Admitted he was 14, banned till he turns 15.
[10:08] MasterChiefRBB Hey
[10:08] === MasterChiefRBB <ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM> “”
[10:08] === MasterChiefRBB is identified for this nick
[10:08] === MasterChiefRBB: member of #site19 and #site17
[10:08] === MasterChiefRBB: attached to “I världsklass”
[10:08] --- End of WHOIS information for MasterChiefRBB.
[10:08] MasterChiefRBB Hey*
[10:08] Quikngruvn Hi.
[10:09] Quikngruvn So, how old are you?
[10:09] MasterChiefRBB I am 14, is there a problem? If there is parental issues my parents know about me like the SCP Foundation Fandom
[10:09] Quikngruvn When is your birthday?
[10:10] MasterChiefRBB No offense but who exactly are you before I give out this stuff?
[10:10] MasterChiefRBB I'm trying to be safe
[10:10] Quikngruvn I am a chat admin, and a wiki admin, and I understand that, and that's great.
[10:11] MasterChiefRBB August, 23rd
[10:11] Quikngruvn OK. You have to be 15 to be in chat. I'm going to have to ban you from Site19 till 8/23/17.
[10:12] MasterChiefRBB Really?
[10:12] MasterChiefRBB Because I think my state says I need to be atleast 13+ or 14+
[10:12] Quikngruvn Yes. It's in the Chat Guide.
[10:12] Quikngruvn This is not a state law. This is a policy of this channel.
[10:12] MasterChiefRBB Or atleast 14 with parents premission
[10:13] MasterChiefRBB Its general chat
[10:13] MasterChiefRBB like for real
[10:13] MasterChiefRBB Thats stupid, wgat if I have questions
[10:13] MasterChiefRBB I'll be bugging 05 then
[10:13] Quikngruvn What do you mean by 05?
[10:14] MasterChiefRBB The Help chat or 05 Command
[10:14] MasterChiefRBB Because General should be open to all
[10:14] MasterChiefRBB Roleplay should be limited
[10:14] MasterChiefRBB Just saying
[10:14] Quikngruvn That's Site17. And I really, really REALLY do not want to argue the rules of chat.
[10:14] Quikngruvn
[10:15] Quikngruvn "Age: You must be 15 years of age or older. If you act the same as an underaged person, you may be banned."
[10:15] MasterChiefRBB I was did site19 was general
[10:15] MasterChiefRBB told*
[10:15] MasterChiefRBB Wait what is site19 then?
[10:16] Quikngruvn Site19 is general chat for the SCP Foundation. Site19 has a rule that you must be at least 15 to stay in there.
[10:16] MasterChiefRBB But Site17 is general for everyone correct?
[10:17] Quikngruvn Site17 is the help channel. It is not a general discussion channel.
[10:17] MasterChiefRBB Gtg I'm in school
[10:17] MasterChiefRBB I don't want my phone to be taken away bye
[10:17] Quikngruvn You're welcome to return on your 15th birthday.
[10:18] MasterChiefRBB Okay thanks
[10:40] —>| Panzer077 (ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[10:40] =-= Panzer077 was booted from #site19 by jarvis (Your nick/ip was found in the bot's banlist. Reason for ban: underage. If you wish to appeal please join #site17.)
[10:40] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by jarvis
[10:30] -->| Panzer077 (ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[10:30] Athenodora (you'll need to register your chatnick first before you can join #site19 tho. Instructions here: )
[10:30] jarvis athenodora: Chat Guide (written 7 years ago by Sophia Light; rating: +58) -
[10:32] Panzer077 Thanks for the help but I read it before I entered.
[10:33] Hyperfluid Not for you
[10:33] Panzer077 I read the guide,and stuff I'm assuming you want me age?
[10:33] Hyperfluid It's for ghemnioc
[10:33] Panzer077 Oh okay
[10:33] Hyperfluid
[10:34] Panzer077 I'm 18, almost 19 :3
[10:34] Hyperfluid Eh
[10:34] Panzer077 Yeah I usually read the guidelines before I enter.
[10:36] Panzer077 Oh but I do have a question Hyper.Do you think my name could accidentally offend somebody?
[10:36] Hyperfluid Nah
[10:36] Panzer077 Okay thank you.
[10:36] Hyperfluid Remember 19 is +r
[10:37] Panzer077 Yup.Is there any chats or tips I should know about?
[10:38] Hyperfluid No racism
[10:38] Hyperfluid No sexism
[10:38] Hyperfluid No homo or trans phobia
[10:38] JayrassicPark No transphobia, homophobia, bigotry in general, etc.
[10:38] JayrassicPark Ninja'd.
[10:38] Hyperfluid Treat ops well
[10:38] Hyperfluid Ninja to 19
[10:38] Quikngruvn Don't be a dick.
