Noting that
SomePlayz (account age 204 days) recently coldposted the following page, which contains multiple indicators of AI-generation:
Of note, they also appended the following tags, most of which are not used by the SCP wiki: auditory, scp, scp-8452, sound, the-whispering-sands, distortions, euclid, mid-affecting, suicide User's only mainsite edits are to change the bolding on the (improperly added) anomaly nickname at the top of the page, adding then removing the rating module, adding a theme and a licensebox, and renaming the page (originally used a = instead of hyphen).
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:black-highlighter-theme]]
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:jakstyle]]
[[module Rate]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8452
|clearance= 4
|container-class= euclid
|secondary-class= none
|disruption-class= vlam
|risk-class= danger
**SCP-8452:** The Whispering Sands
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8452 is located in a remote, heavily guarded desert region in [Location Redacted]. Access to the site is restricted to Level 4 personnel with prior approval. A perimeter fence, electrified at 10,000 volts, surrounds the containment area. Personnel are forbidden from entering SCP-8452 without prior authorization and the mandatory use of noise-canceling headphones and full-spectrum hearing protection. Audio recording devices within a 5-kilometer radius of SCP-8452 are to be confiscated and destroyed immediately.
**Description:** SCP-8452 designates a 10-kilometer-wide expanse of shifting sand dunes exhibiting anomalous acoustic properties. Within the confines of this desolate expanse, any sound, regardless of its initial volume, undergoes an exponential amplification. A whispered word becomes a deafening roar, a gentle footstep transforms into a thunderous boom. This amplification effect appears to originate from within the sand itself, as sounds produced outside SCP-8452 remain unaffected.
The amplified sounds within SCP-8452 are not merely louder; they are distorted and fragmented, often becoming a cacophony of unintelligible shrieks, whispers, and guttural growls. This constant barrage of amplified, distorted noise has a profound and devastating psychological impact on personnel. Paranoia, anxiety, and in some cases, temporary insanity, are common symptoms. Prolonged exposure to the auditory assault within SCP-8452 can lead to permanent auditory hallucinations and severe cognitive impairment.
* **Test 1:** A standard-issue military-grade loudspeaker was positioned within SCP-8452 and activated. The resulting cacophony was so intense that it triggered a localized sandstorm and minor seismic activity.
* **Test 2:** A D-Class personnel, instructed to speak within SCP-8452, experienced an immediate and fatal amplification of their own voice. The resulting sonic overpressure caused severe internal injuries and cardiac arrest.
* **Test 3:** A drone equipped with noise-canceling microphones was deployed over SCP-8452. Analysis of the recorded audio, despite the noise-canceling measures, revealed patterns of what appear to be ancient, non-human languages, though deciphering them remains an ongoing challenge.
* The origin of SCP-8452's anomalous acoustic properties remains shrouded in mystery.
* Unconfirmed reports suggest similar phenomena may occur in other desert regions across the globe.
* Research into developing sound-dampening technologies for use within SCP-8452 is currently underway, though progress has been slow and fraught with difficulties.
**Dr. ██████'s Field Report:**
"The sand screams. That's the only way I can describe it. Even with the best noise-canceling equipment, you can feel the vibrations in your bones. It's like being inside a giant, resonating drum, and the drum itself is trying to shatter your eardrums. I only spent a few minutes within SCP-8452 before I had to be extracted. My ears are still ringing, and I keep hearing echoes of… things. Voices, maybe? I don't know. They were ancient, guttural sounds, like the cries of lost souls trapped within the sand. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone. SCP-8452 is not just a place, it's a torment."
[[div class="footer-wikiwalk-nav"]]
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[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box]]
> **Filename:**
> **Name:** (if different from filename)
> **Author:**
> **License:**
> **Source Link:**
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box-end]]
Excerpts of note:
The amplified sounds within SCP-8452 are not merely louder; they are distorted and fragmented, often becoming a cacophony of unintelligible shrieks, whispers, and guttural growls. This constant barrage of amplified, distorted noise has a profound and devastating psychological impact on personnel. Paranoia, anxiety, and in some cases, temporary insanity, are common symptoms.
Personnel are forbidden from entering SCP-8452 without prior authorization and the mandatory use of noise-canceling headphones and full-spectrum hearing protection. Audio recording devices within a 5-kilometer radius of SCP-8452 are to be confiscated and destroyed immediately.
Research into developing sound-dampening technologies for use within SCP-8452 is currently underway, though progress has been slow and fraught with difficulties.
Compare with the user's sandbox history: per staff report, "Some grammar and capitalization oddities in their sandboxes that aren't present in the article. Also note Commonwealth metres in the sandbox vs. US meters in the article posted"
- The objects abilities are limited to a radius of roughly 12 metres.
- Until complete breakdown, SCP-8205 must be kept in a standard anomalous object containment vault at site-83; with periods of supervised check-ups every couple of days.
- Any public knowledge of SCP-XXXX must be tracked and erased, People with knowledge of SCP-XXXX must be given Class-B Amnestics.
- Any attempt to remove SCP-8545 from SCP-8545-1 will also result in the organism involved; dead and SCP 8545 will levitate back to SCP-8545-1.
Additionally, the user's sole forum comment (which did not follow forum guidelines):
recently I posted an Annamolly on the wiki and I'm getting a bunch of downvotes, and I don't know why, please help
The entity is SCP-8205 here is the link:
please read and give me critique, it would help a lot :)
nico revoked the user's membership yesterday. Queerious and Kufat supported.