perfectly reasonable concerns about beliefs that actively advocate the death of marginalised groups!
9:51 AM — @AidenEldritch spits
9:51 AM <Joreth> DrBleep that doesn't mean I can't enjoy their documentaries on 80s comedy and cambodian cuisine
9:51 AM → TomatointheMirror joined (ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM)
9:51 AM <DrBleep> Joreth touche
9:51 AM <TomatointheMirror> Perhaps I should clarify my statement
9:51 AM <tawny> anyway DrBleep I agree with you on CNN I don't like them or anything I just think they don't deserve shit for /this/ of all things
9:51 AM <Maxson> you probably should jesus christ
9:51 AM <DrBleep> tawny agreed
9:52 AM <DrBleep> This is one of those times where they actually do marginal good
9:52 AM <tawny> it's yet another example of liberal pettiness
9:52 AM <tawny> armchair slacktivists go after them for a tiny thing that's of no ultimate consequence and ignore gross enormous wrongdoings from CNN and everyone else and themselves
9:53 AM <@Tuomey> TomatointheMirror: if you just got kicked for it dropping it might be a better idea
9:53 AM <mlister> tawny "liberal pettiness"?
9:53 AM <Vacuum> aideneldritch is 80's stallone character confirmed
9:53 AM <tawny> well also conservative pettiness
[18:53] Vacuum now you just need an ironic name
[18:53] AidenEldritch Vacuum: yer wot
[18:53] tawny but I don't think conservatives pay attention to CNN anymore anyway
[18:53] mlister tawny You're wielding a rather broad brush right now
[18:53] TomatointheMirror Tuomey Perhaps, but I do feel I need to clarify this.
[18:53] Joreth CNN is the best airport television show
[18:54] TomatointheMirror And if that lands me in further trouble, then fine.
[18:54] TomatointheMirror With that being said:
[18:54] tawny anyway if you want to address this problem then start with either getting people to not post borderline implicit threats or w/e on twitter, or by encouraging people to be more levelheaded and not go straight to the lynch mob solution when someone does a bad thing
[18:54] Tuomey > And if that lands me in further trouble, then fine.
[18:54] Tuomey no
[18:54] Vacuum testing
[18:54] Tuomey TomatointheMirror: just stop right there
[18:54] DrBleep .au weryllium
[18:54] Joreth just hear him out Tuomey
[18:54] jarvis drbleep: Weryllium ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/weryl-wrote-stuff-come-look ) has 5 pages (5 Originals) (5 SCP Articles). They have 336 net upvotes with an average of +67. Their latest page is SCP-3637: Many Waters Cannot Quench Love, Nor Can The Floods Drown It at +57.
[18:54] Tuomey No, nothing good comes after "And if that lands me in further trouble, then fine."
[18:54] tawny actually tuomey if you don't mind I'd like to hear this
[18:54] tawny I'm sure it'll be entertaining
[18:54] Tuomey oh for the love of /fuck/
[18:54] tawny but you are the op here
[18:54] tawny so you're in charge
[18:55] Tuomey really?
[18:55] Tuomey I hadn't fucking noticed
[18:55] Tuomey do whatever you like
[18:56] Vacuum .s aiad
[18:56] jarvis vacuum: AIAD Homescreen (written 2 years ago by LurkD; rating: +188) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/aiad-homescreen
[18:56] =-= Mode #site19 -o Tuomey by Tuomey
[18:56] Tuomey washes hands of this shit
[18:57] ARD TomatointheMirror: Alright, show us what you got
[18:57] TomatointheMirror So: there is a difference between having views and acting upon those views. While acting upon neo-Nazi views can put other people in danger, simply holding these viewpoints does not affect anyone else because it is all internal. Tawny, I interpreted your post as saying that people simply holding these viewpoints harmed you, which I disagreed with.
[18:57] TomatointheMirror I'm not done yet
[18:58] Joreth there's a ridiculous amount of meat in this gyro
[18:58] tawny people holding the viewpoint that a group of people shouldn't exist directly harms me and expressing those views in any context is acting on them
[18:58] Bennings Anyway, I'm off
[18:58] Varaxous Joreth, what kind of gyro?
[18:58] Bennings Bye
[18:58] Vacuum goodnight bennings
[18:58] tawny the only way that wouldn't be harmful directly or indirectly is if they suppressed said views so much they were indistinguishable from a normal person
[18:59] Joreth Varaxous pork
[18:59] TomatointheMirror Tawny See, this is what I am taking issue with within your statement.
[18:59] Varaxous Noice. Gyros are pretty amazing.
