Since ratifying the Studies Policy, some points have been brought up about improvements that can be made to it. Of note that several of these suggestions came from Pedagon, who I appreciate looking over our policy after it was approved by staff, though I wrote up this O5 thread.
For changes which modify how a study is conducted, the changes will apply retroactively (meaning currently-running studies will need to comply with the new policy).
Wording Changes
Change this clause to the following one:
Any student wishing to conduct a study on any of our official platforms
Anyone wishing to conduct a study for academic purposes on any of our official platforms that includes an element of interaction with users or posting of recruitment materials
Change this clause to the following one:
A clear illustration of what information on users will be gathered, and how it will be used.
A brief/clear description of what or how information on users may be gathered/collected, and what the current plans are for how it will be used.
Change this clause to the following one:
A clear statement that all information collected for the purposes of the study will be publicly available.
A clear statement of recognition that all information collected for the purposes of the study will be publicly available on all recruitment materials (or an equivalent statement of the actual plans if they can be guaranteed).
Change this clause to the following one:
A clear illustration of risks and or benefits associated with participating. For example, how are you helping advance a study subject's understanding of or engagement with the community?
A clear illustration of benefits, risks, and how risks will be minimized in the study. For example, how are you helping advance a study subject's understanding of, or engagement with, the community?
Change this clause to the following one:
A clear definition of the tools being used to carry out research. This is essentially to filter out unsafe platforms such as Google Forms.
A clear definition of the tools being used during research participation. This is essentially to filter out unsafe platforms such as Google Forms.
Research Account
Change this clause to the following one:
The research project must get its own account, to distinguish from any personal use of the wiki participating researcher(s) are engaged in.
Researchers must engage through the use of a designated account with limitation of actions it can take, to distinguish from any personal use of the wiki participating researcher(s) are engaged in. Research accounts may be made per study or per researcher upon consultation with site staff.
"Academic Student [name]"
This should be "AcademicStudent[name]" due to length constraints. After getting feedback from Pedagon, I think "Academic [name]" (with or without the space in the middle) would be better here, since not all studies would be done by students.
We should add a clause about account tracking on staff's end:
Staff shall record all approved research accounts on the Sockpuppet List in the section titled "Research Accounts". This will contain the research accont, the user's main account (if any), and the date of administrative approval.
We should add clauses regarding account deletion and profile pictures:
4. The research account must have an appropriate and non-default profile picture set.
5. The research account may not be deleted or renamed after the study is complete, to be able to serve as a historical reference.
This discussion will continue for one week. O4: