This is a vote to update the charter to include Censure as a disciplinary measure to use against staff members. Currently, the section being voted on is to be included in the Site Charter, Demotions Tab, Section C, Part 2:
2. If the user is determined to be at fault and should be demoted, then the demotion is carried out with one of two possibilities:
- Censure: <TEXT HERE>
- Rank Demotion: The user's place on their teams and rank on staff lists should be corrected. The author's page should be updated to reflect this change.
- Full Removal: The user should be removed from all teams, the O5 site, and all staff lists. The author's page should be updated to reflect this.
This vote is for the exact version of the Text to be included. Various versions were put forward, so I've elected to include these as part of the vote. Please vote for the versions of each idea that you want in the Charter, or vote against any version of the text being included at all, should you disagree with the concept entirely.
The options for each section of the new censure text are as follows:
First Sentence:
Option 1 (Completely Open Time Frame): The user's authority is held in abeyance for a period of time determined by staff, as befitting the circumstances surrouding their censure.
Option 2 (Loose, But With Time Frame): The user's authority is held in abeyance for a period of time determined by staff (no less than a month, but no more than a year).
Option 3 (Original, Suggested Time Frame): The user's authority is held in abeyance for a period of time determined by staff (options including one week, two weeks, one month, three months).
Option 4 (Stricter Timeline): The user's authority is held in abeyance for a period of time determined by staff (options including one month or two months).
Second Sentence:
Option 1 (No Voice, No Vote): They may not take actions as staff members, participate in discussions or votes concerning policy without clearance from staff, and they cannot act with staff authority.
Option 2 (Vote and Voice): They may not take actions as staff members, and they cannot act with staff authority or voice, but they may still participate in policy discussions and votes in which their knowledge or experiences are relevant.
Option 3 (Voice, No Vote): They may not take actions as staff members, cannot act with staff authority or voice, and cannot vote on policy measures, but they may still participate in policy discussions in which their knowledge or experiences are relevant.
Third Sentence:
Option 1 (No temporary demotion, to allow for emergency actions): Any rank they hold will be removed until the time period has concluded.
Option 2 (Automatic, temporary demotion): Any rank they hold will be removed (including temporary demotion on the wiki) until the time period has concluded.
Voting Block:
If you are in favor of the measure, please select the version you could most like to see using the voting block below. Options which are irrelevant have been blocked out with "%$%$%$", and voting for a non-option will result in your vote being counted as "In Favor" but "Lacking Competence."
||~ Section ||~ Option 1 ||~ Option 2 ||~ Option 3 ||~ Option 4 ||
|| Sentence 1 || || || || ||
|| Sentence 2 || || || || %$%$%$ ||
|| Sentence 3 || || || %$%$%$ || %$%$%$ ||
If you oppose the measure, simply reply with "Oppose" or "Against".
If at least 60% of people vote for the measure, then the most popular version of the measure will be included in the Site Charter, as per this vote. Additional changes will be made to the tab to reflect this change, but no disciplinary rules or content will be altered beyond simple readability changes and updates (changing 'one of two' possibilities to 'one of three' possibilities, etc).
Voting has ended.