Adnol's been edgy for months (I'm shocked there isn't already a thread on him). He recently fully said he wasn't even reading the refutations.
So I'm permanently banning him for being disruptive with repeated flawed arguments.
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: like i said. there's a fucking huge difference between people saying i should fucking die. and someone saying i'm racist
- Adnol has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<tawny> Adnol, I think I'll take your advice and put you on ignore
<tawny> oh
<Quikngruvn> Adnol, you're awful glib for someone who's likely—
<tawny> or that works
<Thetataur> Speaking of Finns, anyone in here Polish?
<Vacuum> you can't have a darkest hour if you're consistently trying to hit bottom
<LilyAFK> Adnol: you have literally no idea what you are talkinh ab- damn
<subtletea> LilyAFK: people don't have to but you should also be mindful of how you present yourself as well, because making a powerful factual argument is better than just yelling at people
<DragonM372> Guys Rick and Morty season 3 *HYPE*.
<Shio> Would anyone like to read a skip draft I'm working on under "The Little Shop-Mart of Horrors" tab?
<Rimple> DragonM372: watch it, I was so unprepared
<Dmatix> "stay away from things that will offend" you is among the stupidest fucking pieces of advice I've ever heard.
<InitHello> Quikngruvn: I think your penultimate line hit the nail on the head
<DrZedHunter> xiao oh
<Sterbai> If I may say something here, I think that real racism, sexism and such has been really twisted as of recent
<LilyAFK> subtletea: yes but the points Adnol was making are just dumb
<Xiao> DrZedHunter, yeah.
<tawny> >"real" racism
<Xiao> You missed nothing.
<Quikngruvn> Which one, Init, the one about trying to argue with children?
<Dmatix> Just how, pray tell, are people supposed to stay away from presidential edicts?
<Milly> It's typical right-wing talking points.
<DragonM372> Can't, Rimple, Blocked at school<LilyAFK> Sterbai: ¿¿
<Feline> Metakinase I'm putting some pseudo-Kalevala bulbshit into my next SCP
<tawny> as opposed to all that imaginary racism, right
<InitHello> Quikngruvn: yes, that one
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: because i have a fucking right to get offended over things, over people, who want me in the fucking ground, or want me locked up in a prison because of a difference in being.
<LilyAFK> he left
<Quikngruvn> Gone, DSc.
<tawny> Dmatix, just move to canada
<DolphinSlugchugger> because that is actively harmful to me
- Adnol (||tibbiM) has joined
<Adnol> RIP school wifi
<LilyAFK> aaand back
<Xiao> Hoy Adnol,
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: because i have a fucking right to get offended over things, over people, who want me in the fucking ground, or want me locked up in a prison because of a difference in being.
<Xiao> You dug yourself a deep grave.
<Dmatix> I don't even live in the US, tawny
<DolphinSlugchugger> because that is actively harmful to me
<Dmatix> I'm still horribly offended
<Soulless> That feel when
<tawny> Dmatix, move to canada anyway
<tawny> canada stronk
<Soulless> Halfway through your lunch
<Feline> It isn't finished yet, but I hope it'll succed when it is
<Soulless> your brain goes
<Soulless> "eating is disgusting"
<tawny> everyone moves to canada
<Xiao> tawny, don't tell people that.
<Gradius> Dmatix: Take me with you
<DrZedHunter> triggered
<Adnol> Alright dolphin, what are you going to do to stop them from offending you?
<Xiao> Immigrations Canada is very strict.
<tawny> can we pls not make triggered jokes
<weryllium> canada is too fucking cold
<LilyAFK> DrZedHunter: not funny
<Adnol> tell them that its not allowed?
<Dmatix> Graduis, trust me, you don't want to live where I live
<Lex1nat0r> DrZedHunter: don't make 'triggered' joke here please
<Quikngruvn> Jesus fucking Christ, Zed.
<tawny> it's mean and disrespectful to people with ptsd and stuff
<DolphinSlugchugger> adnol: Contribute to creating a fucking culture where it's not acceptable to do that.
<subtletea> LilyAFK: yeah that's what I mean, you don't stay away from offensive people you provide them with actual facts and a logical argument instead of just being reactionary. Which is really hard a lot of times. But that's how you make a difference.
