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| caption=Inside SCP-XXXX
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++ **Special Containment Procedures:**
The immediate area surrounding SCP-XXXX has been condemned and a 500-meter perimeter has been established surrounding the building to prevent unauthorized access. A volunteer from the Corporation's Temporal Anomalies Division should monitor the closed circuit camera systems at all hours of the day in case of intruders.
Direct access to SCP-XXXX is prohibited unless specifically authorized for research purposes, and all personnel are to undergo extensive psychological screening before entry.
Anyone entering or exiting SCP-XXXX should never take any level of mnestics after exiting.[[footnote]] See Experiment Log SCP-XXXX-02: Psychological Effects of Extended Exposure to Temporal Stasis[[/footnote]]
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++ **Description:**
SCP-XXXX appears to be a standard Social Security Administration building located in Kingsport, Massachusetts with no discernible physical anomalies when observed from the outside. However, once an individual crosses the threshold of the building, they enter a separate, self-contained pocket dimension in which time passes differently from Earth, and external influences have no effect.
This anomalous pocket dimension appears to function as an isolated space with unique temporal laws. Inside, time effectively "stops." Biological processes, including aging and the passage of time, cease entirely within the building, and the outside world does not influence the interior environment in any way. This effect extends to everything inside the building—objects, structures, and individuals remain in a perpetual state of suspended time, unaffected by the world outside the building’s walls.
Clocks, watches, and other devices that measure time do not function correctly inside, and individuals will not appear to age while inside. As such, extended stays inside SCP-XXXX allow individuals to remain in an ageless state, with their perception of time remaining entirely suspended.
The inside of SCP-XXXX is similar to a non-anomalous American bureaucratic building. There are 30[[footnote]]as of █ /█/1992[[/footnote]] worn blue metal chairs, potted plants, a wall clock[[footnote]]Unmoving, clearly caused by SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties.[[/footnote]] assorted magazines, and 22 windows protected by glass.
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SCP-XXXX is inhabited by humanoid entities (designated SCP-XXXX-1) that exhibit repetitive behaviors. These entities appear human in nature but seem to have no awareness of the anomalous properties within. Their activities revolve around performing mundane, bureaucratic tasks, often interacting with obsolete technology or filling out endless forms. They seem to exist in an eternal cycle, unaware of any external reality. SCP-XXXX-1 instances do not show hostility to individuals who enter the building but display signs of limited interaction and communication. Most encounters with SCP-XXXX-1 entities result in repetitive responses about "the process," "███████" or "the system," though the meaning of these statements remains unclear.
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| caption=Seating in SCP-XXXX
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Humans within SCP-XXXX are cut off from our reality entirely, they cannot be seen through the windows of the building, radio signals cannot breach the walls, and any communication between realities appears to be fruitless. There are no difficulties with exiting SCP-XXXX, however, upon leaving, the external world may have passed significantly more time than the individual experienced, leading to extreme disorientation or psychological trauma. Some individuals report feeling as though they are "trapped" within an unchanging moment when they leave, while others have difficulty reconciling the outside world with their altered perception of time.
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**To:** data-administrator@SCPcorp.net
**From:** CSSEER@SCPcorp.net
**Subject:** Preservation of SCP Documents and Resources in SCP-XXXX
**Date:** 4/30/1998
As the Corporation continues to assess potential threats of global magnitude, we must consider the implications of a Class XK "End of the World" scenario. Should such an event unfold, it is vital that we safeguard the knowledge, resources, and documentation critical to the survival of the Corporation, the protection of anomalous entities, and the potential rebuilding of global society. In light of this, I propose the utilization of SCP-XXXX, a facility that remains unaffected by the passage of time, as a secure and self-sustaining repository for critical SCP documents, materials, and personnel.
SCP-XXXX’s unique temporal properties present an unparalleled opportunity for long-term preservation, making it a candidate worthy of consideration as a bunker in which essential Corporation resources could be securely stored during a global crisis.
In the event of a global catastrophe, such as a nuclear war, biological pandemic, or other existential threat, SCP-XXXX offers unparalleled protection from the ravages of the outside world. Because no external forces can affect the interior of the building—whether they be biological, environmental, or even temporal—SCP-XXXX offers a secure environment in which vital information and resources can be preserved completely isolated from the deteriorating conditions outside.
Prolonged exposure to SCP-XXXX’s temporal stasis could lead to severe psychological disorientation. Individuals may experience a sense of being trapped in an unchanging moment, potentially leading to psychological distress or a loss of identity. To mitigate this risk, only those personnel with the highest psychological resilience should be selected for assignment to SCP-XXXX. Regular psychological evaluations and support measures will be necessary to maintain the mental health of those involved in long-term stays.
In light of the temporal stasis, isolation from external threats, and long-term preservation potential offered by SCP-XXXX, I propose that we begin preparations to utilize SCP-XXXX as a secure facility for the preservation of SCP documents, materials, and personnel in the event of a Class XK end-of-world scenario. While certain risks, particularly psychological and spatial limitations, must be carefully managed, the building’s unique properties present a compelling case for its use as a long-term repository and refuge during global catastrophes.
