Noting for records-keeping that new site member joshnoronha (account age and site membership 2 days) recently coldposted the following page:
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: holy balls its keter
Special Containment Procedures: There is nothing we can do.
Description: This SCP doesn't actually have an SCP number. SCP's are defined by an unusual anomaly, and this fits perfectly in that description. Instead of the generic number an SCP would have. SCP-Xxxx has four (4) X's. 1 (one) of them being capital, and three (three) of them being lowercase. This most definitely does not follow the set standard for SCPs, and therefore is one itself.
They also added the tags joke, meme, scp-of-an-scp-classification-for-scps, and somehow-a-real-scp. Upon the page receiving downvotes, they posted the comments:
pelase dont delete my account or something because of this. i am making an actual good scp and really wanna publish it. I will take it down if it really is that bad or if a admin wants me to. (self reply)
this was mostly because i am sleep deprived and bored