Two people from the channel #gbs showed up, ran some low-effort trolling, were kickbanned.
This is a few days old, but Moose brought it to my attention that neither of these guys got a thread.
[2016-12-28 14:56:40] malf (||flam) has joined #site19
[2016-12-28 14:56:49] blainestereo (~PI.8A213C3F.55FB5AFB.42890836|enialb#PI.8A213C3F.55FB5AFB.42890836|enialb) has joined #site19
[2016-12-28 14:56:53] <malf> hello faggots
[2016-12-28 14:57:04] <Cherry> ops
[2016-12-28 14:57:21] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by salvagebar
[2016-12-28 14:57:49] ARD (||eh) has joined #site19
[2016-12-28 14:58:21] <SpookyBee> …
[2016-12-28 14:58:25] <SpookyBee> you gonna kick him?
[2016-12-28 14:58:30] <Cherry> Was wondering
[2016-12-28 14:58:33] <sinn1sl0ken> I think he already got kicked
[2016-12-28 14:58:39] =-= malf was booted from #site19 by salvagebar (salvagebar)
[2016-12-28 14:58:48] <salvagebar> sorry distracted
[2016-12-28 14:58:52] <sinn1sl0ken> wait what's the difference between kick and ban in that sense
[2016-12-28 14:59:03] <salvagebar> He's not removed, but cannot come back
[2016-12-28 14:59:05] <ProcyonLotor> Kick just removes you from a channel
[2016-12-28 14:59:18] <sinn1sl0ken> I see, I thought that was why he stopped typing too
[2016-12-28 14:59:19] <SpookyBee> salvagebar kick the other guy as well.
[2016-12-28 14:59:24] <sinn1sl0ken> thanks, i don't know a lot of irc stuff
[2016-12-28 14:59:29] <blainestereo> hi
[2016-12-28 14:59:31] <ProcyonLotor> Ban makes you unable to talk and join the channel, but does not make you exit
[2016-12-28 14:59:33] <salvagebar> Who is the other guy SpookyBee
[2016-12-28 14:59:40] <salvagebar> Unless you mean ProcyonLotor
[2016-12-28 14:59:41] <SpookyBee> The one that just spoke.
[2016-12-28 14:59:43] <Bluemorpho> oh for a split-second I thought that was banned because of their name
[2016-12-28 14:59:46] <SpookyBee> They're in the same channels as Malf.
[2016-12-28 14:59:58] <blainestereo> dont kick me pls
[2016-12-28 14:59:59] <blainestereo> wtf
[2016-12-28 15:00:04] <Bluemorpho> +spookybee did you work on that keter draft more?
[2016-12-28 15:00:05] <ARD> Bluemorpho: it wouldn't be the first time someone has been kicked for the truth
[2016-12-28 15:00:13] |<— djkaktus has left (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[2016-12-28 15:00:18] <ARD> Bluemorpho: also GO TEAM VENTURE
[2016-12-28 15:00:25] * FortuneFavorsBold grabs some poppcorn
[2016-12-28 15:00:26] |<— tawny has left (Ping timeout)
[2016-12-28 15:00:35] <SpookyBee> Bluemorpho no
[2016-12-28 15:00:41] <SpookyBee> it's been a few days.
[2016-12-28 15:00:41] <salvagebar> join #gbs
[2016-12-28 15:00:45] <ProcyonLotor> We will kick them if they give us reason
[2016-12-28 15:00:48] <Bluemorpho> +spookybee oh
[2016-12-28 15:01:04] <ProcyonLotor> Being in the same channel as a banned guy isn't grounds for removal
[2016-12-28 15:01:12] <ARD> FortuneFavorsBold: hey man long time no see
[2016-12-28 15:01:19] <Bluemorpho> +spookybee so yesterday at least that draft was as dead as GOOD ANIME IS TODAY
[2016-12-28 15:01:20] <ProcyonLotor> Probably just got mentioned in there and they both joined
[2016-12-28 15:01:45] <SpookyBee> I mean
[2016-12-28 15:01:51] <SpookyBee> He's an admin of the channel
[2016-12-28 15:01:52] <FortuneFavorsBold> hiii
[2016-12-28 15:01:53] * SpookyBee shrugs
[2016-12-28 15:02:01] <ProcyonLotor> I mean, if it's a troll channel, sure, but #gbs is one of the larger channels on the network
[2016-12-28 15:02:32] <salvagebar> oh you blainestereo
[2016-12-28 15:03:18] <SpookyBee> and now, to redownload the Haven DLC
[2016-12-28 15:03:32] <Lily> Coony it does have goatse as the channel website, so, not exactly /promising/ :p
[2016-12-28 15:03:34] <blainestereo> yes?