<Gradius> Do you live literally in the middle of a beehive? Cause I'll deal with it.
<Avocadonut> everyone moves to canada. go against the grain and move to mexico instead!
<LilyAFK> Adnol: Dmatix made a good point when you were away, how exactly does one just avoid things like, say, trump
<Sterbai> The word triggered has been twisted by both sides to be fair
<DolphinSlugchugger> subtletea: except you can't rationalize people wanting you dead
<tawny> "both sides" rhetoric is inherently flawed
<Adnol> So you think in america its acceptable to be racist?
- Adnol has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<LilyAFK> Sterbai: what are you even talking about
<Xiao> Sterbai, take my advice, and just watch this from the sidelines.
<subtletea> .w trauma trigger
<jarvis> subtletea: Trauma trigger - - A trauma trigger is an experience that causes someone to recall a previous traumatic memory, although the trigger itself need not be frightening or traumatic and can be indirectly or […]
<Gradius> Any side can have extremists.
<Dmatix> You can't even avoid Trump's bullshit as a non-American
<Soulless> so
<Sterbai> Dmatix yep
<LilyAFK> jfc why does he keep quitting
<tawny> it implicitly endorses the idea that a bipartisan centrist approach is correct because it's not either side
<Gradius> Even if the side is 'be nice to eachother', there exist people who make it "Be nice to eachother, OR ELSE" and that's a little scary.
<Dmatix> Gradius, I live in the middle east. A beehive would be an improvement.
<subtletea> that is what a goddamn trigger is, not getting pissy over something. don't make triggered jokes.
<Gradius> … Okay nevermind I'll stay here.
- Oboebandgeek99 (~Adium@4863F243:60D544CE:6742DE9A:IP) has joined
<Gradius> No offense intended.
- Adnol (||londA) has joined
<Dmatix> Granted, one of the "nicer" part of it, but that's not saying much.
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: absolutely. I think it is acceptable to be racist in america, even though i'll try my fucking hardest to change that
<Adnol> ..
<weryllium> SCP-2491
<jarvis> weryllium: SCP-2491: The Bee Who Loved Me (written 3 days ago by DrBleep; rating: +64) -
<tawny> sure there are some idiots who are like "oh nooo this image made me annoyed that's what triggers are" and make a big deal over it but? who gives a shit honestly
<weryllium> y'all didn't say which beehive
<Gradius> XD I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it. That kind of strength is helpful.
<DolphinSlugchugger> You fucking think racism stopped at desegregation?
<LilyAFK> Adnol: racism is so prevalent in america, in the american government, etc
<Dmatix> Considering you guys just chose a known racist for your president, Adnol, I'd say it's perfectly acceptable.
<tawny> I'd rather have a system where people communicate effectively and say what information is being shared and tag content effectively and clearly even if it's maybe excessive
<Soulless> Gradius, hello I AM the "be nice to each other /OR ELSE/"
<Soulless> :)
<Soulless> Gradius, no seriously that's my job
<Soulless> lmao
<Xiao> Soulless, that's actually me.
<Xiao> But I've no hammer.
<Avocadonut> both of u
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: antisemetism is in the god damn white house, there's still statistical discrimination of black americans
<Gradius> No comment.
<tawny> than to have a system where nobody tags or qualifies or warns anything and everyone's constantly on full alert
<Soulless> Xiao, fair
<Sterbai> I mean
<Adnol> Are you aware that in America, racist are hated?
<DrZedHunter> very hated
<Adnol> If I said I was racist right here in class, I would be beat up
<Adnol> Its not accepted
<Gradius> (We didn't ALL vote Trump in.)
<LilyAFK> Adnol: don't be stupid
<Sterbai> I come from a place where it's not uncommon to hear racist jokes amongst friends, but it's not taken as offensive 99% of the time unless someone goes to far
<NineVolt> Adnol It's still a big issue
<Sterbai> So I can't really comment on what America is like
<Vince> the vice president wants to electrotorture gay people
<Dmatix> So hated they're elected for the highest office in the land
<InitHello> Adnol: the plural of "anecdote" is not "data"
<Vince> so uh
<LilyAFK> You have a racist president millions voted for
<tahunu> Adnol: as I understand it the concept of "being racist" is hated a lot more than actual racists
<DrZedHunter> hes not exactly rasist
<Rimple> InitHello: sick burn
- Narcis has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Lex1nat0r> LilyAFK: friendly reminder that he lost the popular vote
<Dmatix> So hated they now fill most of the high ranking position in your cabinet.
<weryllium> and yet you all scream that the majority didn't
<weryllium> ninja'd by lex
<Rimple> Trump is exactly racist
<LilyAFK> Lex1nat0r: millions still voted for him
<Dmatix> Besides, even if he did love the majority vote- it wasn't by much
<tawny> it's unfair to say that appropriating trigger warnings is exactly as bad and harmful as the suck it up buttercup bullshit
<InitHello> 60 million people voting for him is bad enough
<Adnol> Tahunu how does that make any sense
<Gradius> Well yeah, because we have a racist guy filling members of the cabinet.
<DragonM372> Not to throw off the conversation but we've had other asshole presidents
<DrZedHunter> he just really hates middle eastern peoples
<Dmatix> Millions upon millions still voted for him
<Lex1nat0r> That's not saying anything against you, Lily, I just like to remember that most people in the US tried to call him on his bullshit
<tawny> Adnol, subtle and invisible racism is easier than overt racism
<tahunu> Adnol: the accusation of "you're being racist" is treated as more offensive than actual racism a lot of the time
<DragonM372> FDR I think was a big one, we just didn't know about all he did\<weryllium> DragonM372: nope, only trump is the antichrist
<Sterbai> I'd say that trump is islamophobic and sexist before racist
<Vince> 1/5 of the united states voted for the bastard
<LilyAFK> DrZedHunter: so, racist
<DragonM372> weryllium: Sarcasm?
<weryllium> kinda
<tawny> "kill the blacks" gets less traction than "let's endorse programs that screw over inner city communities that are mostly black people"
<DrZedHunter> i guess
<Gradius> We really do our best over here x_@ It's just that super religious people tend to breed like rabbits
<Xiao> Vince, do us a solid and burn your country to the ground?
<DolphinSlugchugger> adnol: there's a culture where people only look for services from people without regards to other aspects than being able to perform that duty
<Dmatix> His Islamophobia is racialized.
<InitHello> Sterbai: of course his islamophobia is conveniently aimed at brown people
<Rimple> Sterbai: still a racist though
<Xiao> And grow something beautiful out of the ashes?
<weryllium> im hungry and sleepy
<NineVolt> DrZedHunter Explain to me how someone who called Mexicans rapists and murderers and put a travel ban on US CITIZENS that were from middle eastern countries isn't racist
<Sterbai> I never said he wasn't racist
<weryllium> so
<Vacuum> weryllium eat an nap
<DragonM372> I mean George washington and Abe lincoln slept around and I think one of them was racist
<Dmatix> When Trump thinks "Muslim", he's not exactly thinking blond and blue eyes.
<Vince> like, not even 1/5 of the eligible voting population, literally 1/5 of the entire population
<Soulless> Okay so
<Soulless> I'm gonna do a thing
<weryllium> Vacuum: new skip idea
<DrZedHunter> i just said i guess hes rasist
<Vacuum> edible nap?
- Vince (ngathF.kcoR.ytr|| has left
<InitHello> DragonM372: you're very likely right
<DragonM372> And Teddy Roosevelt did some bad stuff
<Quikngruvn> Trump is a fucking con man.
<Vacuum> mmm
<Thetataur> Do it.
- weryllium has quit (Quit: goddamn politics, give me a <censored> break)
<Gradius> Jefferson was pretty racist.
<Adnol> rip
<InitHello> Quikngruvn: and a terrible businessman
<Dmatix> You don't really get to be president and not do bad stuff.
<Vacuum> i liked that guy
<Dmatix> Too much power.
<Vacuum> why'd you get rid of that guy
<Quikngruvn> Who knows *exactly* how to sell something to the rubes.
<Dmatix> Even the good presidents did bad stuff.
<Adnol> ^
<Gradius> Yeah, that's a really good way of putting it.
