Okay, so our story begins about six or seven months ago!
Superblobby had picked up the extremely irritating habit of joining 19, whining about being in 19, talking about how much he hated 19, before quitting. When this happened about three times in a week, I told him that maybe he should either a) stop joining 19, or b) shut the fuck up about being in 19 if he was going to be in there. There was no further action taken, and indeed, the user stopped joining 19.
A month or so later, someone (I forget who) showed me that superblobby had changed their wikidot about to the following.
I didn't bring it up further for either site or chat discipline, firstly because I'm a big boy who can handle someone calling me a cunt, and secondly because user very much seemed to be staying gone.
Until yesterday. When he rejoined, I challenged him (fairly roughly, but I will argue I had every right to use whatever tone I pleased following the above) to explain himself, he said "fuck you and quit.
Five ops agreed that all this had earned him a perma, and I was nothing short of thrilled to enforce.