10:26 AM <Moenennbys> Other people aren't proud of us
10:26 AM <WestyDude> Flammable_Sam: :/
10:26 AM <Sterbai> DrBleep it is
10:26 AM <WestyDude> Nice one
10:26 AM <Moenennbys> We can have internal pride
10:26 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> glorpman: yeah, everyone should have the right to straight marriage
10:26 AM <&Quikngruvn> Glorp, that's idealistic, but doesn't actually happen in practice.
10:26 AM <Moenennbys> But people go overboard
10:26 AM <ghostpage> Moenennbys, if you don't like pride parades, don't go to them? Let the rest of us have our fun
10:26 AM <DrBleep> Dolphinslugchugger, probably not the best time to be trolling mate
10:27 AM <Moenennbys> I don't
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> i don't like any kind of parade
10:27 AM <Moenennbys> I'm just saying an opinion
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> they're too loud and too full of walking
10:27 AM <WestyDude> I don't like any type of parade either
10:27 AM <WestyDude> Don't see the appeal in them
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> what if we had a parade of whispering and sitting in chairs
10:27 AM <Flammable_Sam> I don't think that everyone should have the right to a religious marriage, in that we'd be forcing the church to go against their teachings, but I definitely support legal marriages for all
10:27 AM <Levi> SpookyBee i'd attend that
10:27 AM <Glorpman> Talking about parades, why are there so many?
10:27 AM <WestyDude> Cause people find enjoyment int hem, Glorpman
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> or even better
10:27 AM <DrBleep> Hey guys, you know what is better than a parade? A hive full of James Bonds acting like Bees! !SCP-2491
10:27 AM <%jarvis> drbleep: SCP-2491: The Bee Who Loved Me (written 11 days ago by DrBleep; rating: +70) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2491
10:27 AM <Moenennbys> My catholic church does gay marriages
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> not talking at all and lying in beds
10:27 AM <Glorpman> WestyDude: Ahhh, alright
10:27 AM <Flammable_Sam> what? i'm reading that RN
10:27 AM <SpookyBee> the most comfortable, sleepy parade
10:28 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: that assumes that religion is heterogeneous
10:28 AM — DrBleep shameless promobile, away
10:28 AM <Flammable_Sam> Moenennbys i know it's generalising, sorry, but eh, look at the headlines around the vote
10:28 AM <Lily> Glorpman: if you mean pride parades, bc up till recently lgbtq people couldn't really exist in public without major backlash, and even now it is still hard
10:28 AM <Levi> anyone wanna look at a draft?
10:28 AM <Glorpman> Lily, no, I meant all parades
10:28 AM <WestyDude> You know what guys, I'm gonna say something here…….
10:28 AM <Flammable_Sam> i'm referring to the kind of neo-fascists who threaten to burn themselves to death if gay marriage is legalised
10:28 AM <Lily> Ah
10:28 AM <Sterbai> Hey, you know what's better than a parade? Giving some feedback on a wip draft called the Stilt Siren
10:28 AM <Sterbai> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/sterbai
10:28 AM → JackIke joined (efiL.dnoceS.A.teG.dluohS.uoY.ailartsuA|eiDuoYfI#efiL.dnoceS.A.teG.dluohS.uoY.ailartsuA|eiDuoYfI)
10:28 AM <Glorpman> Lily, There are a fuckton of them.
