“The Illusionist”
Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-XXXX instances must be securely housed in a locked containment container, with no hand scanners present in or around the area. Access requires a keycard, and the containment chamber should feature one-way windows for observation. Personnel with a clearance level below 3 are strictly prohibited from entering the containment area. At all times, a minimum of two guards must be stationed outside the SCP-XXXX containment chamber. Additionally, no more than one SCP-XXXX-3 instance is permitted within a single facility. To maintain effective containment and prevent breaches, SCP-XXXX instances should be fed one D-class personnel every week.
Description: SCP-XXXX refers to any individual that has been infected by an SCP-XXXX instance. Once infected, the individual is designated SCP-XXXX-3 and will appear to resume normal duties, masking any indication of the infection. However, upon the detection of a suitable host or when the SCP-XXXX-3 instance becomes hungry, it will develop an overwhelming compulsion to attack the person. During the attack, the SCP-XXXX-3 instances exhibit a preference for keeping the victim alive while consuming all internal organs, including vital ones, leading to the victim's eventual flatlining. A few hours after death, the victim will reanimate as an SCP-XXXX-3 instance, regardless of the extent of bodily damage. The newly transformed instance will appear, feel, and behave like a typical human; however, their internal organs will be absent. Detection of SCP-XXXX-3 instances can be achieved by scanning or examining open sections of the body—if the examination reveals a lack of internal structure yet the individual still functions normally, the "person" is confirmed to be an SCP-XXXX-3 instance.
SCP-XXXX is a highly adaptive entity capable of changing its form based on its consumption, presenting a unique challenge for containment. This shapeshifting ability allows it to assume the likeness of scientists, enabling access to biometric scanners within its vicinity. In the event of a containment breach, direct aggression only augments SCP-XXXX's strength, while its feeding habits allow it to heal from injuries. Consequently, when wounded, it instinctively retreats to a secure location, where it can mimic the appearance of an injured individual to lure in unsuspecting victims.
There are two primary instances of SCP-XXXX known to the Foundation, excluding additional SCP-XXXX-3 variants. The first, designated SCP-XXXX-1, is known as "The Lieutenant." She is regarded as the leader among the SCP-XXXX instances. The second instance, referred to as SCP-XXXX-2, is known as "The Evader." Notably resilient, she has endured direct hits from .50 caliber rounds to both her head and chest. To temporarily incapacitate her and gain time for escape, one must target her legs. Aptly named, The Evader has consistently eluded capture by SCP Foundation personnel and various external operatives. Both instances frequently disguise themselves as law enforcement officers, increasing their ability to ensnare victims without detection. If their true identities are jeopardized, they can swiftly shift forms, making it exceedingly difficult to discern whether one is interacting with their genuine self or a mimicry of someone they have consumed.
I have two appendixes drawn up as well, and I will place them below for review as well.
Subject: Capture of SCP-XXXX-1 “The Lieutenant”
Involved Agents: Kenya Shaw, Level 4 Agent; Michael Golding, Level 3 Agent
Unit: MTF Force Iota-10 “Damn Feds”
Report: On August 17, 2018, SCP-XXXX-1 was apprehended at a State Police station in Arizona. The operation began when an officer at the front desk interacted with Agents Shaw and Golding before moving into the security room. Upon exiting, the officer was followed by a group of additional officers, who appeared to be departing for patrol. During this exchange, SCP-XXXX-1 subtly reached for her service weapon.
Almost immediately, the apparent police officers opened fire on the agents, indicating they had been placed in a controlled state. Once the situation was stabilized, the officers were scanned for SCP-XXXX-3 instances, and those identified as such were terminated. The remaining officers underwent amnestic treatment and were subsequently released back to the station.
Agents Shaw and Golding initially discovered SCP-XXXX-1 during a routine investigation of the police department from April 10 to June 17, 2017, which ultimately led them to the state police station located in lower Arizona. Below is a transcript of the body camera footage from the recovery operation, with extraneous content omitted.
Body Camera Transcript
The footage shows Agents Shaw and Golding driving past various buildings before arriving at the police station.
Kenya: Do you think our hunch was correct? This officer could be up to something.
Michael: Seriously? We saw her devouring an officer, and then that same officer appeared back at the station later. This is real!
Kenya: There are a lot of officers here; we need to tread carefully.
Michael: Eh, I'm not overly worried. Less chance of breaking containment.
The agents approach the main desk and engage with SCP-XXXX-1.
SCP-XXXX-1: Well, hello there! I don’t believe I’ve met you two before. What are your names?
Michael: I'm Michael, and this is Kenya.
SCP-XXXX-1: Great! Let me check our records. Just one moment, please.
SCP-XXXX-1 stands and walks to a door leading to what appears to be a security office.
Michael (whispering): What do you think she’s doing in there?
Kenya (whispering): No idea. She could be accessing their database or up to something entirely different.
SCP-XXXX-1 returns from the room, glancing at the two agents as several officers navigate past them, waving goodbye as they exit.
SCP-XXXX-1: Apologies, but I can't seem to find you in my records. Which department do you work for?
Michael: Oh, sorry! We work for the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department. We're here for a routine check-up.
The body camera captures SCP-XXXX-1 placing her hand on her service pistol, prompting a sudden barrage of gunfire from the surrounding officers, striking the agents.
Agents Kenya and Michael quickly duck for cover behind a door, then crawl into an enclosed shooting range.
Kenya (on radio): Requesting backup from MTF units on standby. We have been compromised!
In the chaos, the agents retaliate, returning fire on the officers while trying to avoid lethal force, but the cameras soon fail, rendering the feed inoperable.
Subject: Attempted Capture of SCP-XXXX-2 “The Evader”
Combined Forces: Nu-7 “Hammer Down,” PI-1 “City Slickers,” Iota-10 “Damn Feds”
Report: A coordinated operation involving MTF units Nu-7, PI-1, and Iota-10 was launched to apprehend the entity now designated SCP-XXXX-2, known as “The Evader.” Agents from Iota-10 positioned themselves around the perimeter, disguising themselves as police officers to minimize suspicion.
Simultaneously, Nu-7 and PI-1 operators conducted an assault on SCP-XXXX-2’s residence using police BearCats provided by Iota-10. As they approached the entrance of the fortified structure, floodlights suddenly illuminated the area, catching the teams off-guard. Despite the surprise, they quickly kicked the door open and moved inside, but found no trace of SCP-XXXX-2 either within the house or in the surrounding vicinity.
In the course of their search, Nu-7 operators discovered a network of tunnels that SCP-XXXX-2 likely used to evade capture. However, as the team began to navigate these tunnels, sections started sealing off, effectively isolating parts of their unit. The mission was temporarily halted to focus on the safe extraction of all team members.
Meanwhile, Iota-10 scrambled police helicopters to conduct an aerial search for SCP-XXXX-2. After an hour of intense effort, a sizable hole was cut to provide an escape route for Nu-7 operatives.
End Log