[10:38] Hyperfluid Yeah
[10:38] Quikngruvn Everything else follows from that.
[10:39] JayrassicPark Don't make TOO off-color jokes - some users have a high tolerance for gross-out stuff and off-color jokes (like me), others don't.
[10:39] Panzer077 Okay.Thank you I understand and I will follow to the best of my abilities.
[10:39] JayrassicPark Np. Happy chatting.
[10:41] === Panzer077 <ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM> “”
[10:41] === Panzer077 is identified for this nick
[10:41] === Panzer077: member of #site17
[10:41] === Panzer077: attached to “om nom cookies”
[10:41] --- End of WHOIS information for Panzer077.
[10:41] Quikngruvn Oh for the love of.
[10:41] ClassyB Wait, he said he was 19
[10:41] JayrassicPark :U
[10:41] ClassyB I mean 18, almost 19
[10:42] Quikngruvn Uh huh. And somehow he has the *exact same hostmask* as someone who just admitted to being underage.
[10:42] Quikngruvn *who has
[10:42] Panzer077 I am, Im in college for medical training to be a Paramedic?
[10:42] Quikngruvn **he has, right the first time.
[10:43] =-= LilyAFK is now known as Lily
[10:43] ClassyB Why the question mark
[10:43] Hyperfluid Why the two I'm s
[10:43] ClassyB also, what have you learned so far in college?
[10:43] Panzer077 Sir, I have and gamil of moc.liamg|bbrfeihccretsan#moc.liamg|bbrfeihccretsan I tried putting moc.liamg|feihcretsam#moc.liamg|feihcretsam at first but it was taken so I was lazy an I out twi "cc"s
[10:43] ClassyB enlighten us
[10:43] Panzer077 And if you don't believe you I can't force you.
[10:44] minmin ClassyB: are you a chat operator?
[10:44] ClassyB Nah, I've been an admin before thouh
[10:44] ClassyB ill just leave this to you guys
[10:44] minmin if not, could we leave the pointed questions to people who are chat operators here
[10:44] minmin yes. that would be helpful.
[10:44] Panzer077 I have been accused before in other chats for being this guy but it is quiet annoying.
[10:45] Quikngruvn Panzer, goddammit, you're MasterChiefRBB, and you're ban evading, and that will get you permanently banned from 19.
[10:45] minmin Panzer077: I'm sorry dude but this is one of the shoddiest excuses I've seen
[10:45] minmin nice try, but you can't bamboozle the internet
[10:46] SpookyBee er
[10:46] SpookyBee Quikngruvn
[10:46] Quikngruvn ?
[10:46] SpookyBee There's no ban message for the Masterchief guy :V
[10:46] SpookyBee 10:17 AM ⇐ MasterChiefRBB quit (ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.htuoslleb.tlc.60FA7AC5-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
[10:46] Quikngruvn Bee, ban list.
[10:46] SpookyBee I don't have access to id
[10:46] SpookyBee *it
[10:46] SpookyBee so my bee
[10:46] Quikngruvn Sure you do.
[10:47] Quikngruvn One sec.
[10:47] SpookyBee wuh
[10:47] Quikngruvn
[10:47] SpookyBee oh that
[10:47] SpookyBee I thought you meant the IRC-bound one
[10:48] Quikngruvn Ah, no, I didn't bother with that, since I didn't need to kick-ban.
[10:49] Quikngruvn ANYWAY. Panzer, if you leave now, and don't try coming back till you're of age, I *might* forget to change the end-date of your ban to "perma".
[10:49] Panzer077 Well you think what you want, but im not this "MasterChiefRBB" I named master chief after the rank in the navy (I'm currently in the Reverse for the marines which works with the navy) and RBB for the initials for my first three dogs that I loved so much, and I can't force you to believe me.
[10:49] Quikngruvn You chose… poorly.
[10:51] minmin seriously I'm admiring your improvisational skills, but they don't fill the holes you've dug in your own case
[10:51] |<— Xiao has left (Connection reset by peer)
[10:51] -->| shaggydredlocks (moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|144c5184#moc.criiwik.stneilc.7DE8AA3B-CRInys|144c5184) has joined #site17
[10:51] =-= Mode #site17 +h shaggydredlocks by ChanServ
[10:51] Panzer077 Jesus christ I haven't seen so much disrespect since Boot Camp like seriously
[10:52] |<— ClassyB has left (
[10:52] |<— djkaktus has left (
[10:52] WrongJohnSilver Oh? Disrespect?
[10:52] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!* by Quikngruvn
[10:52] =-= Panzer077 was booted from #site17 by YOU (You are full of shit. Goodbye.)
Ban changed to perma for ban evasion.