10:28 AM <SpookyBee> in Massachusetts, nobody actually gives a fuck about your gender or sexuality
10:28 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: i mean
10:29 AM <JackIke> [X] gon' give it to ya'
10:29 AM <Moenennbys> Well I get that
10:29 AM <Moenennbys> But
10:29 AM <WestyDude> I don't care if your Gay, straight, asexual, male, female, whatever. That's not what makes a person
10:29 AM <Moenennbys> Why do pride parades have to be overly flashy
10:29 AM <SpookyBee> As long as you can drive 40MPH over the speed limit people like you
10:29 AM <ghostpage> Flammable_Sam, it'd be good if they burned alive imo but
10:29 AM <SpookyBee> anything less and you're an asshole
10:29 AM ⇐ Scottisms quit (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:29 AM — DrBleep can't drive
10:29 AM <Flammable_Sam> well no, it'd be absolutely terrible since a human has burned themselves to death
10:29 AM <ghostpage> But a shitty human
10:29 AM <SpookyBee> looks like ur an asshole then
10:29 AM <ghostpage> no great loss
10:29 AM <Lily> Moenennbys: bc we never could at all in the past
10:29 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: they're willing to die for their belief, let them
10:29 AM <Flammable_Sam> they can believe what they want as long as they don't actively harm others AFAIC
10:29 AM <Moenennbys> Your sexuality shouldn't be the way you start a conversation
10:30 AM <Flammable_Sam> no, that's a terrible way of thinking
10:30 AM — JackIke scratches his head
10:30 AM <Glorpman> Lily, in NYC alone there are alot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Parades_in_New_York_City
10:30 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Moenennbys: i mean when dudes try to hit on me
10:30 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> thats exactly how i start the conversation
10:30 AM <ghostpage> Moenennbys, because some of us hold it dearly and just because you don't doesn't mean we all don't
10:30 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> "im gay"
10:30 AM <Flammable_Sam> if I applied that logic to Islamic fundamentalists I know I'd get a shitstorm
10:30 AM <SpookyBee> and now, I'm back to playing KOTOR
10:30 AM <JackIke> Can I ask for the context behind this conversation
10:30 AM <SpookyBee> ping me if anybody needs hugs or kisses
10:30 AM <Flammable_Sam> stress on >fundamentalists< before a shitstorm /does/ happen
10:30 AM <Levi> SpookyBee that's a good game
10:30 AM <DrBleep> Jackike, flee
10:30 AM — Sterbai screams
10:30 AM → Scottisms joined (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:30 AM <Moenennbys> JackIke: gay drawing
10:30 AM <DrBleep> Flee while you can
10:30 AM <ghostpage> Flammable_Sam, homophobes can burn as far as i care lmao
10:30 AM — WestyDude escapes the madness
10:30 AM <Glorpman> Hey Scottisms
10:30 AM <Flammable_Sam> no, we live in a secular society where you can believe what you want
10:31 AM <Flammable_Sam> as long as he isn't harming people
10:31 AM <Flammable_Sam> he can say and do what he wants to
10:31 AM <WestyDude> But yea, I want to talk about something else
10:31 AM <ghostpage> Homophobia harms people
10:31 AM <JackIke> Moenennbys: It went from a gay drawing to burning people alive?
10:31 AM <Lily> Flammable_Sam: yeah if someone says 'I'll set myself on fire if gay people get rights' surely that is more reason for gay rights
10:31 AM <BlackWing> World of Final Fantasy
10:31 AM <JackIke> That sounds like one hell of a train of thought
10:31 AM <Scottisms> hello, I apologize if any of my comments were rude, but let's change the subject
10:31 AM <WestyDude> BlackWing: Can you get any more nerdier. :3
10:31 AM <Moenennbys> Yes
10:31 AM <Flammable_Sam> look, forcing someone to not give their opinion is censorship
10:31 AM <Sterbai> Can we just talk about skips again
10:31 AM <Moenennbys> I dated a homophobic guy once
10:31 AM <Flammable_Sam> free speech is only free when /everyone/ can say what they want to
10:31 AM <Levi> anyone wanna look at a draft?
10:32 AM <WestyDude> Yea, talk about skips, that's a good idea
10:32 AM <Flammable_Sam> yes, let's
10:32 AM <WestyDude> How about !SCP-1009?
10:32 AM <%jarvis> westydude: SCP-1009: The Beautiful World (written 5 years ago by Sophia Light; rating: +100) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1009
10:32 AM <BlackWing> WestyDude: Super Sentai vs Kamen Rider
10:32 AM <WestyDude> That's a pretty cool skip
10:32 AM <Levi> !SCP-2053
10:32 AM <Sterbai> Stilt Siren boios
10:32 AM <%jarvis> levi: SCP-2053: Paternal Rubik's Cube (written 2 years ago by dierubikdie; rating: +290) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2053
10:32 AM <Sterbai> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/sterbai
10:32 AM — DrBleep reaches for the self promo button
10:32 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: no, it's only free when people can't get thrown in prison for it
10:32 AM <ghostpage> Flammable_Sam, telling people they'll kill you for being gay is worse though. Free speech doesn't cover society not ostracizing shitfucks
10:32 AM <WestyDude> SCP-2053 is a gcool one too
10:32 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> speech isn't free in america, and it shouldn't be
10:32 AM <Lily> Flammable_Sam: free speech shouldn't extend to hate speech
10:32 AM <Glorpman> So, does anyone here play Smash 4?
