Noting that
Lestatic7 (account age 413 days, site membership 412 days) recently posted the following AI-generated forum threads: "A cunning, faceless deity from another dimension, this SCP manipulates vulnerable minds to create monstrous entities for its control, aiming to destabilize dimensions through an unstoppable army, while its touch sends anything it contacts into oblivion."
Seeking Greenlights: Yes
Page Type: SCP Article
Elevator Pitch: A cunning, faceless deity from another dimension, this SCP manipulates vulnerable minds to create monstrous entities for its control, aiming to destabilize dimensions through an unstoppable army, while its touch sends anything it contacts into oblivion.
Central Narrative: The article introduces the Alternate, a faceless, pitch-black deity from another dimension, whose touch banishes anything it contacts into a void-like realm, rendering it incapable of direct interaction with the physical world. To compensate, it manipulates weak-minded individuals, offering them an "escape from life" in exchange for creating monstrous entities, which it commands to spread chaos and destruction. Through extensive research into this SCP's influence and dimension-crossing experiments, the SCP Foundation uncovered an alternate reality completely consumed by the deity's creations—an endless wasteland overrun by beasts that tore apart its fabric of reality, leaving nothing but void and desolation. This discovery confirmed the deity's endgame: to repeat this devastation in other dimensions, including their own. Recognizing the existential threat, the Foundation prioritized neutralizing the Alternate and dismantling its growing cult before their dimension meets the same fate. "A grotesque, self-reassembling mass of flesh and bone, the SCP manipulates atmospheric pressure to contort and annihilate anything within 10 meters, defying containment without specialized materials."
Seeking Greenlights: Yes
Page Type: SCP Article
Elevator Pitch: A grotesque, self-reassembling mass of flesh and bone, the SCP manipulates atmospheric pressure to contort and annihilate anything within 10 meters, defying containment without specialized materials.
Central Narrative: The article begins by detailing a horrifying anomaly: a mass of flesh and bone that can regenerate from any damage and contorts living beings within a 10-meter radius, killing them through extreme atmospheric pressure fluctuations. It is revealed through the backstory that the entity was once Nick Reece, a man consumed by guilt and rage after murdering his family in a drunken stupor, who then fell into the hands of a manipulative cult. The cult, later designated as its own SCP, is led by a deity-like figure with no facial features, pitch-black skin, and the ability to banish anything he touches to another random dimension. This entity exploits weak-minded individuals, promising an escape from life in exchange for creating monstrous "beasts" that it can control without physically touching them. The Sinuous is noted to possess an unusually high level of intelligence compared to the other creations of the cult, offering a potential lead in tracking down the deity and its operations.
Excerpts of note:
Central Narrative: The article introduces the Alternate, a faceless, pitch-black deity from another dimension, whose touch banishes anything it contacts into a void-like realm, rendering it incapable of direct interaction with the physical world. To compensate, it manipulates weak-minded individuals, offering them an "escape from life" in exchange for creating monstrous entities, which it commands to spread chaos and destruction.
Central Narrative: The article begins by detailing a horrifying anomaly: a mass of flesh and bone that can regenerate from any damage and contorts living beings within a 10-meter radius, killing them through extreme atmospheric pressure fluctuations.
Compare with the author's previous forum post from 4 days ago:
Backstory: There was a cult (Which worship's another SCP) that did a sacrifice where they hung a random victim and beat him with a bat till he died, then they chopped him up with an axe shoved his body into a barrel and pored and unknown substance into the barrel. Dr. Dorian is the one who studies the SCP. The reason the MTF got involved was because a farmer reported chanting and a fire off of his property. When the MTF arrived they split into 3 groups, Team one found a line of fire blocking a path to the woods then the 2nd team stayed back and radioed. The third team found a way past the fire and then found a barn. 10 meters away from the barn was an empty open barrel with candles and a unknown symbol around it. Then they heard weird noises from the barn, so they investigated more and saw a weird figure in the corner. They shined the lights on it and it looks like a mass of white flesh pieces with random blood coming out with an uncanny face. When one MTF approached the creature he started contorting against his will until he was unrecognizable due to contortion. The creature started running towards the MTF they shot him down to pieces on the ground but he rebuilt himself and kept running till every MTF was brutally killed. Meanwhile the other teams heard everything on the walkie and evacuated the farmer till they could figure out how to contain it. Dr. Dorian figured out how to contain it. You have to use SCP-022-J put into SCP-314 on the very fine setting and make the containment out of it. They picked up the SCP from helicopter using a box out of that metal. Dr. Dorian has a hypothesis that the SCP alters the air pressure within 10 feet of it which causes contortion. Don't really want to give away the story for the cult just yet.
Backstory: There was a cult (Which worship's another SCP) that did a sacrifice where they hung a random victim and beat him with a bat till he died, then they chopped him up with an axe shoved his body into a barrel and pored and unknown substance into the barrel. Dr. Dorian is the one who studies the SCP. The reason the MTF got involved was because a farmer reported chanting and a fire off of his property.
Additionally, the user's sandboxes contain indicators of AI-generation, particularly:
Closing Statement: SCP-XXXX remains resistant and appears skeptical of the Foundation's explanation. Further psychological assessments and collaborative efforts are deemed necessary for a comprehensive understanding of SCP-XXXX's anomalous abilities and potential risk mitigation.
Membership revoked, PM sent.