Noting that new site member
eatPear (account age 1 day, site membership 23 hours) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple common indicators of AI-generation:
[[module Rate]]
**Item #:** SCP-8384
**Object Class:** Euclid
[[include component:image-block | name=| caption=Photo inside SCP-8384]]
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8384 cannot be contained through traditional ways, as it manifests in various locations worldwide based on verbal descriptions provided by customers. Foundation personnel are tasked with monitoring new instances of SCP-8384. Embedded agents in urban centers with significant culinary tourism are to intercept individuals describing an "unforgettable kebab restaurant" with a chef having their head covered in smoke all the time. All newly documented instances of SCP-8384 must be reported immediately.
Individuals who describe encountering SCP-8384 is to be discreetly debriefed and, if necessary, administered Class-B amnestics to prevent further spread of SCP-8384 to new locations.
SCP-8384 is a shifting kebab restaurant that materializes in many locations worldwide. It manifests only when described in detail by individuals, with its expansion entirely dependent on human interaction. SCP-8384 resembles a traditional Turkish eatery, having ornate decorations, Turkish lanterns, and a rotating döner kebab. Despite its ever changing locations, reports indicate that the restaurant’s interior changes to reflect the historical period in which it manifests—e.g., medieval style decor in the 1700s, modern aesthetics in the 2000s. The menu and chef, however, do not change.
The chef, designated SCP-8384-1, refers to himself as "Hasan." SCP-8384-1 is a humanoid figure dressed in traditional Turkish culinary attire, including an apron and a fez. His face is permanently obscured by thick, swirling smoke that emanates from the kitchen, preventing any visual identification. SCP-8384-1 speaks fluently in the native language of its customers, often greeting them with Turkish phrases like “Afiyet olsun” or “Buyurun, dostum!”, SCP-8384-1 always asks new visitors the question "Where are you coming from?"
SCP-8384 serves only two items: kebab and ayran, both of which are consistently confirmed as halal. The meat served in SCP-8384 is lamb, and the ayran is traditional, with no discernible anomalous ingredients. Despite the standard nature of the ingredients, those who consume SCP-8384’s offerings report exceptional sensory experiences, particularly in taste, accompanied by a profound emotional and nostalgic response.
Once a customer describes a location in detail, SCP-8384 becomes capable of manifesting there at any future time. The manifestation speed varies but can range from a few hours to several weeks. Customers are often unaware of SCP-8384’s anomalous nature, as it typically appears in their hometowns shortly after they describe them.
Meals served by SCP-8384-1 are consistently described as "perfectly suited" to each individual’s tastes, though consumption is linked to reality-altering effects. These effects include heightened nostalgia, vivid memory recall, and overwhelming emotional responses tied to the food consumed. Some subjects report the experience as almost “too perfect”.
SCP-8384-1 does not acknowledge its anomalous nature and appears unaware of surveillance attempts. Photographs and recordings show significant distortion around SCP-8384-1’s face, reinforcing the difficulty in identifying its features.
[[div class="collapse" label="Addendum 8384-1: Interactions withSCP-8384-1"]]
Several interactions with SCP-8384-1 suggest that it is aware of its reliance on human descriptions.
Some statements:
- "I cannot walk paths I do not know. But all roads lead to fire eventually."
- "You think you guide me, dostum? I have always been led by hunger, and hunger follows you all."
- "Every name you give me is a new place to feed. Tell me more, and I will tell you who you are."
Historical references to a similar entity, known as "The Eternal Grillmaster" or "The Wandering Kebab House," can be found in various cultures. Ancient Anatolian manuscripts describe a figure named Hasan Efendi, a kebab vendor who served both sultans and travelers alike. Although no records of such a person exist outside these texts.
[[div class="collapse" label="Addendum 8384-2: Manifestation and Deception"]]
SCP-8384’s manifestation is not purely based on physical descriptions; it is also affected by the emotional or symbolic significance of the locations described. Attempts to deceive SCP-8384-1 by describing fictitious or impossible locations (e.g., "the center of the sun") have resulted in unpredictable consequences. In one case, SCP-8384 manifested in a remote Anatolian village, despite no clear geographical or cultural connection to the description provided. Local residents of the village later reported that they had "always known" of the kebab house.