10:32 AM <DrBleep> SCP-2378
10:32 AM <GibberingEloquence> Guys
10:32 AM <%jarvis> drbleep: SCP-2378: Tissue Dome (written 2 months ago by DrBleep; rating: +47) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2378
10:32 AM <WestyDude> Glorpman: I only played the first smash games
10:32 AM → TheRaven joined (nodnol.fo.rewot|nevar.a#nodnol.fo.rewot|nevar.a)
10:32 AM <@AidenEldritch> hi Raven
10:33 AM <WestyDude> Hey raven
10:33 AM <Scottisms> who wants to talk about the space age?
10:33 AM <GibberingEloquence> Can y'all do me a favor
10:33 AM <Glorpman> WestyDude, who you you main??
10:33 AM <Moenennbys> SCP-2684
10:33 AM <%jarvis> moenennbys: SCP-2684: Pax Arabica: Expansion Pack (written 2 days ago by Moenennbys; rating: +5) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2684
10:33 AM <JackIke> True fact: Australia does not actually have one of those thinggumybobs like the First Amendment - ergo, Australia does not actually inherently have freedom of speech/the press
10:33 AM <WestyDude> Scottisms: Like with NASA and that stuff
10:33 AM <Levi> SPACE RACE
10:33 AM → LordStonefish joined (layor.hsif.enots|kcidydniw#layor.hsif.enots|kcidydniw)
10:33 AM <WestyDude> Glorpman: Diddy Kong
10:33 AM <Glorpman> Hey the Raven
10:33 AM <Levi> JackIke neat
10:33 AM <@AidenEldritch> eyy Stonefish
10:33 AM <TheRaven> hi
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> actually threatening to kill someone doesn't fall under free speech
10:33 AM <Glorpman> WestyDude: That's a later game
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> that is the exception
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> the thing is, look at, eh
10:33 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: its speech
10:33 AM <Levi> Flammable_Sam and slander
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> hear me out, look at North Korea
10:33 AM <WestyDude> Glorpman: Fuck, I meant the recent games, not first games
10:33 AM <DrBleep> LordStonefish your -J may pass Bond Bees today
10:33 AM — WestyDude is a dumbo
10:33 AM <JackIke> Flammable_Sam: I wasn't refering to any statements in the conversation
10:33 AM <LordStonefish> Ey eldritch
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> if you told a communist party member that the NK regime is brutal
10:33 AM <Flammable_Sam> as far as he'd care
10:34 AM <JackIke> I was just stating an interesting fact i learnt yesterday
10:34 AM <Flammable_Sam> that'd be hate speech
10:34 AM → Decibelle joined (neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS#neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS)
10:34 AM <Glorpman> WestyDude: Ahhh, I main King Dedede!
10:34 AM <Glorpman> Hey Decibelle
10:34 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> … i am
10:34 AM <Moenennbys> Ugh
10:34 AM <ghostpage> Flammable_Sam, not letting trans people use their bathroom is violent transphobia, but…
10:34 AM <Flammable_Sam> hate speech is subjective, and thus cannot be controlled
10:34 AM <Moenennbys> Hate speech
10:34 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> completely unsure that is how that works, Flammable_Sam
10:34 AM <Scottisms> WestyDude yeah, I'm currently reading October (revolution) Sky
10:34 AM <WestyDude> Hey Decibelle
10:34 AM <LordStonefish> DrBleep: I'm over the moon its my highest article, but I adore Bond Bees
10:34 AM <Levi> hey deci
10:34 AM <Decibelle> hello
10:34 AM ⇐ @Soulless quit (lluks.ruoy.fo.trofmoc.eht.edisni.teg.ot.stn|w#lluks.ruoy.fo.trofmoc.eht.edisni.teg.ot.stn|w) Ping timeout: 181 seconds
10:34 AM <Lily> Flammable_Sam: but. homopobia and transphobia and such /are/ hate speech
10:34 AM <GibberingEloquence> I haven't written anything in months. Can you guys please give writing prompts? Preferably 30 minute ones.
