Any suggestions?
Zaeydes a new kid, but I'd keep an eye on her for it. Good and solid.
Also, I want Yoric as my Mini-Bright. He's already got the asshole down perfect.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Any suggestions?
Zaeydes a new kid, but I'd keep an eye on her for it. Good and solid.
Also, I want Yoric as my Mini-Bright. He's already got the asshole down perfect.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Hrm… I honestly don't think we have anyone with the right combination of Age and Whatever Else to ascend to Modhood at the current time… Zaeyde seems good so far, I agree though… And we could consider, say, putting Yoric and Unimport on the "Sr Staff" section of the Newbie guide (with fair warnings), as they have been around a while, and won't be leaving soon.
I agree with Light…Unimport and Yoric are good, but not yet ready. Yoric can be Bright's little helper-gimp, but if he piddles on the carpet, Bright will have to be the one to take responsibility. I don't know Zaeyde well enough to really state yes or no, but i think we're a little shy for mod material at the moment.
I'd be down for making Unimport senior staff.
So, make Yoric and Unimport Senior Staff? Any objections?
Admin, SCP Wiki
Yoric needs work on his "not being a dick" a bit*. Maybe Unimport. Maybe. Going to do a bit of research.
*I mean- some of the senior staff are dicks, sure. But they all either compensate for it or didn't start out that way (so far as I know).
Honestly, that's why I like him. We need a couple of people who don't futz around. I'm not a fan of the 'nice' structure.
Admin, SCP Wiki
I'm also suggesting Gnosis and Quikngruvin as Senior Staff.
I think both guys have proven themselves to be dedicated to the site, intelligent, and with a good head on their shoulders for the site.
If any of you are wondering why I seem eager to induct more senior staff as of late, it's because I think we really need it. Let's face it; a lot of the old blood is starting to become more and more busy with general-life-crap. At the same time, the site keeps and keeps growing. We need new blood to keep this place going.
That said, I'm also nominating Mr. Unimport for full-fledged moderator status.
I absolutely support the idea of making unimport a mod. His uniform mindset has always been a useful counterpoint to my own, and his capacity for keeping a cool head in times of stress can only be a blessing.
I'm down with gnocci for senior staff, and with unimport for mod.
More staff is also good idea for to have good manage.
I approve of making Unimport a mod, he knows what he's doing.
I concur, I'll think about senior staff later, but Unimport is good man for mod
Looks all right to me. I also think Yoric is ready to make the move to Mod.
Admin, SCP Wiki
I support as well, however unimport scares me a bit. he gets majorly edit-happy already, and not always for the best. I'd advise keeping a reign on him for a bit, until he gets his head on straight.
To be honest, I don't like either. They both have a history of being a bit too hot-headed. I personally think both need to spend some more time as senior staff before being handed the keys.
Too late on unimport.
Admin, SCP Wiki
As long as we're suggesting more Senior Staff, how do people feel about:
Admin, SCP Wiki
Mann, certainly. He's another, like bouncl, I've wondered why wasn't already staff.
I'd agree on fifth as well. His bots serve us faithfully, and he deserves credit, but he's more active in chat than on the wiki. Perhaps a chatmodship?
Mackenzie is weird, needy, and immature. I honestly don't think he has the spine to do anything useful as staff regardless.
Mann, I'm very much for. I think he's a good guy for the site, and of the newest blood, I think he's the most likely to have a big impact on the site. I'm waiting for good things from him.
Fifth, I'm not so sure about. I've been on different sides of the fence with him a lot. I don't think his vision for the site matches up to my vision, so maybe it's just ideological conflict between us. Still, he's polite and dedicated and I certainly would not raise a fuss if he were to be promoted to senior staff. So consider my vote "if you guys think so".
Sophos I just don't don't know well enough to say either way, but from what I've seen so far so good. I don't know much about his personality, but from the little I remember I think he has a good eye for articles.
And Mackenzie … well, I'm honestly surprised to see as much negative opinion about Mack as I've been seeing. I think he'd be very useful as senior staff, and he certainly has a very useful skill-set for projects. He's responsible for, which I really wish we'd do more with. I'm certainly all for Mack getting a promotion. I don't see the needy and immature, and I honestly don't even see him as any weirder than any of us nutcases that already run the site.
I'm good on fifth and mann. Don't rightly know enough about mack or sophie for an opinion.