Noting that it was brought to staff attention that
Professor Kltpzyxm (account age 3 days, site membership 2 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has a few possible indicators of AI-generation:
**Item #:** SCP-8912
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8912 is to be contained within a soundproof meter-by-meter glass cube welded to an oak wood table, which itself is attached to the ceiling of its cell. The entity must be kept at least 23.5 meters (77 feet) from any form of paper or paper-derived materials such as books, files, etc (See Addendum 1.1). A radio is to be kept in the corner of the cell, playing the song "Hit the Road, Jack" backwards, as said melody soothes SCP-8912 and relieves it of its mischievous tendencies.
**Description:** SCP-8912 is a 20cm by 20cm square sheet of white printer paper containing a single green humanoid cartoon character, referred to as SCP-8912-A, drawn on with wax crayons. The character itself is a green elf-like creature with long and pointy ears, a purple tophat and a purple tie, as well as other similarly colored accessories with a inverted light-shadow color scheme. The most unusual aspect of its design that first associated it to its anomalous effects is a "Rewind" symbol etched to its face rather than a regular cartoon facial expression. After a few days of its discovery, SCP-8912-A began showing signs of movement and eventually human-level intelligence and speech, albeit the latter being reversed.
The main anomalous property of SCP-8912-A is its effects on reality around it. SCP-8912-A has the anomalous ability to warp reality in a restricted manner, seemingly only able to "invert" the physical properties of things it "sees", even with its lack of eyes. Such "invertions" include, but are not limited to: Inverting gravity in a confined space, inverting an object's color, size or even its functionality entirely, such as inverting a marshmellow to be able to cut like a butcher knife.
The most extreme uses of these abilities are SCP-8912-A being able to invert all forms of written physical texts within a range of 23.5 meters (77 feet) around it (See Addendum). Computer texts/programs are unaffected by the entity's reality-warping, making it mandatory that all files written on it are to be made in laptops or desktops. The extent of SCP-8912-A's reality-warping is not yet known, though it shows no real intent on leaving the facility, but rather just playing "harmless" pranks on researchers studying it by inverting gravity in its cell or inverting the researchers's appearances (i.e genderbending, among other things). It is unknown how dangerous SCP-8912-A could become if it were to breach containment or decide to take revenge on the Foundation for its capture.
A secondary ability of SCP-8912-A, discovered just a week after containment, is that it's seemingly capable of instantaneously disappearing from its original square paper and manifesting inside any other form of paper-adjacent material, such as tissues, files, paper towels, napkins, etc (See Addendum 1.1). This behaviour seems to be a form of restrictive teleportation, as SCP-8912 is not capable of accessing any non-paper surface or any paper surface outside the range of 23.5 meters (77 feet). Once inside said new paper-derived surface, its reality warping abilities do not cease or weaken, making containment breaches severe threats to the Foundation's
Subject is mostly playful and mischievious, most likely a trait passed on by its creator, and likes to play word games with researchers or personnel that come to visit or experiment on it. However, SCP-8912-A can occasionally lose his temper when losing a game or with more general intense frustrations and throw tantrums, which in most cases causes severe reality distortion within its cell or multiple cells, which has caused a total of three (3) Foundation-wide security breaches.
Despite its full human-level intellect, all forms of communication to and from SCP-8912-A must be made in reverse speech or writing, most likely a result of the entity using its abilities on itself at some point in the past. It refuses to elaborate on the subject further.
The subject seems rather fond of classical or jazz music, although only songs played backwards due to its distaste and even hatred towards regular music. Its favorite song seems to be "Hit the Road, Jack", which it thoughtfully nicknamed "slegna rouf fo gnos A".
**Discovery:** SCP-8912 was first discovered when a 32-year-old woman named Martha [REDACTED] reported that half a dozen children's toys were seemingly floating above a neighboring house in [DATA EXPUNGED], Mongolia. After Foundation staff entered the house, it was discovered that the residence belonged to a family who passed away in 3/10/[DATA EXPUNGED] in an armed robbery of a local convenience store. The anomalous effects seemed to originate from a child's room in the house's second floor, which had been radically altered to contain toys with unnatural complementary colors, distorted bending of light and shadows, dozens of pieces of furniture floating and attached to the ceiling, among other forms of strange "backwards" behavior.
Upon arrival, it was quickly discovered that the child resident of said room was a seven-year-old boy named Momo [REDACTED], who had tens of poorly made withered sketches and drawings scattered around his room, mostly of fictional fantasy creatures. One of which, SCP-8912, was seemingly unaffected by these changes, leading Foundation staff to believe it had been the cause of the room's strange otherworldly properties. It showed no signs of sentience or restraint against containment in a lead box and transportation to the Foundation for further experimentation.
**Addendum:** Researcher Xeni unintentionally brought multiple files of SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] to 8912's cell, causing it to scramble and invert all the text and information obtained in said files, refusing to correct its "prank" afterwards, which caused major intellectual loss to the Foundation. Staff are no longer allowed to show SCP-8912-A any written or verbal format of information regarding other anomalies to avoid a potential containment breach or cognitohazard formation.
**Addendum 1.1:** SCP-8912-A has recently breached containment by teleporting onto a tissue being used by Researcher [REDACTED] within its zone of influence. Two guards have since then stood outside the zone's parameters to inspect any personnel or Foundation staff walking by 8912's cell to avoid the entrance of paper-derived materials.
**Notes on behaviour:**
SCP-8912-A will often try to interact with Foundation staff regarding its creator, most of said interactions causing profound disappointment and grief once the subject is reminded or made aware of his demise. Subject could go up to a few hours in its dormant state after said conversations, more analysis required.
Excerpts of note:
The extent of SCP-8912-A's reality-warping is not yet known, though it shows no real intent on leaving the facility, but rather just playing "harmless" pranks on researchers studying it by inverting gravity in its cell or inverting the researchers's appearances (i.e genderbending, among other things). It is unknown how dangerous SCP-8912-A could become if it were to breach containment or decide to take revenge on the Foundation for its capture.
This behaviour seems to be a form of restrictive teleportation, as SCP-8912 is not capable of accessing any non-paper surface or any paper surface outside the range of 23.5 meters (77 feet). Once inside said new paper-derived surface, its reality warping abilities do not cease or weaken, making containment breaches severe threats to the Foundation's
Notes on behaviour:
SCP-8912-A will often try to interact with Foundation staff regarding its creator, most of said interactions causing profound disappointment and grief once the subject is reminded or made aware of his demise. Subject could go up to a few hours in its dormant state after said conversations, more analysis required.
User has no sandbox page, and their only edits are to the mainsite page, including multiple phrasing changes (e.g., "inverted" to "reversed", "Its main design quirk" to "The most unusual aspect of its design") in two revisions, typo corrections, and page title changes ("Kltpzyxm! See? I knew it wouldn't work twi- (poof)" to "Momo? He's AdLeIaVdE").
The user has one forum comment:
As the creator of SCP-8912, I most sincerely apologize for the lack of quality in my SCP's conception. I did my research on how to write a good SCP entry article by analyzing guides and other SCP entries. This is my first attempt at creating an anomaly and wanted to make it a powerful yet silly guy as opposed to some more violent or gruesome entities. If you could give me advice as to how to write better SCPs in the future, it'd be much appreciated. I would just like to state the article did have effort behind it and I apologize if it isn't all that good.
No action taken as of now.