10:34 AM <LordStonefish> Decibelle: thanks for the upvote
10:34 AM <DrBleep> Lordstonefish it's a quality -J to be sure
10:34 AM <Flammable_Sam> no, it doesn't work that way, because frankly we're not free even in the UK where I live
10:34 AM <@AidenEldritch> Flammable_Sam: …what are you trying to say here
10:34 AM <Levi> Decibelle uh, sorry if this might sound rude, but would you mind looking over a draft? its fine if you dont want to
10:34 AM <JackIke> Decibelle: Jus a warning, there's a bit of a potentially iffy LGBTQ-related conversation going on
10:34 AM <Decibelle> Flammable_Sam: youre right that hate speech can not be controlled in the sense that you literally can not make people not say hate speech
10:34 AM <Moenennbys> Hate speech is a stupid concept
10:34 AM <Glorpman> I have played king dedede to the point I can visualize all of his attacks in my mind.
10:34 AM <WestyDude> GibberingEloquence: Uh, write from the heart
10:34 AM <Decibelle> however hate speech is hate speech
10:35 AM <DrBleep> Gibbering, I've got too many ideas so I'll lend you one
10:35 AM <Decibelle> such as transphobia, homophobia, etc etc etc
10:35 AM <Flammable_Sam> I'm saying that people should have the right to believe and say what they want as long as they aren't harming, or threatening to harm others
10:35 AM <Moenennbys> Hate speech is flawed
10:35 AM <DrBleep> Giant mammalian cells that use Bacon instead of DNA for their genetic code
10:35 AM <Decibelle> also correct. hate speech harms others
10:35 AM <WestyDude> Glorpman: Also explains your mainsite profile pic….10:35 AM <Lily> Flammable_Sam: but homophobia and transphobia harms others
10:35 AM <Flammable_Sam> Putting people into prison for saying things like 'I think gay marriage is a sin' is absolutely terrible
10:35 AM <Moenennbys> Because anyone can claim something is hate speech
10:35 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: so would you say that someone coerced to not speak their belief is being denied their free speech
10:35 AM <Moenennbys> Thus it results in tyranny by majority
10:35 AM <Flammable_Sam> Yes, Dolphin.
10:35 AM <ghostpage> Flammable_Sam, here's a comic that will explain it for you: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/free_speech.png
10:35 AM <Moenennbys> While simultaneously limiting freedom
10:35 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: you do realize that's how society gets better, right
10:36 AM <WestyDude> ;_; I just wanna talk about something else
10:36 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Flammable_Sam: just because someone can say something doesn't mean you should give them a platform
10:36 AM <Sterbai> I'm going to dip out until this conversation is over
10:36 AM <Glorpman> WestyDude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rngcxwuxw4
10:36 AM <%jarvis> glorpman: I AM A SUPERSTAR WARRIOR - length 5s - 179↑0↓ - 6,247 views - Hugo Hikari on 2016-08-04
10:36 AM <Moenennbys> Not letting bad things be said makes people forget they were bad
10:36 AM <GibberingEloquence> DrBleep: I'm not talking about skips, I'm talking about simple situations that I can describe in 30 minutes.
10:36 AM <JackIke> WestyDude: Did you know the most recent volcanic activity on the moon happened around 100 million years ago
10:36 AM <Flammable_Sam> okay, in the UK we don't have an amendment
10:36 AM → DreadLindwyrm joined ⇐ &Dr_Kens quit
10:36 AM <Flammable_Sam> where I associate we rely on 'common decency and tolerance for all' but okay
10:36 AM ⇐ Sterbai quit (moc.dnabdaorbyks.2C0E0677-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.dnabdaorbyks.2C0E0677-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:36 AM <Moenennbys> I don't support hate speech laws
10:36 AM <Moenennbys> Controversial, I know
10:36 AM <DrBleep> Oh, nvm
10:36 AM <WestyDude> JackIke: Wait, theres volcanoes on the moon?
