Item Number: SCP-7322
Object Classification: Euclid
Access to SCP-7322's holding chamber is restricted to Level-4 security-clearance personnel and research professionals with proper training for psychological evaluations. Interaction with SCP-7322 is only allowable under Level-4 security-clearance terms, for anomalous behavior analysis and observation of a minor in isolation.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7322's holding chamber must precisely replicate an 11-year-old boy's environment in its design. Monitoring is conducted through an unobtrusive camera system; SCP-7322 is cognizant of observation, but no apparent concern for such is seen with regard to observation. Security provisions in use can prohibit any unauthorized contact, and Level-3 security will monitor SCP-7322 in its chamber at all times. Security protocols and SCP-7322's overall welfare will regularly be evaluated, including provisions for a gaming console, a variety of age-appropriate games, and leisure activity deemed important for SCP-7322's mental state. SCP-7322, under supervision, can, with anomalous and friendly SCP entities, socialize with friendly, anomalous, and childish SCP entities in an attempt to promote social development.
SCP-7322 can escape through use of several multi-clearance security codes, accessible through documents, most of which SCP-7322 cannot understand; any codes understood by SCP-7322 have no direct relation to documented sectors in which SCP-7322 has been seen, nor to current monitored anomalous items.
Given its anomalous capabilities, SCP-7322's directives and orders require careful supervision. Staff working with SCP-7322 must receive training in child psychology and must make certain that SCP-7322 neither infers nor promotes harmful approaches for leveraging its capabilities. All persons working with SCP-7322 must receive thorough background checks in order to verify that no cases of external manipulation taint SCP-7322's operations.
SCP-7322 is an 11-year-old male, whose name is Mah, with high-energy behavior. Mah prefers gaming, friendly conversation, and consumption of "yummi food." Under its seemingly innocent face, SCP-7322 carries a reality-manipulation feature called C.O.D.E (Construct, Override, Decrypt, Execute). By deploying C.O.D.E, SCP-7322 can manipulate fundamental characteristics of items, environments, and even living entities, similar to having an undefined computational environment in which one executes code. SCP-7322's anomalous behavior doesn't have any reality anchorage; therefore, its capabilities are postulated to function at a base level, free from conventional reality stabilizers. Mah himself claims its experiences follow a computer gaming code, not reality's code.
SCP-7322 does not have a predisposition towards destructive behavior and, in its observation period, has not displayed a willingness to use its powers for destructive ends. However, in view of its susceptibility to manipulation, SCP-7322 has been rated Euclid according to tests conducted by Foundation researchers. Under manipulation at the hands of hostile groups, including hostile SCPs, consequences can have disastrous repercussions, such that manipulations can enable actions that can distort reality in a manner not simply correctable through conventional intervention techniques. For instance, when SCP-7322 is manipulated in concert with a reality-altering SCP with malevolent aims, it can cause profound distortions in reality, erasure of important persons in existence, and realignment of security protocols in the Foundation, with considerable potential for containment failures.
In view of its potential for danger in its powers, continuous psychological evaluation and social interaction protocols have been initiated to keep SCP-7322 in a peaceful and cooperative frame of mind. Such evaluations include routine psychological testing, tracking moods, and facilitated dialogue with SCP-7322 in an attempt to build an awareness of its powers, consequences, and its outlook towards them. In addition, additional guided leisure therapy sessions must assess SCP-7322's mental state and reduce sources of anxiety-provoking stimuli. Interaction with SCP-7322 must involve positive reinforcement and attempt to build a secure but pleasurable inner environment for the Foundation.
**Addendum 7322-A: Leisure Requirements**
SCP-7322 has displayed a strong preference for video games. There are, however, concerns about when SCP-7322 runs out of new games to play. Threats of repetitive tedium and lack of mental stimulation can drive SCP-7322 to abuse its C.O.D.E in unproductive avenues in an attempt to fill its free time. In an attempt to counteract such a problem, the Foundation rotates through the games, console, and leisure activity in general in a routine manner. Other monitored leisure activities include board games, reading, and field sports, and include part of an ongoing diversity-promoting scheme.
**Addendum 7322-B: Outdoor Containment Issues**
SCP-7322 has displayed a strong preference for out-of-door leisure, such as taking part in sessions of basketball, and looks for larger open spaces for leisure activity. In contrast to current containment protocols that require SCP-7322 to be kept in its chamber, researchers at the Foundation have argued for experiments under supervision in a securely earmarked out-door environment. Security must closely monitor SCP-7322's behavior in an attempt to stop any unintended use of its powers in such activity.
**Addendum 7322-D: Application of C.O.D.E to Living Things**
SCP-7322 can apply its C.O.D.E to living things, producing an incredibly anomalous and variable level of impact, including changing its genealogy or even full transformation into inanimate matter. Testing with humans is forbidden, with many ethical concerns and implications regarding existence: unregulated transformations in terms of biological structures can cause irreparable mental impairment and loss of consciousness.
**Addendum 7322-E: SCP-7322 As a Military Option**
The prospective use of SCP-7322 in offensive operations has generated widespread discussion in the O5 Council. SCP-7322, however, shows no disposition towards aggressivity and is insusceptible to compliance with any terms, no matter how strong the incentives presented. In case it complies, its native unpredictability and reluctance to follow orders will make it a liability in any competitive environment or encounter. In addition, its susceptibility to coercion at the hands of an external party to use SCP-7322 in hostile actions towards the Foundation cancels out any conceivable positive consequences involved in its use in such capacities.
For example, in case SCP-7322 is forced to fight, and an enemy group manipulates SCP-7322 during such an encounter through "altering the parameters," disastrous consequences can follow: enemies can go unscathed, reality can become warped at will, and SCP-7322 can gain unprecedented mastery over events in progression. In consideration of these factors, SCP-7322 must at all costs be kept out of any conceivable use in martial encounters in any form at all.
**Addendum 7322-F: Interaction with Manipulative SCPs**
Under no circumstances must SCP-7322 have any contact with SCPs with manipulation capabilities, mental manipulation capabilities, or any reality-altering capabilities at all. For instance, in case SCP-7322 comes in contact with SCP-035, a Possessive Mask, its independence can become compromised, allowing its use of C.O.D.E. for destructive ends. SCP-035's actions can include altering containment protocols, converting humans into submissive entities, and reorienting the infrastructure of the Foundation to serve its ends. All such scenarios present grave concerns regarding containment and must at all times with utmost care and dedication be avoided at all costs. Any conceivable contact must actively be avoided in an attempt to prevent possibly irreparable distortions in reality.