The preservation of our knowledge, resources, and personnel within SCP-XXXX could prove vital for the future of the Corporation—and humanity—should the worst occur.
Dr. Seer, Senior Researcher
Temporal Anomalies Division
@@ @@
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**To:** drSEER@SCP.net (Dr. Seer, Senior Researcher, Temporal Anomalies Division)
**From:** data-administrator@SCP.net
**Subject:** Re: Preservation of SCP Documents and Resources in SCP-XXXX
**Date:** 5/13/1998
Dr. Seer,
Thank you for your detailed proposal regarding the potential use of SCP-XXXX for the preservation of critical SCP documents and resources. The concept is intriguing, and we will give it due consideration as part of our ongoing strategic planning.
We will follow up with further discussions once a comprehensive assessment of the risks and logistics has been conducted.
Best regards,
Dr. Alexia
Data Administrator, SCP Corporation
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[[tab Addendum-XXXX-a]]
+++ //Experiment Log SCP-XXXX-A: Effects on Organic Matter//
**Date: 6/12/1998**
**Researcher: Dr. Seer**
**Subject: Organic matter (plant life) placed inside SCP-XXXX**
++++ Procedure:
A sample of various plant species (rose, fern, and oak sapling) was placed in a room within SCP-XXXX, with one plant of each species kept outside the facility for comparison. All plants were regularly watered and monitored for health and growth over the span of two weeks before being placed into SCP-XXXX.
++++ Results:
Plants inside SCP-XXXX exhibited no significant changes after the first few days.
At the one-week mark, plants inside SCP-XXXX appeared to cease growth entirely, despite adequate moisture and light sources. The leaves of the plants began to show no further signs of decay or growth, though the plants remained "alive" in their current state.
After two weeks, there was no noticeable change in size or health, meanwhile, the plants outside SCP-XXXX began to wilt with lack of water.
++++ Conclusion:
SCP-XXXX seems to prevent the natural processes of aging or growth, even in organic matter. The plants within the facility exhibit a state of stasis, and the passage of time seems irrelevant to their biological functions. Further testing is required with a broader range of organic materials.
[[tab Addendum-XXXX-B:]]
+++ //Experiment Log SCP-XXXX-B: Psychological Effects of Extended Exposure to Temporal Stasis//
**Date: 8/10/1998**
**Researcher: Dr. K Greene**
**Subject: Human test subjects (4 C-Class personnel)**
++++ **Procedure:**
A group of four volunteers from Site-█ (psychologically assessed and deemed fit for long-term testing) was assigned to remain within SCP-XXXX for a period of 30 days. They were given routine tasks similar to those they had previously completed at Site-█ (filing, office work, etc.) and were instructed to record events within on a regular basis.
++++ **Results:**
Day 5: All test subjects recorded mild discomfort from the monotony of the environment and a sense of “losing track of time.”
Day 10: Test subjects began to show signs of irritability and frustration. They described feeling depressed, exhausted, and unable to mentally track time or external events.
Day 11: Subjects attempt to log their days, however they log much more time than occurred in reality.
Day 15: Subject 1 began exhibiting hallucinations of the outside world. Subject 2 reported an overwhelming sense of déjà vu, claiming to have experienced the same day multiple times.
Day 20: Subject 3 began engaging in repetitive behaviors (e.g., endlessly organizing papers) and muttering about "completion of tasks." Subject 4 became highly anxious, unable to understand the absence of external time cues, and left the building.
Day 30: Dr Greene entered the building to recover the test subjects and they exited to be interviewed.
++++ **Psychological analysis:**
Subject 1:
Stated they "couldn’t remember anything before entering the facility." Reunion with family led to confusion and anger. Prescribed class-W mnestics to aid memory.[[footnote]]leading to death by seizure soon after first dose[[/footnote]]
Subject 2:
Similar experience to subject 1, mnestics not Prescribed, returned to work after a few days of rest. Others have commented on her detachment and cold personnel.
Subject 3:
Lost in SCP-XXXX, recovery missions denied. Subject 2 theorizes he "became one of them." she has refused to elaborate on this.
Subject 4:
Subject 4's notes were recovered by Dr. Greene, they recorded their plans to exit but were never seen leaving on any of the site's CCTV cameras. Their location is currently unknown.
++++ **Conclusion:**
This experiment has proven that SCP-XXXX’s temporal stasis cannot only halt physical aging but also cause severe psychological destabilization. Given the profound effects observed, it is recommended that any future testing involving human subjects be carefully monitored and kept to a minimal exposure duration. Further exploration into the behavior of lost subjects within the building, as well as possible means of extraction, is a priority.
[[tab Addendum-XXXX-C]]
+++ Addendum-XXXX-C
Plans for converting SCP-XXXX into an SCP corporation satellite site have been canceled due to concerns about temporal destabilization. Further research should be halted immediately.
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