10:36 AM <Glorpman> ghostpage: Does Xkcd have a comic for everything?
10:36 AM <Levi> neat
10:37 AM <ghostpage> Glorpman: yes
10:37 AM ⇐ toastedraptor quit (PI.95E7815C.79A2311.952EEA8F|tibbiM#PI.95E7815C.79A2311.952EEA8F|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:37 AM <JackIke> WestyDude: There were at one point, at least
10:37 AM <JackIke> Surprising, isnt it
10:37 AM <Scottisms> Many of my ideas come from this website. I showed it to my lesbian friend and she started a rumor that I'm an actual communist. That's why I act this way. *Warning* some stuff on this satire site might trigger you http://www.thepeoplescube.com/
10:37 AM <&Quikngruvn> The moon is tectonicly dead.
10:37 AM <Moenennbys> Uhhhh
10:37 AM <GibberingEloquence> WestyDude: Guess I'll just write from the heart like you asked.
10:37 AM <Flammable_Sam> if you're saying that having homophobic views should be illegal, then free speech is being infringed
10:37 AM <Moenennbys> What is the significance of her being lesbian
10:37 AM <Flammable_Sam> i mean that's getting close to 1984's thought police
10:37 AM <GibberingEloquence> Starting….now.
10:37 AM <Lily> Scottisms: triggered jokes ain't funny
10:37 AM <DrBleep> So is Mars Quikngruvn
10:37 AM <Moenennbys> What does it have to do with the anecdote
10:37 AM <WestyDude> GibberingEloquence: Like, for real, stick your hand in your chest,a dn write with your heart blood
10:37 AM <WestyDude> That how I write. :P
10:37 AM <BlackWing> Flammable_Sam: There is already some curtailing on what you can and cannot say with "Free Speech"
10:37 AM <Moenennbys> Trigger jokes are kinda funny
10:37 AM <Lux> WestyDude: works for art too!
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> When made appropriately
10:38 AM <DrBleep> Trigger jokes aren't funny
10:38 AM <Lily> Flammable_Sam: what the fuck how is saying "homophobia is wrong" close to "totalitarian dictatorship"
10:38 AM <Decibelle> i dont really tolerate people spouting violent idealogy. one can argue that 'I think gay marriage is a sin' isnt violent idealogy but then again, WBC loved arguing that
10:38 AM <BlackWing> For example: You can't yell "FIRE" in a crowded building
10:38 AM <Lux> tbh i make trigger jokes about myself
10:38 AM <Decibelle> trigger jokes arent funny btw
10:38 AM <&Quikngruvn> Indeed, Bleep. In fact, the only worlds in the Solar System with hot vulcanism are Terra and Io.
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> because when you start saying
10:38 AM <Lux> making fun of myself
10:38 AM <Decibelle> unless you wanna make them about yourself then
10:38 AM nexus.hub.us.synirc.net ⇎ avarice.wa.us.synirc.net ⇐ JaneRand and Aurora quit
10:38 AM <Decibelle> thats not an issue i think
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> They kinda are
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> that people who are homophobic should be criminalised as far as sharing their beliefs
10:38 AM <WestyDude> trigger jokes are not funny
10:38 AM <WestyDude> Not at all
10:38 AM → DrYucatan joined (~lrig.yppup.tcefrep|ybuRJ#lrig.yppup.tcefrep|ybuRJ)
10:38 AM <Lux> because i'm a self deprecating fuck also oh god is the net splitting again
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> Well
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> that is totalitarianism
10:38 AM <DrBleep> Quikngruvn, I think Pluto may have some tectonics going on based on the New Horizons imagery
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> I find them funny in some applications
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> if someone wants to say, eh
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> Also
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> Yeah
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> 'Sam, you're a commie bastard' because I'm a socialist
10:38 AM <Flammable_Sam> then let them
10:38 AM <Moenennbys> Hate speech is still speech
10:38 AM <&Quikngruvn> Oh yeah, I remember that, Bleep.
