Looked for a chat thread, couldn't find one, made this.
22:58 Cetus is kaktus really jesus
22:58 Cetus kaktus are you jesus
22:58 DragonM372 no.
22:58 djkaktus Oh there will be plenty of eating
22:59 djkaktus Cetus: yep
22:59 DragonM372 DoctorMagnustein|Home is Jesus.
22:59 djkaktus You figured me out
22:59 AbsentmindedNihilist guys i keep having dreams where i'm married to priyanka chopra
22:59 * TheGameFreak joined #site19 ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.98272FD2-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.98272FD2-CRInys|tibbiM
22:59 Buttfranklin hatlessshrugged post that thread on the /r/scp subreddit
22:59 djkaktus Jesus Christ, in the flesh
22:59 Buttfranklin they'd go hog-wild for that shizz
22:59 DragonM372 LIES!
22:59 * TheGameFreak left #site19 ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.98272FD2-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.lflvcj.deepsthgil.98272FD2-CRInys|tibbiM
22:59 DragonM372 tackles djkaktus to the floor.
22:59 AbsentmindedNihilist they're always good dreams
22:59 Cetus are they going to be eating of your flesh and blood
22:59 Cetus communion or whatever
22:59 AbsentmindedNihilist .stats
22:59 SpiritElemental Statistics for #site19 can be found at http://scp.bz/ircstats
22:59 Cetus ritual cannibalsim
23:00 ProcyonGhostor AbsentmindedNihilist: has her recent conde nast controversy added any stress to your dreams
23:00 Cetus crap that's not the proper spelling
23:00 * clone joined #site19 ti.ezalb|oaml.yya#ti.ezalb|oaml.yya
23:00 djkaktus I mean I'm about as productive as Jesus ever was
23:00 * DrYucatan quit (Quit: Leaving…) ~lrig.yppup.tcefrep|ybuRJ#lrig.yppup.tcefrep|ybuRJ
23:00 AbsentmindedNihilist .g conde nast priyanka chopra
23:00 jarvis absentmindednihilist: [1/10] Priyanka Chopra sorry for Conde Nast cover 'insulting refugees … - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-37676903 - 10 hours ago … Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra apologises after being criticised for a Conde Nast cover shoot seen as insulting to refugees.
23:00 Buttfranklin cetus cannibalsim was my favourite of the sid meier games
23:00 AbsentmindedNihilist welp
23:00 * Soulless joined #site19 lluks.ruoy.fo.trofmoc.eht.edisni.teg.ot.stn|w#lluks.ruoy.fo.trofmoc.eht.edisni.teg.ot.stn|w
23:00 +++ ChanServ has given op to Soulless
23:00 djkaktus Though, regrettably, I'm way more real
23:00 Cetus hey he promoted an entire culture's tradition of ritual cannibalism
23:00 Moenennbys Hi Soulless
23:00 Cetus buttfranklin same tho
23:00 AbsentmindedNihilist ProcyonGhostor: i forgot that wasn't a thing
23:00 Cetus god i seriously need to be on 19 more often
23:00 DragonM372 djkaktus: Let
23:01 BaconGod I was looking for some critique on my draft if anyone is interested. http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/baconbasedgod (Top Collapsible)
23:01 DragonM372 djkaktus: let's not get into religion
23:01 Buttfranklin cetus actually my fave was golfsim where the "gold members" would frequently use the "ball washer"
23:01 AbsentmindedNihilist was a thing
23:01 DragonM372 we've had enough controversy in 19
23:01 DragonM372 for a MONTH
23:01 * Asaelka joined #site19 ku.oc.bbmeerht.38C9887-CRInys|akleasA#ku.oc.bbmeerht.38C9887-CRInys|akleasA
23:02 djkaktus It's not a controversy, you just don't like having your imaginary friends questioned
23:02 * Magnobile joined #site19 efil.laer|draziW#efil.laer|draziW
23:02 djkaktus But that's fine
23:02 Moenennbys Oh lord
23:02 MrAnakinSpecter djkaktus: come on
23:02 djkaktus I've got my own religion anyway
23:02 MrAnakinSpecter you know better
23:02 Buttfranklin dragonm372 try this on for size: "thaumaturgic" or "thaumaturgical"
23:02 Moenennbys Pls dont kaktus
23:02 Buttfranklin or, as aideneldritch went with from left field, "thaumic"
23:02 DragonM372 Thaumiel
23:02 Cetus thaumaturgy is great
23:02 DragonM372 Qliphoth
23:03 Cetus bacon
23:03 djkaktus Lol guys, calm down
23:03 * Maghoulia quit (Quit: Leaving.) ~PI.32735173.6AD68E53.F2ED8B12|eiggaM#PI.32735173.6AD68E53.F2ED8B12|eiggaM
23:03 MrAnakinSpecter djkaktus: Actually, I am going to officially state this as an operator: don't start this shit, it won't end well.
23:03 Cetus I dunno why but "SCP-XXXX has the anomalous effect of the sky around the sun is always clear of clouds making it completely and continually visible throughout the day. " feels kinda awkward
23:03 Buttfranklin seriously though kaktus is too cool for school and you lame-o's can't handle his bants
23:03 djkaktus MrAnakinSpecter: you do that.
23:03 djkaktus That's fine.
23:03 Moenennbys Sassy porn star
23:03 DragonM372 …Cetus: That's an odd statement.
23:03 djkaktus Buttfranklin: these are the highest quality Columbian bants
23:04 Cetus bacongod
23:04 Cetus dragon why is it odd .-.
23:04 DragonM372 Try "One of SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects is maintaining a clear sky so the object can be clearly seen at all times.
23:04 Buttfranklin unfortunately i was being (bean) sarcastic
23:04 Cetus ik that's why i was tellign bacon that ;n;
23:04 Buttfranklin or was i???? haha
23:05 Cetus crit was being asked for so i went over and read his stuff
23:05 Cetus but now he seems to be ded rip
23:05 djkaktus I'm sure you thought it was hilarious
OPchat agreed to log this for future reference, given that this is an example of djkaktus' recent behavior. Thank you Tuomey (can't believe I actually said that) for the logs.