[18:59] Vacuum .w gyro
[18:59] jarvis vacuum: Ambiguous input. Possible variants: gyroscope, autogyro, detangler, Gyrodactylus salaris, Honda Gyro and 7 more…
[18:59] tawny saying "black people shouldn't exist" means anyone who hears it might think a little more that black people suck
[18:59] TomatointheMirror You claim that people simply holding these beliefs harms you, but it doesn't.
[18:59] cereza free speech means i am entirely within my rights to tell someone to shut the fuck up if they're saying shit abt me and also to not associate w/ that person
[18:59] mlister .g wikipedia gyro
[18:59] Wogglebug washes hands in shit
[18:59] jarvis mlister: [1/10] Gyro (food) - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyro_(food) - A gyro or gyros (Greek pronunciation: [ˈʝiros]) (Greek: γύρος, gyros, literally 'turn ') is a Greek dish made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, traditionally …
[18:59] DrBleep Tuomey <3
[18:59] Vacuum .sm 1
[18:59] jarvis vacuum: [1/10] Gyro (food) - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyro_(food) - A gyro or gyros (Greek pronunciation: [ˈʝiros]) (Greek: γύρος, gyros, literally 'turn ') is a Greek dish made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, traditionally …
[18:59] Vacuum mlister thankee
[18:59] Wogglebug Tomatointhemirror, actaully, Tawny is not
[19:00] mlister Vacuum You're welcome <3
[19:00] Wogglebug Tawny just said they can hold the belief without being harmful
[19:00] tawny if /I/ hear someone say "queer people shouldn't exist" it probably makes me a little more suicidal
[19:00] Vacuum the pictures on wikipedia are not very flattering
[19:00] cereza and statements like what tawny used as an example are saying shit about me or people close to me so
[19:00] Wogglebug They then said that any action, including sharing said beliefs, would be harmful
[19:00] Joreth Varaxous this is delicious but there's literally so much meat
[19:00] ARD TomatointheMirror: okay, I was willing to entertain your explanation but now I'm not onboard. Ideas are like viruses - bad ones infect the population and make it more susceptible to even more diseased ideas
[19:00] tawny if some random radical extremist dude with lots of guns hears it, they'll be a little more likely to tkae up a gun and go shoot up a nightclub or something
[19:00] Vacuum .w memetics
[19:00] jarvis vacuum: Memetics - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memetics - Memetics is a study of information based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents describe memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer. Critics […]
[19:00] Joreth I might save it and put it in some sauce or something
[19:00] Joreth jesus christ
[19:00] LordStonefish TomatointheMirror: actually please be quiet
[19:00] LordStonefish now
[19:00] tawny there is no ethical or acceptable way to hold a view that certain people should not exist
[19:01] TomatointheMirror LordStonefish What is the issue
[19:01] Varaxous Joreth, that seems to be a common theme with all the ones I've had
[19:01] tawny and claiming there is is basically tantamount to endorsing those views as acceptable views
[19:01] ARD TomatointheMirror: you're saying that there's nothing wrong with holding these viewpoints
[19:01] Maxson hey are y'all like
[19:01] Maxson done with saying its fine to hate people and want them to die
[19:01] Wogglebug LordStoneFish are you an op?
[19:01] Joreth meat is spilling everywhere
[19:01] PKSlam So uh
[19:01] PKSlam What exactly is going on here right now?
[19:01] LordStonefish sorry no I will be quiet.
[19:02] Vacuum pkslam cnn and gyros
[19:02] tawny anyway now I'm going to go, please nobody start a klan rally or something while I'm gone
[19:02] Maxson for nonthreatening, nonharmful reasons that have nothing to doo with you or your own life
[19:02] Maxson or are we still on that shit
[19:02] LordStonefish I just have friends hurting and it makes me mad
[19:02] PKSlam Vacuum ah kk
[19:02] Icepick .au Mortos
[19:02] mlister PKSlam One conversation about gyros, another about neo-nazism
[19:02] jarvis icepick: Mortos ( http://www.scp-wiki.net/mortos-author-page ) has 8 pages (8 Originals) (7 SCP Articles, 1 Tales). They have 792 net upvotes with an average of +99. Their latest page is SCP-3088: Law Of The Land at +50.
[19:02] TomatointheMirror I'm trying to claim that there is a difference between holding viewpoints and acting upon them.
[19:02] Vacuum pkslam bidness as usual
[19:02] Varaxous Take a look at my kitter: http://i.imgur.com/oywZEdH.png
[19:02] Maxson TomatointheMirror: there's
[19:02] Maxson NO DIFFERENCE
[19:02] Maxson NADA
[19:02] Maxson NONE
[19:02] tawny TomatointheMirror, I already said that and much more succinctly
[19:02] tawny the only way you can hold a belief and not act on it is if the belief is invisible
[19:02] =-= Mode #site19 +m by Wogglebug
[19:02] ARD Okay
[19:02] ARD Op order
[19:02] ARD This conversation is over
[19:03] ARD No more talking about how it's okay to hold neo nazi viewpoints
[19:03] <— Tuomey has left #site19
[19:03] Wogglebug If you have any issues, contact an op privately.
[19:03] =-= Mode #site19 -m by Wogglebug
[19:03] Joreth ard: does this include the gyro conversation
[19:03] Joreth because there's just way too much meat in this shit
[19:04] Wogglebug gyros are permitted
[19:04] Vacuum joreth what is a gyro
[19:04] Wogglebug SO IT IS DECREED
They PM'd me right afterward to try to explain what they had been trying to say. Those logs were considered by ops in discussing whether or not to ban.
Permanent ban from chat for harassment/baiting/generally being a threat to large sections of the community.
02:03 | * TomatointheMirror joined #site19 ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM | |
02:03 | BlackWing | Heh |
02:03 | ProcyonLotor | Hey, TomatointheMirror |
02:03 | Decibelle | i feel you on connection issues |
02:03 | Decibelle | how are you tomato? |
02:03 | ProcyonLotor | If the site's so full of trannies you hate |
02:03 | TomatointheMirror | Hey. |
02:03 | ProcyonLotor | Why do you bother coming around? |
02:04 | Decibelle | like me! |
02:04 | Decibelle | did you know im a tranny? |
02:04 | AbsentmindedNihilist | ProcyonLotor let's not slur even in jest |
02:04 | AbsentmindedNihilist | although if so |
02:04 | ProcyonLotor | You're also insane |
02:04 | TomatointheMirror | Yeah, it's in your bio |
02:04 | Decibelle | i gotta admit though |
02:04 | Decibelle | linking your sandbox on 4chan? |
02:04 | AbsentmindedNihilist | i'm a sperglord dyke |
02:04 | Decibelle | class act mate |
02:04 | ProcyonLotor | AbsentmindedNihilist: nope, it's a direct quote from him! |
02:04 | TomatointheMirror | I like the writing |
02:04 | MrAnakinSpecter | "Yeah, it's in your bio" wowee you're not helping yourself |
02:04 | TomatointheMirror | There's good articles here |
02:04 | Decibelle | i do like that you put my name and scantron's name in the 4chan thread though |
02:04 | Decibelle | not that you like |
02:04 | Decibelle | would ever endorse anythin uncouth to us, im sure |
02:04 | Rimple | Might be worth asking whether they admit to it being them first |
02:04 | Decibelle | youre one of the responsible channers |
02:05 | TomatointheMirror | Rimple I did in fact make it clear |
02:05 | Phantom | Yay! My coat's dry! |
02:05 | Decibelle | although i mean |
02:05 | Rimple | Oh, ok |
02:05 | Rimple | Fuck you, so |
02:05 | * Conwell is now known as Popcornwell | |
02:05 | mlister | I feel like I'm watching a slow motion train wreck |
02:05 | Decibelle | im glad youre at least bein casually open about this in this channel if you were casual about it on 4chan |
02:06 | Decibelle | idk if you expected anyone from this site to see that but |
02:06 | Rimple | I'll let Deci take it from here |
02:06 | TomatointheMirror | I did expect it. |
02:06 | Decibelle | made my day, see you casually be a shitheel |
02:06 | Decibelle | and i even referenced you in a tale too! |
02:06 | LordStonefish | Hey, just casually, did you encourage people to dox me and Deci on 4chan? |
02:06 | AbsentmindedNihilist | tomatointhemirror you don't get to come back here after insulting our users like nothings wrong |
02:06 | Decibelle | how can you backstab me like this, my friend |
02:06 | ClassyBulbasaur | Uh, what's up? |
02:06 | TomatointheMirror | Okay. |
02:06 | LordStonefish | Cause I'm checking this shithole thread |
02:06 | LordStonefish | and |
02:06 | LordStonefish | well |
02:06 | * TomatointheMirror left #site19 ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avdmcr.6AA62031-CRInys|tibbiM | |
02:06 | * Popcornwell is now known as Conwell | |
02:06 | Scantron | owned |
02:06 | Decibelle | LordStonefish: its an implicit doxx |
02:06 | ClassyBulbasaur | ??? |
02:06 | Decibelle | you know, namedrop us in the thread |
02:06 | —- ProcyonLotor has banned *!*@synIRC-13026AA6.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net |
EDIT: I would highly recommend that Disciplinary and maybe the Anti-Harassment teams take a look at this stuff.