10:39 AM <Moenennbys> It has the right to exist
10:39 AM <JackIke> something something "Planet 9"
10:39 AM <&Quikngruvn> Can I say something about "free speech"?
10:39 AM <WestyDude> Didn't nasa discover 9 exoplanets the other day?
10:39 AM <Moenennbys> That way we can talk about how awful it is
10:39 AM <Levi> SPACE RACE
10:39 AM <Flammable_Sam> because what people see as offensive is subjective
10:39 AM <JackIke> WestyDude: Yup
10:39 AM <Flammable_Sam> law should be objective
10:39 AM <DrBleep> 7 Westydude
10:39 AM <Decibelle> "Sam, you're a commie bastard" does not have the same social impact and stigma that "You're going to Hell because you're gay, and you are a sin" does
10:39 AM <JackIke> And everyone wants to bail there
10:39 AM <WestyDude> 7, my bad
10:39 AM <Moenennbys> Honestly
10:39 AM <JackIke> but they're lightyears away, damnit
10:39 AM <DrBleep> I gotta run
10:39 AM <Scottisms> Space, space, wanna go to space
10:39 AM <Moenennbys> That shouldn't offend anyone
10:39 AM <DrBleep> switching to mobile
10:39 AM ⇐ DrBleep quit (PI.9F31A411.970433D9.E8B2EC5B|tibbiM#PI.9F31A411.970433D9.E8B2EC5B|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:39 AM <&Quikngruvn> You are free to say what you want, but *not* free from the consequences.
10:40 AM <WestyDude> Quikngruvn: I agree with this
10:40 AM <Moenennbys> Because everyone is going to hell
10:40 AM <Moenennbys> Nobody has ever lived a life without sin
10:40 AM <Glorpman> The Portal gun could make a really good space program
10:40 AM <BlackWing> You all know about Trappist-1, yes?
10:40 AM <Moenennbys> But whatevs
10:40 AM <Levi> JackIke the laws of physics should be broken for the preservation of liberty
10:40 AM <Flammable_Sam> i'm in a dilemma of using a more relevant example at the cost of intense personal embarrassment, or using out of touch examples and preserving my privacy
10:40 AM <Flammable_Sam> i was using 'commie bastard' as a theoretical example
10:40 AM <Moenennbys> Christians be cray cray
10:40 AM <Glorpman> Just make an infinite loop portal and launch it out of the atmosphere.
10:41 AM <JackIke> Levi: Something something "President of the earth outlaws the laws of physics, Rat's Nest ensues"
10:41 AM <Scottisms> Westboro Baptist Church is extremist
10:41 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Moenennbys: except saying "you're going to hell because you're gay" is factually incorrect
10:41 AM <Decibelle> id love a more relevant example that would equal "You're going to Hell because you're gay, and you are a sin", which perpetuates the idea that homophobia is okay and leads to deaths of gay people because the homophobia is so normalized
10:41 AM <Levi> JackIke well, we are all about freedom
10:41 AM <Flammable_Sam> yes, WBC are scumbags, except they have a right to teach what they want to about gay people, as long as they don't harm or threaten to harm gay people
10:41 AM ⇐ tawny quit (won.ksamtsoh.a.sah.ynw|t#won.ksamtsoh.a.sah.ynw|t) Client exited
10:41 AM <Flammable_Sam> saying 'you're going to hell' is a personal belief
10:41 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> they fucking do
10:41 AM <Moenennbys> It doesn't perpetuate the idea that homophobia is gay at all
10:41 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> fucking christ, they do
10:42 AM <Flammable_Sam> yes, that's where they do overstep the line
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> Like
10:42 AM <WestyDude> Hmmmm
10:42 AM <Flammable_Sam> i'm not saying they don't
10:42 AM → tawny joined (won.ksamtsoh.a.sah.ynw|t#won.ksamtsoh.a.sah.ynw|t)
10:42 AM <WestyDude> Bill Nye is still a thing