[2016-12-28 15:04:04] |<— Bouncl has left (Quit: have a nice day :)
[2016-12-28 15:04:08] <War> Has anybody heard of that new animated film Ethel and Ernest? Bc its really good and just ;;
[2016-12-28 15:04:23] <SpookyBee> Ethel pings me :|
[2016-12-28 15:04:34] <DrBleep> Uh oh
[2016-12-28 15:04:36] <Voct> the foundation is descended from 4chan which is descendend from SA, whose largest section is GBS
[2016-12-28 15:04:44] <salvagebar> Just saying "Oh you" - btw blainestereo the greatest goon is Elise The Great - read her blog
[2016-12-28 15:05:03] <DrBleep> what did I walk back into
[2016-12-28 15:05:11] <Bluemorpho> I wonder what the second SCP was
[2016-12-28 15:05:13] <blainestereo> what are you talking about
[2016-12-28 15:05:33] <blainestereo> fellas i thought it was a fanfiction channel what does this salvagebar guy want from me
[2016-12-28 15:05:42] <Silber> when I was a kid I saw a link to SA and clicked it, not knowing what it was
[2016-12-28 15:05:46] <DrBleep> "fanfiction"
[2016-12-28 15:05:52] <Lily> >fanfiction
[2016-12-28 15:05:53] <DrBleep> Oh no silber
[2016-12-28 15:05:58] <Lily> It's just, fiction
[2016-12-28 15:05:59] <Lily> :v
[2016-12-28 15:06:07] <Silber> I didn't actually get to look at it
[2016-12-28 15:06:21] <salvagebar> i don't want a thing - I poked my head into #gbs, blainestereo, said "hey" and that is that
[2016-12-28 15:06:21] <DrBleep> We actually…well no I can't say that cause some tales are technically fan fiction
[2016-12-28 15:06:25] <Voct> salvagebar - the acute care nurse, yes?
[2016-12-28 15:06:31] <salvagebar> Yep - Voct
[2016-12-28 15:06:38] <salvagebar> god dammit the lady can write
[2016-12-28 15:06:53] <Silber> when it loaded, my browser crashed and the computer locked up endlessly generating pop-up windows of Brak from Space Ghost Coast to Coast
[2016-12-28 15:07:06] <Avacyn> fanfiction on fiction that was created by the SCP in the first place
[2016-12-28 15:07:12] <Silber> this was on a library computer, so it was rather embarrassing
[2016-12-28 15:07:18] <Avacyn> is that still fanfiction or just cannon
[2016-12-28 15:07:29] <salvagebar> Silber SA has a lot of amazing writing
[2016-12-28 15:07:30] <sinn1sl0ken> There is no canon so I think it's just… more fiction?
[2016-12-28 15:07:45] <Avacyn> Need someone to crit the tale as well
[2016-12-28 15:07:51] <Avacyn> we can do draft swapps
[2016-12-28 15:07:53] <salvagebar> it's pretty good, overall - I have never regretted the 10$ I spent
[2016-12-28 15:08:00] <FortuneFavorsBold> blainestereo: this isn't actually an SCP fanfic channel. This is the legit SCP Wiki chat channel. Most people here are contributors
[2016-12-28 15:08:02] <Silber> SCP is collaborative fiction, so everything is fanfic, effectively
[2016-12-28 15:08:12] <Silber> and yet, if everything is fanfic, nothing is fanfic
[2016-12-28 15:08:16] <FortuneFavorsBold> by which you mean nothing is fanfic, effectively
[2016-12-28 15:08:20] <FortuneFavorsBold> eeeey
[2016-12-28 15:08:41] * Silber high-fiving Syndromes
[2016-12-28 15:08:47] <salvagebar> Is there anything on the mainlist that is outright a fanfic from another fictional milieu?
[2016-12-28 15:08:56] |<— dingus has left (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[2016-12-28 15:08:58] <salvagebar> some things are clear parody
[2016-12-28 15:08:59] <blainestereo> oh cool
[2016-12-28 15:09:02] <Silber> Back in the old old days, there were, like
[2016-12-28 15:09:02] <blainestereo> i like scp
[2016-12-28 15:09:10] <Silber> a green lantern ring and a portal gun
[2016-12-28 15:09:19] <Silber> blainestereo: welcome to SCP
[2016-12-28 15:09:24] <Silber> I am the guy who does those
[2016-12-28 15:09:30] <salvagebar> yw blainestereo
[2016-12-28 15:09:33] <Silber> I write the SCPs
[2016-12-28 15:09:34] <DrBleep> That is fanfiction
[2016-12-28 15:09:51] <Lily> Silber writes all of them
[2016-12-28 15:09:54] <qptain_Nemo> Silber: thanks for all the SCPs the SCP person
[2016-12-28 15:09:59] <sinn1sl0ken> yeah we're all silber sockpuppets
[2016-12-28 15:10:01] <salvagebar> Roget wrote like 90% of all SCPs and we fight over the scraps (jk)
[2016-12-28 15:10:02] <DrBleep> and writing can't be a cannon. It can't shoot iron balls of metal at great speed over some distance.
