Noting that Crim77 (account age 544 days) recently received a membership revoke for posting a now-deleted AI-generated page:
Retained excerpts of note:
Its body consists of an amalgamation of human and animal bones, fused together in a seemingly organic yet unnatural manner. Despite lacking musculature, SCP-4971 moves with alarming speed and precision, exhibiting behavior that suggests both intelligence and malice.
Theoretical Analysis: SCP-4971’s origins remain unclear, though its composition and behaviors suggest it is an amalgam of the remains of individuals who suffered violent or unjust deaths. Some researchers hypothesize that SCP-4971 is an anomalous manifestation of unresolved trauma tied to burial practices or improper interment.
Current Status: SCP-4971 remains under heavy surveillance within Site-19. Efforts are ongoing to develop a more permanent containment solution or a method of neutralization. Further testing with alternative containment materials and anomalous countermeasures is underway.
Note the discrepancy between page url and in-article numerical designation. User has no forum posts, no edit history, no sandbox.
nico revoked, Kufat sent PM, afto and Queerious supporting.