10:42 AM ⇐ Roth quit (PI.7762B9A2.2B8F3121.824F72D7|tibbiM#PI.7762B9A2.2B8F3121.824F72D7|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> In no way whatsoever does it say homophobia is okay
10:42 AM <WestyDude> :)
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> It just says that that person is crazy and should not be trusted
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> Or an evangelical
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> One of the two
10:42 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> they create an environment in which it is suitable and okay to criticize and damn someone for a facet of their personality which is not inherently evil
10:42 AM <Scottisms> Saying to a friend, I believe that homosexuality is a sin is alright, but protests and riots are too far
10:42 AM <Decibelle> normalization of hatred against minorities leads to violence and harm against said minorities
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> Not reall
10:42 AM <Decibelle> it is indeed a well-researched field
10:42 AM <JackIke> I'm half tempted to visit WBC at some point solely to see what the sermons are like and figure out how they ended up where they are
10:42 AM <Moenennbys> It isn't normalization
10:43 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Moenennbys: it's precisely normalization
10:43 AM → @Silberescher (opped) joined
10:43 AM — @AidenEldritch cracks knuckles
10:43 AM <Moenennbys> Its something that exists
10:43 AM <Flammable_Sam> normalisation of government censorship leads to an attitude of people believing that it's okay to put people in prison for saying things that upset others
10:43 AM <Moenennbys> If it didn't exist
10:43 AM → JaneRand and Aurora joined
10:43 AM <JackIke> AidenEldritch: [Za Warudo]?
10:43 AM Channel mode set to +m by AidenEldritch
10:43 AM <@AidenEldritch> Thank you.
10:43 AM → WrongEnd and ScipperSkipper joined ⇐ Glorpman and Flammable_Sam quit • Lily → LilySleep
10:44 AM <@AidenEldritch> This is going to be a official stop order on the topic of hate speech.
10:45 AM → subtletea joined ↔ Scottisms nipped out
10:45 AM <@AidenEldritch> I think at this point in time it's fair to say that this has become, if not an actively toxic conversation effectively saying that "it's okay to put down other people for things entirely out of their control", then one that's going to be unproductive for all involved, since one side is completely unwilling to listen to the other
10:46 AM ⇐ @Silber quit (aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop#aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop) Ping timeout: 364 seconds
10:46 AM <@AidenEldritch> So I'm going to stop it before it somehow does devolve into something even worse. Thank you.
10:46 AM Channel mode set to -m by AidenEldritch
10:46 AM ⇐ Scottisms quit (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
10:46 AM <JackIke> Now time has begun to move again.
10:46 AM <Moenennbys> I don't see how tho
10:46 AM <Decibelle> im gonna say this just so i can get kicked & warned but its worth it. Moenennbys, Flammable_Sam (who left already lol), go research some history so youre not so fucking wrong every time you speak. id recommend researching the 1930s and 1940s and what happened in germany, if youre so curious about that, to see if thats fucking comparable to "oooh my free speech uwu, free speech of people who
10:46 AM <Decibelle> hate minorities uwu".
10:46 AM <JackIke> (i fucking called that woo hoo)
10:46 AM <Moenennbys> And why is it toxic
10:46 AM <subtletea> …..
10:46 AM <Moenennbys> It was a civil discussion
10:46 AM → @Silber (opped) joined
10:47 AM <JackIke> AidenEldritch: i fookin called that +m jojoke rules
10:47 AM <WestyDude> Anywho, who watched Bill Nye when it was a thing?
