User anonimoose does not match any existing user name has been giving immature, acerbic responses to critique. I think he needs a revoke to cool his jets.
Beginning with
MrWrong critiques:
How would the SCP know that "SCP" connotes that the idea of anomalous? It is quite a lapse in logic that fails to account for itself, and weaken the suspense of disbelief for readers.
anonimoose responds:
I shouldn't, but I feel offended.
Next time you read something, try to think “Why did the characters do that?” instead of “Why did the writer write that?”. I hate dumbing shit down because some might think I'm stupid otherwise.
MrWrong critiques some more:
Perhaps to you, 2006 has no story. But I assert that it does. It is more than a thing that morphs into one's fears. It goes on about the implication of realising true fear onto people and the Foundation's lengths in ensuring it does not know what people really fear.
anonimoose responds:
It's not a story, it's a twist.
[explanation of why the SCP is different]
There's not much I can do about it if you don't like it.
Tuomey and MrWrong provide more crit. anonimoose responds:
I think I need to use emoticons, because I always sound so pissed. :^)🔫
Maybe I need to stop swearing and shit.
Mistbourne steps in:
You, anonimoose, need to chill out a bit. Anyone taking the time to review your work is doing so on their own time - nobody pays us for this.
I saw nothing contrary to either the criticism policy or our guidelines as members of the Forum Crit Team.
anonimoose responds to Mistbourne with a complaint about MrWrong:
About MrWrong… Guess I was a bit tigered by the fact he didn't seem to have read it. Saying the tests didn't add anything to the article, simply wasn't true and I felt like he talked to me like a newbie guide.
MrWrong stays calm:
Like I said, if you want to file in your accusations on me, do it through a Staff member.
I simply respond according to my opinion that you don't necessarily need test logs to express those details, and that they can be written on the actual description.
Later, in SCP-2919's discussion page (pending deletion vote as of this writing):
anonimoose provides thanks:
MrWrong: You was not helpful!
(First reviewer and valuable feedback provider. Still dunno how to report you.)
Tuomey Tombstone does not match any existing user name: For that cool name.
(Said it sucked.)
Collapse long post please.
(Presumably a dig at Zyn needing to repeatedly collapse anonimoose's long responses in the above forum thread)
I staffposted:
anonimoose, there is no need to be so passive-aggressive and sarcastic. It demeans the people who are giving you their time out of the kindness of their heart. If they think that something is wrong with the SCP and provide well-thought-out justification, give their thoughts consideration instead of trying to report them for unhelpful feedback. Frankly, your conduct from forum critique to posting has been rude and immature.