I, uh, actually got a PM from the user a little while back. Posted about it here: http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-1724812/someone-s-making-a-goc-offshoot-site
For the sake of tidiness, I'll move that thread to Licensing and lock it.
And a moderator shows up, and nobody has any idea what's going on, and the dude in charge isn't fixing the issues. Yay.
- Kuhli (PI.9FA9E5EB.FF8A7B1A.1EE1F703|tibbiM#PI.9FA9E5EB.FF8A7B1A.1EE1F703|tibbiM) has joined
<Kuhli> Hey there, staff. I am a temporary moderator for the newish GOC Wiki, helping ready the site structure and organization. I was hoping that it'd be okay if the site had access to the original GOC Theme, which I already have the CSS for. I am just unsure whether, since the CSS was never publicly released, if I'd be allowed to do this..
- Zyn (aw.in.ikust|ka#aw.in.ikust|ka) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Zyn
<Zyn> Yo.
<Zyn> Someone has questions?
<Kuhli> Hey, Zyn. Yes.
<Zyn> What's up?
<Lily> Zyn that was really fast A+
<Soulless> <Kuhli> Hey there, staff. I am a temporary moderator for the newish GOC Wiki, helping ready the site structure and organization. I was hoping that it'd be okay if the site had access to the original GOC Theme, which I already have the CSS for. I am just unsure whether, since the CSS was never publicly released, if I'd be allowed to do this..
<Soulless> Zyn, if you're curious
<Zyn> Someone pinged me in a private room.
<Zyn> Ah.
<Kuhli> Cytotoxicity just btw
<Kuhli> In case I receive any PMs about this
<Zyn> Kuhli: this isn't the one run by nugget909, is it?
<Kuhli> Mhm
<Zyn> Can I get a link to the wiki you're working on?
- Voct (~PI.E25BA0CA.BD87C0FD.3D8F2205|tset#PI.E25BA0CA.BD87C0FD.3D8F2205|tset) has left
<Kuhli> http://goco.wikidot.com/
<Kuhli> The theme isn't applied yet
<Zyn> Hmm.
<Kuhli> But it is on my test site http://kuhli.wikidot.com/
<Zyn> Do you know if the nugget guy ever responded to the Licensing Team about proper attribution?
<Zyn> The site has derived content that's not credited appropriately.
<Kuhli> Just a sec
<Kuhli> I have my IRC chat with ProcyonLotor saved. We talked about it a little there. Wanna check it out?
<Zyn> Sure. Logs?
<Kuhli> A messy one, but yes
- thedeadlymoose (ten.srerednaw|sire#ten.srerednaw|sire) has joined
- ChanServ sets mode +q on #site17 thedeadlymoose
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to thedeadlymoose
<Kuhli> http://kuhli.wikidot.com/irc-records
<Zyn> Thanks.
<Zyn> Also, why is Kain listed on staff?
<Zyn> http://108-council.wikidot.com/staff
<ProcyonLotor> You should handle proper attribution before you worry about the theme :|
<Zyn> did you contact him about getting involved in the wiki and receive permissions?
<Kuhli> Yes, but I've received no response.
<Zyn> Then why is his name on the list?
<ProcyonLotor> Then, uh, yeah, why did you include him?
<ProcyonLotor> That's not an "opt out" sort of deal.
<Kuhli> Oh, wait
<Kuhli> Kain?
<Kuhli> No. I have nothing to do with that page
<Zyn> Kain Pathos Crow.
<Zyn> You should contact the nugget dude
<Kuhli> I've been trying
<ProcyonLotor> I mean, you're a moderator for whatever kind of show you have running there.
<Zyn> I'm concerned about how this site is put together.
<Zyn> ^
<ProcyonLotor> I'm exceedingly concerned.
<ProcyonLotor> Licensing, including people without there consent.
<Kuhli> Same
<ProcyonLotor> This is all no bueno.
<ProcyonLotor> Then why did you take a moderator position?
<Zyn> …how did nugget909 recruit you anyway?
<Zyn> This seems really shady and poorly-crafted.
- MisterFlames has quit (Quit: )
<Kuhli> I didn't. I was invited and thought "Hey, it couldn't hurt." I joined and he gave me mod
- the_xenomorph666 (PI.0097A28F.76C48E73.31719AEB|tibbiM#PI.0097A28F.76C48E73.31719AEB|tibbiM) has joined
<Zyn> Cripes.
<Kuhli> I thought I'd help the site get on its feet
<Zyn> Yeah, uh… that's not cool. Being a mod puts you in a place of responsibility.
<Zyn> Given how little contact the nugget guy's had with mainsite staff and his licensing violations…
<Kuhli> And it is sorta hard when he is giving me no info
<Zyn> unless you want to continue to take fallout, I /highly/ recommend that you talk with this guy.
- Roget (suruas.eht|esohw#suruas.eht|esohw) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Roget
<Zyn> Find out what's expected of you, and what you can expect in return.
<Kuhli> Okay
<the_xenomorph666> hey zyn
<Zyn> Otherwise, there's no need to obligate yourself to someone who clearly has no idea what they're doing
<Zyn> And is currently doing almost everything wrong.
<Zyn> You don't owe the guy anything at this point.
<Zyn> At the bare minimum, the guy should have coordinated with you about setting up the site
- SpookyBee is now known as CarBee
<Zyn> rather than make you do all the legwork.
<Zyn> Hello, the_xenomorph666.
<Kuhli> True.
<Kuhli> Alright, thank you. I'll do that.
<the_xenomorph666> so, how's life zyn?
<Zyn> I'll make a record of this… I say take a breather until we all hear back from nugget909, alright?
<Zyn> the_xenomorph666: I'm currently discussing staff business. Please hold casual talk until I'm finished.
<Kuhli> So the theme doesn't matter at this point?
- the_xenomorph666 is now known as XenoTheChestBurster
<Zyn> Kuhli: At this point, I'm unsure.
<XenoTheChestBurster> oh, ok
<Kuhli> Mkay
<Zyn> If the nugget guy shapes up, then I'll move the message on to Clef.
<ProcyonLotor> I'd worry about the fundamentals first.
- ProcyonPhone has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
<Zyn> At this point though, the guy's got licensing and permissions violations up the wazoo
<Zyn> and you really shouldn't be doing his work for him.
- ProcyonPhone (nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP#nooccaR.snaeM.rotoL|noycorP) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to ProcyonPhone
<Kuhli> Alright. Thank you, guys. I'll talk to him about it.
<Zyn> It's not fair to you, and it prevents the guy from learning how to actually adhere to CCommons
<Zyn> Much obliged.
- Kuhli has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Of note, it looks like the nugget909 guy set up his own version of O5 command, or something of the sort: http://108-council.wikidot.com/
The moderator in the above post was asked about this page: http://108-council.wikidot.com/staff
Kain Pathos Crow is listed as "staff", despite not having membership to either the 108 council or offshoot GOC sites. Nugget909 needs to confirm permission given for Kain's name to be listed, otherwise they're misrepresenting someone's involvement in a site (that, for all we know, they never consented to). It might be a mistaken attempt at attribution, given:
They've also got this info page, without attribution: http://108-council.wikidot.com/about
Also sandbox page, with no attribution: http://goc-sandbox.wikidot.com/
So yeah, before we think about letting them work with the GOC theme, gotta make sure this nugget guy actually licenses properly first.
They've kind of half attributed, and the site's gone a month with no activity. I'm happy declaring this "as resolved as we're going to get it".
Marking it closed.