[2016-12-28 15:10:04] <Tanhony> silver, i bring you an offering of fruit and berries
[2016-12-28 15:10:12] <Tanhony> please….make scps…..our crops are dying
[2016-12-28 15:10:29] <blainestereo> i had an SCP entry idea once
[2016-12-28 15:10:35] <Avacyn> well see, that sounds like excellent idea fuel DrBleep
[2016-12-28 15:10:40] <Silber> Tanhony: I will cause it to rain SCPs
[2016-12-28 15:10:41] <blainestereo> it is about a giant cock that fuck ur ass till u die
[2016-12-28 15:10:42] <SpookyBee> I am the girl who does those
[2016-12-28 15:10:45] <SpookyBee> the opposite of Silber
[2016-12-28 15:10:46] <Avacyn> anyway got some time to have a read of mah tale?
[2016-12-28 15:10:49] <blainestereo> is it good?
[2016-12-28 15:10:50] <Tanhony> …go on
[2016-12-28 15:11:02] <Silber> the upvotes will flood the fields
[2016-12-28 15:11:07] <Silber> and make them fertile once more
[2016-12-28 15:11:23] <Avacyn> well i now know the maturity of the gbs channel :p
[2016-12-28 15:11:27] <Rimple> .sea fuckworms
[2016-12-28 15:11:27] <Silber> blainestereo: I dunno, that sounds like a bugger to write
[2016-12-28 15:11:29] <jarvis> rimple: SCP-2869: Fuckworms (written 7 years ago by Le Blue Dude, rewritten 14 days ago by SpookyBee; rating: +22) -
[2016-12-28 15:11:30] <FortuneFavorsBold> ….
[2016-12-28 15:11:47] |<— Orionbasher has left (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[2016-12-28 15:11:50] <Avacyn> yeah that idea has also been taken coincidentally
[2016-12-28 15:11:51] —>| ihpkmn (~moc.rr.ser.oen.51087E3A-CRInys|alliztahc#moc.rr.ser.oen.51087E3A-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site19
[2016-12-28 15:11:52] <SpookyBee> :>
[2016-12-28 15:11:56] <Silber> of /course/ it's from Le Blue Dude
[2016-12-28 15:11:58] <Rimple> Gonna have to try harder than that, blainestereo. We've got weirder shit here
[2016-12-28 15:12:03] <blainestereo> i mean there was a really cool entry about a bigfoot kinda guy that kills u if you look at him or his picture
[2016-12-28 15:12:08] <blainestereo> it was hella cool imo
[2016-12-28 15:12:20] <Avacyn> there are a lotta weird and cool stuff here
[2016-12-28 15:12:26] <Silber> .sea shy guy
[2016-12-28 15:12:28] <jarvis> silber: SCP-096: The "Shy Guy" (written 6 years ago by Dr Dan; rating: +833) -
[2016-12-28 15:12:30] <sinn1sl0ken> i always imagined him looking like that little yelling dude from Foster's Home
[2016-12-28 15:12:31] <blainestereo> so i thought it would be cool if we had like the same but with rape and the bigfoot guy is black
[2016-12-28 15:12:33] <Rimple> SCP-2125
[2016-12-28 15:12:34] <jarvis> rimple: SCP-2125: The Hanging Tree (written 2 years ago by MrAnakinSpecter; rating: +25) -
[2016-12-28 15:12:36] <ihpkmn> blugh
[2016-12-28 15:12:37] <FortuneFavorsBold> ….
[2016-12-28 15:12:39] <FortuneFavorsBold> This is trolling
[2016-12-28 15:12:41] <shaggyafklots> ops
[2016-12-28 15:12:41] <War> Uh ops
[2016-12-28 15:12:42] <Rimple> Oh, shy guy
[2016-12-28 15:12:42] <ihpkmn> Today's not a good day
[2016-12-28 15:12:43] <sinn1sl0ken> eyy ops you found the kickin point
[2016-12-28 15:12:51] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!*@63809824.BFA5BF55.F3C312A8.IP by Silber
[2016-12-28 15:12:52] =-= blainestereo was booted from #site19 by YOU (Silber)
[2016-12-28 15:13:01] <ProcyonLotor> Thank you silber. Fucking mobile.
[2016-12-28 15:13:08] <Silber> o7||flam