Noting that new site member
YongChernWrites (account age 3 days, site membership 23 hours) recently coldposted the following page, which has some indicators of AI-generation:
[[module Rate]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8165
|clearance= 3
|container-class= safe
|secondary-class= none
|disruption-class= dark
|risk-class= notice
**Item #:** SCP-8165
**Object Class:** Safe
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8165, aka “Nerf Battle” is to be kept in a spacious, reinforced gun case that measures 1 meter in length, 0.3 meter in width, and 0.5 meter in height. The gun case is to be always stored in a standard locker.
**Description:** SCP-8165 appears to be a red E6473 Nerf Mega Motostryke 1 toy blaster, which looks like the commercially available toy. However, when the anomaly is loaded with foam darts, it automatically converts them to SCP-8165-A, real ammunition loaded with standard gunpowder corresponding to real-life firearms.
After the dart is transformed to SCP-8165-A, the red foam coating is gone. The rubber head is transformed into a random metallic material and reshaped into a hollow point according to the bullet's caliber.
**• Automatic Caliber Switching:**
When SCP-8165 is fired, the caliber of SCP-8165-A is determined by the size, mass, and material of the object the user is aiming at. The caliber will not be bigger than the regular foam dart (19 mm). The speed, range, accuracy, and mass of SCP-8165-A are also identical to the caliber of the regular available ammunition.
**• Origin:**
SCP-8165 was found in a suburban home in ████, Germany on 28, December, 20██ after reports of a toy gun led to injuries after use. Foundation agents secured the anomaly and administered amnesty to witnesses.
**Addendum 8165-1**
Experiment Log:
**Test 1:**
//Date:// 12, January, 20██
//Personnel in Charge:// Dr. █████
//Target:// Ballistic Dummy
//Result:// A SCP-8165-A with a caliber of 7.62x51mm NATO was fired and hit the dummy. The projectile was made using pure Tungsten.
**Test 2:**
//Date:// 20, February, 20██
//Personnel in Charge:// Dr. ██████
//Target:// Wild Hare
//Result:// A SCP-8165-A with a caliber of .22 LR was fired and killed the hare. The projectile was made using pure Vanadium.
**Test 3:**
//Date:// 28, February, 20██
//Personnel in Charge:// Dr. ████
//Target:// 51mm Steel Plate
//Result:// A SCP-8165-A with a caliber of .50 BMG was fired and failed to penetrate the target. The projectile was made using pure Iron.
**Test 4:**
//Date:// 3, March, 20██
//Personnel in Charge:// Dr. ██████
//Target:// 10 Sparrows
//Result:// A SCP-8165-A identical to a 12-gauge birdshot was fired and hit 3 sparrows. The projectile was made using pure Zinc.
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Excerpts of note:
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8165, aka “Nerf Battle” is to be kept in a spacious, reinforced gun case that measures 1 meter in length, 0.3 meter in width, and 0.5 meter in height. The gun case is to be always stored in a standard locker.
• Automatic Caliber Switching:
When SCP-8165 is fired, the caliber of SCP-8165-A is determined by the size, mass, and material of the object the user is aiming at. The caliber will not be bigger than the regular foam dart (19 mm). The speed, range, accuracy, and mass of SCP-8165-A are also identical to the caliber of the regular available ammunition.
• Origin:
SCP-8165 was found in a suburban home in ████, Germany on 28, December, 20██ after reports of a toy gun led to injuries after use. Foundation agents secured the anomaly and administered amnesty to witnesses.
User has no forum history, no sandbox history, and their site history contains multiple edits struggling with the standard article format (their initial page was "Special Containing Procedures", they changed the object class multiple times, they added an extra title heading to the page, they attempted multiple times to add a rating module (the module is currently on the left side of the page)).