<DragonM372> The only deal is that we have social media now and we KNOW all trump is doing. We didn't KNOW what Abe or Teddy or George did,
<DragonM372> but they did do baaaad stuff
<Gradius> Trump sold a defective product to our entire nation with fast talk and misdirection.
<InitHello> Dmatix: the obama administration's actions in the middle east were pretty problematic
<Lex1nat0r> Quikngruvn: hey now, they're not all rubes. Some of them are educated fuckos
<DrZedHunter> even thomas jefferson was rasist
<Avocadonut> ye trump might be the only truly transparent president
<tawny> TJ had slaves of course he was racist
<DolphinSlugchugger> dmatix: on that tenet, i don't believe any presidents are truly good
<Avocadonut> because he can't resist bragging about bullshit on twitter
<Quikngruvn> Lex, yes, not all who voted for Trump were rubes. Some were true believers.
<Thetataur> Yeah, it's not to say that all of one side is this. It's very complex
<Vacuum> .g thomas jefferson illegitimate children
<jarvis> vacuum: [1/10] Jefferson–Hemings controversy - Wikipedia - - The Jefferson–Hemings controversy is a historical debate over whether a sexual relationship … Historically, in the 1850s Jefferson's eldest grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, told historian […]
<Sterbai> I would be glad that I don't have trump as my country's leader, but Brexit is a fucking shambles
<Dmatix> Real politik doesn't really allow for good.
<InitHello> Lex1nat0r: some of them were even david duke, leader of the KKK
<DrZedHunter> hes the only president keeping his promises
- Auburn (~Aleb@3A237020:33718E1A:95AF61DA:IP) has joined
<InitHello> sorry, former leader
<Sterbai> His promises are gross though
<DolphinSlugchugger> Avocadonut: he's absolutely not the most transparent president considering he stopped recording a phone call once when talking to putin after a significant portion of stock in russia's oil company promised to trump if he won the election was sold to an unidentified buyer
<Dmatix> There's a reason Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political theory rather than Erasmus.
<Sterbai> I'd rather him be unfaithful to them
<tawny> he's not even keeping his promises
<tawny> he's ignoring like half of them
<LilyAFK> DrZedHunter: bad promises
- Xiao has quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Auburn))
- TheRaven (||nevar.a) has left
<DrZedHunter> noone is perfect
<Vacuum> drzedhunter half-keeping them and botching that up
- Auburn is now known as Sax
<Dmatix> Erasmus wrote all about the morality of rule- Machiavelli wrote about practicality.
<LilyAFK> DrZedHunter: no, but trump is awful in literally every way
<Dmatix> And those rarely mix.
<tawny> the wall he's building isn't even a wall, he just signed something saying "the budget for congress will also include a bit for border security including a physical barrier" which it already has
<Vacuum> lilyafk i think his lint is nice
- TheGreekOwl (~GreekOwl@24293640:DF59411A:DF93A017:IP) has joined
<Soulless> DrZedHunter, actually he broke the promise to drain the swamp and repeal obamacare so
<Sterbai> The only thing I can commend trump for is his intelligence and manipulative skills
<DrZedHunter> any thing i say will be instantly be shot down anywa so
<Thetataur> Dmatix, Machiavelli's The Prince was designed to be satirical
<Quikngruvn> Trump? Intelligent?
<Thetataur> Not professional
- DrZedHunter is now known as DrZsHunter
<Quikngruvn> AND YET.
<Vacuum> drzedhunter and he reaffirmed our policy to support the prc
<Adnol> Well he would have to be intelligent to get where he is today
<Lex1nat0r> Soulless: I thought ACA still died though
<Dmatix> Nope. Common modern misconception, thetatuar.
<LilyAFK> DrZsHunter: look, trump is awful, there's no getting around that
<Sterbai> He said what the racist side of america wanted to hear
<TyGently> Thetataur: not /satirical/
<Quikngruvn> Not necessarily, Adnol.
<DolphinSlugchugger> Adnol: no. Ulysses S. Grant
<Soulless> Lex1nat0r, a lot of republications realized that obamacare was their medicaid/medicare
<Soulless> Lex1nat0r, and now it's much more muddy
<Feline> .seen-f metakinese
<Thetataur> Okay. What are your sources?