10:47 AM <@AidenEldritch> It was a discussion that was clearly making a lot of people uncomfortable, to say nothing of the grievous misunderstanding of "free speech" and the consequences thereof
10:47 AM <subtletea> o/
10:47 AM <Levi> oi subtletea
10:47 AM <@AidenEldritch> but okay, sure
10:47 AM <@AidenEldritch> hi subtletea
10:47 AM <WestyDude> hey tea
10:47 AM <Decibelle> an operator needs to kick/warn me; i intensely violated that stop order
10:47 AM ← Decibelle (neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS#neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS) was kicked by @ProcyonLotor: I agree with ya, but well, hands are kinda tied here
10:47 AM <Moenennbys> It isnt a misunderstanding of free speech
10:47 AM → Decibelle joined (neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS#neeuQ.erocdnirG|sehS)
10:47 AM <Decibelle> figured it wouldnt be fair if i got away with it
10:47 AM <Moenennbys> Its a literal interpretation of it
10:47 AM → Scottisms joined (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:48 AM <Moenennbys> In addition
10:48 AM <Scottisms> thanks man
10:48 AM <tawny> free speech is when I'm feeling generous and don't charge people per word
10:48 AM ← Scottisms (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM) was kicked by @AidenEldritch: This is for the "I laugh at nb people" shitty statement you made earlier. Consider this an official warning
10:48 AM → Quarks-3 and DrBleep joined
10:48 AM <Moenennbys> Its rather ironic that a violation of free speech was required to stop a conversation about free speech
10:48 AM <WestyDude> I thought Bill Nye was kinda cool
10:48 AM <WestyDude> How about everybody else?
10:48 AM → Kath joined (doof.rof|ward.lliw#doof.rof|ward.lliw)
10:48 AM <tawny> that's not a violation of free speech
10:48 AM <Moenennbys> He was a'ight
10:48 AM <tawny> do we have to link the xkcd comic again
10:48 AM <JackIke> WestyDude: I have never actually seen Bill Nye
10:48 AM <WestyDude> Levi: He made learning fun
10:48 AM → Scottisms joined (ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.avlfrn.EEF40F12-CRInys|tibbiM)
10:48 AM <JackIke> Same with Micheal Rosen
10:48 AM <ghostpage> Tawny, https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/O99Q1I6B/
10:48 AM <Kath> I come back to 'bill nye the science guy' Levi you are awesome
10:48 AM <ghostpage> er no oops
10:49 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Moenennbys: this is not the government
10:49 AM <Moenennbys> His show was weird tho
10:49 AM <WestyDude> JackIke: SCP-2702 is basically bill nye
10:49 AM <subtletea> So how about them skips
10:49 AM <Levi> Kath you welcome
10:49 AM <Moenennbys> And
10:49 AM <ghostpage> Tawny, https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/free_speech.png
10:49 AM — Cimmerian wanders back into the channel
10:49 AM <subtletea> hear they're meant to be great this season
10:49 AM <Moenennbys> I expect the right to talk on the internet
10:49 AM <Kath> mmm dem scips doe
10:49 AM <@AidenEldritch> Cimmerian: you might wanna leave soon
10:49 AM ⇐ @Silberescher quit (~PI.BC557B54.C3A66CF4.C45DC8E5|alliztahc#PI.BC557B54.C3A66CF4.C45DC8E5|alliztahc) Operation timed out
10:49 AM <Moenennbys> And not be forced to submit to the beliefs of others
10:49 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Moenennbys: 4chan's always open
10:49 AM — Scottisms tiptoes back onto the channel
10:49 AM <&Quikngruvn> Did we or did we not have a stop order on Types of Speech?
10:49 AM <ghostpage> DolphinSlugchugger, pffffffft
10:49 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> except, oh wait, even 4chan has rules
10:49 AM <Cimmerian> Moenennbys: "On the internet" is kind of a nebulous qualifier.
10:49 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> Quikngruvn: hate speech
10:50 AM — JackIke prepares for the next [The World]
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> Well
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> I was supressed
10:50 AM <BlackWing> ZA WARUDO
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> From expressing my opinion
10:50 AM <Cimmerian> To say that you should have a freedom to say anything anywhere is foolish.
10:50 AM — DrBleep waits for what is coming
10:50 AM <DolphinSlugchugger> okay
10:50 AM <&Quikngruvn> Personally, I hate speech. Can't stand to speak in front of a group.
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> That wasn't in a rude or hateful manner
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> So
10:50 AM <Moenennbys> I don't think it was fair
10:50 AM <Kath> Quikngruvn: same
10:50 AM <Kath> (and I have a speech to make later this week ahaha)
10:51 AM ← Moenennbys (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.185234B8-CRInys|316802diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.185234B8-CRInys|316802diu) was kicked by @ProcyonLotor: a stop order also applies to meta discussion about the stopped conversation