I got a PM from Benevolent Condor, a video producer, wanting to get licensing clearance prior to making a SCP-oriented project (yay, checking for clearance!). The text is below, with real names excised:
Hi! My name is [EXCISED]. I'm a writer/creative in NYC.
I'm working with my creative partner, [EXCISED], on a story pitch for Eko Studio, a new interactive video platform. One idea we've been developing for a series involves the SCP Foundation, following a story that unfolds at Site-17 in the wake of a catastrophic containment breach by a psychic prima donna named Petey.
We're huge fans of the Foundation and feel that the interactive format Eko provides is the best medium for the visual version of the SCP Foundation's story. In this series, users can play as both SCP objects and the staff of Site-17.
For clarity, Eko is a lot like the movie version of a Telltale game. Here's a link to one of Eko's videos/games so you can get a better idea of the medium: https://helloeko.com/v/possibilia?autoplay=true
(Not all of them have exactly the same mechanics as this but this is one version of what the platform can do.)
The series would be made for the Eko platform, which lives entirely online. Because of the nature of the format the Creative Commons license is something we're totally ready and willing to use. And thanks to the threat of piracy being kinda non-existent it'll probably pass muster with the execs too. The wonderful thing about this format is that anyone can upload their own video using Eko’s tools - mirroring the intensely collaborative nature of the wiki.
The company's monetization model is based on ad impressions, which makes it free to access. Of course if we decide to integrate already existing characters or other more specific elements of canon (Like 105/Iris), we will do everything possible to reach out to the authors and give them credit.
We wanted to follow up with you guys to make sure everything’s up to snuff. We intend to honor the Creative Commons license and want to ensure that this aligns with that core tenet of the Foundation wiki. We’d be happy to send over what we have so far. It’s a really exciting opportunity and we think it could represent a new platform for the Foundation to grow while maintaining its quality and identity.
My response:
Based on what you've told me here, it sounds like y'all're pretty good to go. The only things you need to be aware of is that we have some exceptions for 3 SCPs: 173 (Izumi Kato, the original artist, has given us permission to use the image ONLY IF it's never used for commercial purposes), 111 (similar situation, we have permission from the original artist but it'd be a good idea to avoid using it), and 1926 (similar situation).
Basically, so long as you follow the guidelines here you should be good: http://www.scp-wiki.net/licensing-guide
Giving bearhugs to the unsuspecting since 1872.