<Adnol> He is a wealthy business owner
<Feline> .seen -f metakinese
<jarvis> feline: I've never seen anyone by that name here.
<Dmatix> Some elements of it had a satirical slant, but many of the sentiments expressed in them appear in Machiavelli's other works
<Adnol> Im sure that takes some intelligence
<Feline> .seen -f metakinase
<jarvis> feline: 31 minutes ago, I saw metakinase for the first time. They said: Good evening. Or day. Or whatever time it is
<DolphinSlugchugger> he's wealthy because he can afford to not care if he goes bankrupt many times over
<TyGently> Thetataur: it is very much an actual work of serious political theory that has actual applications
<Quikngruvn> Feline, metakinase
<Gradius> Trump inherited everything he has. He's actually lost net worth over the course of his lifetime.
<Lex1nat0r> Soulless: at least they realized that. Better than it could have been.
<LilyAFK> Adnol: or rich parents
<Dmatix> …thetatur, I wrote a seminar paper on this.
<DolphinSlugchugger> and he inherited that richness
<Feline> What?
<Dmatix> I have a literal source list if you want it.
<Metakinase> ?
<Quikngruvn> Trump lost money on a goddamned casino.
<LilyAFK> Adnol: you cannot seriously be defending trump on top of everything
<Dmatix> Peer reviewed and all.
<Soulless> Yeah
<Lex1nat0r> You guys wanna know how to make a small fortune?
<Soulless> Trump is not a good businessman
<Lex1nat0r> Start with a large one
<Thetataur> Dmatix, I'd like it very much.
<Sterbai> I'll defend him on his manipulative skills
<Gradius> Fall out of the right vagina.
<Sterbai> That's it
<Feline> I know
<Soulless> He opened a casino in a place without a casino culture and a noticebale winter period
<Adnol> All im saying is that he is pretty intelligent
<Soulless> as predicted by winter it died
<Soulless> so
<Sax> …
<Quikngruvn> He is not, Adnol.
<LilyAFK> Adnol: he is not though
<Sterbai> Eeeh he kinda is
<Feline> …
<Sterbai> That doesn't make him a good guy
<tawny> trump is good at exactly two things: being outrageous, and selling things to people
<Adnol> If he was an idiot he would not be a billionaire
<Quikngruvn> He doesn't know how the Constitution works.
<LilyAFK> He is a racist fool who is being played by more racist and unfortunately smarter people
<DolphinSlugchugger> Quikngruvn: he's intelligent in the fact that he successfully fleeced the american public. But intelligence is relative.
<DrZsHunter> I think the pokeporn convo was more entertaining than this one
<Quikngruvn> For one.
<tawny> he has basically no understanding of facts or practicality
<Vacuum> adnol he makes his money based off of his brand
<Gradius> He's one of those people who know just enought o seem intelligent. Conniving maybe, cunning, but I wouldn't call him intelligent by any stretch.
<LilyAFK> Adnol: oh my word did you read any of this
<Thetataur> Sorry, Dmatix, I'm not angry. I'm just asking.
<Adnol> LilyAFK, Im working on an assignment right now, so probably not
<Soulless> okay so
<tawny> Adnol, you'd literally do better with his starting investment by googling "investment portfolio" and spreading your funds that way and sitting on your ass for 40 years
- Soulless sets mode +m on #site19
<Soulless> Adnol, you have been starting shit for months since you've been here, and now you admit you aren't even reading the people who are refuting you
- PsychoTomato (moc.sulplartnectb.45-13egnar.40DE3417-CRInys|amoTohcysP#moc.sulplartnectb.45-13egnar.40DE3417-CRInys|amoTohcysP) has joined
<Soulless> Adnol, get out, you are not welcome here, take your shitty attempts at a genuine enlightening discussion elsewhere
<Soulless> Adnol, this is a permanent ban and you're free to appeal in #site17
- Soulless sets ban on *!*
- Soulless has kicked Adnol from #site19 (Out. Out.)
<Soulless> As for everone else, OP ORDER: MOVE ON.
He's *!*
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?