Note: This thread exists only to update the rest of the site to any updates in policy within the Anti-Harassment Team and to the Harassment Policy. If there are any questions, they may be asked here, but full discussions should be given their own thread.
As an update, the Anti-Harassment team has decided that so far the following changes will occur, beginning immediately:
1) Updates to internal team structure or the policy will be put on its own thread. Namely, this thread, which is a sticky.
2) The Disciplinary Team will be updated when a case is opened, and when a case is resolved. The following information will be provided: When the case occurred, how many people are involved, the nature of the case (sexual, racial, onsite, onchat, etc.), the result of the case (as an executive summary, including the indication of any parties found committing harassment and their punishments). This will be sent using the !masstell system. The Anti-Harassment Policy will be updated to reflect this.
3) The Anti-Harassment Policy will be updated to include the following caveat: frivolous/false accusations with the explicit intention to get someone else banned from the site will also be considered harassment, and will be treated accordingly.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?