SCP-2235 has been extensively cooperative in its containment, and as such it has been allowed to make several requests, which may be approved within reason
SCP-2254 is only cooperative in its containment half the time, and as such it can be allowed to make several requests, which may be approved within reason
SCP-2235 is an approximately 40 year old humanoid male of Chinese origin which has undergone drastic physiological augmentations
SCP-2254 is a 16 year old humanoid male of Irish-Italian descent which has undergone drastic physiological augmentations.
These augmentations consist of functional gill-like structures on either side of the neck, webbing surgically attached between the toes and fingers, extensions of nictitating membranes grafted onto the eyes, and several uncatalogued anomalies within the digestive and cardiorespiratory systems
These augmentations consist of functional gill-like structures on either side of the neck, enhanced strength, several uncatalogued anomalies within the digestive and cardiorespiratory systems
Augmentations of SCP-2235's digestive system allow it to survive on a sparse diet consisting mainly of aquatic plants and invertebrates.
Augments of SCP-2254's digestive system allow it to survive on a diet consisting mainly of fruit and carbohydrates.
SCP-2235 was recovered in ███████ Province, Western China, after Foundation contacts within the Chinese government passed along several reports of a “ghost” made by locals near the area in which it was found. This area, formerly a village known as ████████████, had been the location of massively destructive flooding, caused by the Chinese government’s intentional demolition of the ██████████ Dam eighteen days before SCP-2235 came into Foundation custody. SCP-2235 was found in a state of severe fatigue, and upon initial contact with the recovery team was exceedingly aversive and sporadically hostile1, but after having the nature of its containment explained to it, has been very cooperative.
SCP-2254 was recovered in ███████, Western Italy, after Foundation contacts within the Italian government passed along several reports of a “Demon child" made by locals near the area in which it was found. This area, formerly a village known as █████████, had been the location of massively destructive flooding, caused by the Italian government’s demolition of the ██████████ Dam eight weeks before SCP-2254 came into Foundation custody. SCP-2254 was found in a state of severe fatigue, and upon initial contact with the recovery team was exceedingly hostile and sporadically aversive, but after having the nature of its containment explained to it, has been mostly cooperative
Below is a translated transcript of an interview between SCP-2235 and Senior Researcher Gāo, who is fluent in Zhongyuan Mandarin, SCP-2235’s native language. Interview was conducted on 8/17/20██, four days after SCP-2235’s containment.
Below is a transcript of an interview between SCP-2254 and Senior Researcher Breccias, who is the only researcher SCP-2253 will fully cooperate with. Interview was conducted on 8/17/20██, four days after SCP-2254's containment.
At the site of SCP-2235's recovery, agents discovered 74 graves, each approximately 1 meter deep, and marked with stones. After recovery of SCP-2235, these graves were summarily exhumed, and the bodies of 42 women, 4 elderly men, and 28 children were found. Examination of the remains indicated drowning as the cause of death, with the exception of six children whose skulls bore signs of gunshot wounds. These individuals are believed to have died shortly before or simultaneously with the deaths of the others.
At the site of SCP-2254's recovery, agents discovered 90 graves, each approximately 1 meter deep, and marked with stones. After recovery of SCP-2254, these graves were summarily exhumed, and the bodies of 52 women, and 38 children were found. Examination of the remains indicated drowning as the cause of death, with the exception of the children whose skulls bore signs of gunshot wounds. When SCP-2254 overheard this, it became agitated once again, and attempted to breach containment.