**Test Logs:**
[[div class="collapse" label="Test 8283-01"]]
**Subject:** D-8432
**Procedure:** Subject instructed to enter SCP-8384 and consume a meal. Noted any unusual observations.
**Results:** Subject experienced intense nostalgia after consuming the kebab, recalling childhood memories in vivid detail, including events they had never consciously remembered. Despite having no recollection of their life prior to being assigned as D-class, the subject seemed to experience memories as if they were their own, even though they could not logically have access to them. The ayran caused a sensation of calm and clarity. No immediate health effects were observed, though the subject described feeling deeply connected to their memories.
**Notes:** The effects appear to be psychological, with SCP-8384 potentially unlocking memories that were thought to be completely erased, or perhaps even memories that do not belong to the subject.
[[div class="collapse" label="Test 8384-02"]]
**Subject:** Agent █████
**Procedure:** Subject attempted to describe an entirely fictional location to SCP-8384-1.
**Results:** SCP-8384 failed to manifest in the described location, instead appearing in a remote Anatolian village. Local residents had "always known" of the kebab house.
**Notes:** SCP-8384 cannot manifest in locations without historical or cultural precedent.
[[div class="collapse" label="Test 8384-03"]]
**Subject:** D-9923
**Procedure:** Subject consumed SCP-XXXX’s kebab and was placed in an MRI scanner to observe any neurological effects.
**Results:** Significant activation observed in the hippocampus and amygdala, suggesting heightened memory recall and emotional processing. The subject reported a deep sense of "belonging" but could not articulate why.
**Notes:** Further investigation is required to understand the cognitive effects induced by SCP-8384’s food.
[[div class="collapse" label="Test 8384-04"]]
**Subject:** Dr. ██████
**Procedure:** High-speed camera and thermal imaging were used in an attempt to capture SCP-8384-1’s face.
**Results:** All images displayed only swirling smoke. Thermal imaging showed a humanoid heat signature, but details were obscured.
**Notes:** SCP-8384-1’s facial obfuscation appears to be a fundamental aspect of its anomalous nature.
**Laboratory Analysis:**
A sample of the kebab and ayran served by SCP-8384 was subjected to extensive laboratory testing. The results are as follows:
- **Meat Composition:** Identified as lamb, conforming to halal dietary standards. No genetic anomalies detected.
- **Ayran Composition:** Traditional yogurt-based drink containing water, salt, and bacterial cultures consistent with non-anomalous ayran.
- **pH Levels:**
- Kebab: 5.8 (slightly acidic, within expected range for grilled meat)
- Ayran: 4.3 (consistent with lactic acid fermentation)
- **Chemical Additives:** No artificial preservatives, flavor enhancers, or non-food substances detected.
- **Anomalous Properties:** Despite no detected alterations in composition, test subjects report significantly heightened sensory experience and emotional response after consumption. Further testing required.
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Excerpts of note:
[[div class="collapse" label="Addendum 8384-2: Manifestation and Deception"]]
SCP-8384’s manifestation is not purely based on physical descriptions; it is also affected by the emotional or symbolic significance of the locations described. Attempts to deceive SCP-8384-1 by describing fictitious or impossible locations (e.g., "the center of the sun") have resulted in unpredictable consequences. In one case, SCP-8384 manifested in a remote Anatolian village, despite no clear geographical or cultural connection to the description provided. Local residents of the village later reported that they had "always known" of the kebab house.
Laboratory Analysis:
A sample of the kebab and ayran served by SCP-8384 was subjected to extensive laboratory testing. The results are as follows:
- Meat Composition: Identified as lamb, conforming to halal dietary standards. No genetic anomalies detected.
- Ayran Composition: Traditional yogurt-based drink containing water, salt, and bacterial cultures consistent with non-anomalous ayran.
- pH Levels:
- Kebab: 5.8 (slightly acidic, within expected range for grilled meat)
- Ayran: 4.3 (consistent with lactic acid fermentation)
- Chemical Additives: No artificial preservatives, flavor enhancers, or non-food substances detected.
- Anomalous Properties: Despite no detected alterations in composition, test subjects report significantly heightened sensory experience and emotional response after consumption. Further testing required.
Of note, the page was first posted with SCP-XXXX placeholders, then later changed to 8383, and then again corrected to 8384. User has no forum comments, and their only sandbox history is creating the article fully formed:
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat supporting.