Noting that
DrSharptooth (account age and site membership 2 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple common indicators of AI-generation:
[[Module rate]]
**Item #:** SCP-8757
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8757 is to be stored in a secure, climate-controlled containment locker at Site-██. Access to SCP-8757 is restricted to Level 4 personnel and above. Any testing involving SCP-8757 must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel and conducted in an isolated, reinforced testing chamber.
**Description:** SCP-8757 is a brand of macaroni and cheese labeled "Cheesy Delight." The packaging appears to be a standard box of macaroni and cheese, with no distinguishing features that would indicate its anomalous properties. However, when SCP-8757 is prepared and consumed, it triggers a series of events leading to an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.
Upon consumption of SCP-8757, individuals (hereafter referred to as SCP-8757-1) experience an intense craving for more of the product. This craving becomes uncontrollable within 24 hours, leading SCP-8757-1 to seek out and consume any available macaroni and cheese, regardless of brand. As SCP-8757-1 continues to consume macaroni and cheese, they begin to exhibit signs of severe malnutrition and dehydration, despite the caloric intake.
Within 72 hours of initial consumption, SCP-8757-1 will begin to exhibit aggressive behavior, attacking anyone who attempts to interfere with their consumption of macaroni and cheese. This aggression escalates rapidly, resulting in violent confrontations and widespread chaos. SCP-8757-1 will also attempt to spread SCP-8757 to others, often by force-feeding them the product. Additionally, SCP-8757-1 instances possess the anomalous ability to produce boxes of SCP-8757 from cupboards or pantries, even if SCP-8757 was not originally present in the location. This seemingly limitless supply exacerbates the situation.
When SCP-8757-1 enters a warehouse, everything stored within transforms into SCP-8757. Similarly, when SCP-8757-1 enters a supermarket, all the macaroni and cheese in the store transforms into SCP-8767.
During the act of force-feeding others SCP-8757, SCP-8757-1 will engage in a cordial conversation with the individual, as if they are sharing a meal together. SCP-8757-1 will behave as if they have known the person they are feeding for a long time, often adopting familial roles such as acting like the person's parents or children.
As the number of SCP-8757-1 instances increases, the global supply of macaroni and cheese becomes depleted. This leads to widespread panic and societal collapse as individuals fight over remaining supplies. Governments and organizations are unable to contain the spread of SCP-8757-1, resulting in the breakdown of social order and the eventual collapse of civilization.
**Containment Breach Incident Report: SCP-8757 and SCP-7175**
**Date:** January 12, 2025
**Location:** [REDACTED], Wyoming
At approximately 14:00 MST, a containment breach involving SCP-8757 and SCP-7175 resulted in a large-scale containment failure, necessitating the isolation of [REDACTED], a small town in Wyoming. The breach was caused by a combination of factors, including the testing of SCP-7175 and the unintentional transport of SCP-8757 out of the facility by a Foundation scientist.
**Incident Details:**
14:00 MST:
- SCP-7175, (a pair of jean shorts that induces a series of unlucky events around the wearer without their awareness), was undergoing testing in Lab 7B. Dr. Carter, who was conducting the tests, had documented several minor mishaps throughout the day, including equipment malfunctions and accidental spills.
14:15 MST:
- During the transport of SCP-8757-1 (Subject D-8457) from Containment Cell 4A to the medical wing for routine examination, SCP-8757-1 exhibited heightened agitation. Unbeknownst to the transport team, a Foundation scientist in the vicinity was carrying a box of macaroni and cheese in their bag, which subsequently transformed into SCP-8757.
14:20 MST:
- The scientist, unaware of the transformation, left the facility at the end of their shift and took the box of SCP-8757 home.
18:00 MST:
- The scientist prepared and consumed SCP-8757 at home. Within 24 hours, the scientist (now designated SCP-8757-1) experienced an intense craving for more macaroni and cheese and began displaying signs of the SCP-8757 infection.
20:00 MST (next day):
- SCP-8757-1, driven by an uncontrollable craving, sought out and consumed all available macaroni and cheese in their home, producing additional boxes of SCP-8757 from their pantry. The scientist's behavior became increasingly aggressive, leading to violent confrontations with family members.
22:00 MST:
- SCP-8757-1 force-fed SCP-8757 to their family members, transforming them into additional SCP-8757-1 instances. These new instances began exhibiting the same compulsive behavior and aggression.
00:00 MST:
- The spread of SCP-8757-1 instances reached critical levels, with the infection spreading to neighbors and other residents. Panic ensued as individuals fought over the remaining supplies of macaroni and cheese.
01:00 MST:
- Recognizing the severity of the breach, Site Director [REDACTED] initiated Protocol Omega-7, leading to the immediate quarantine and containment of [REDACTED], Wyoming. MTF Zeta-15 ("Cheese Graters") was deployed to the location to enforce quarantine measures and prevent further spread of SCP-8757-1 instances.
**Current Status:**
- As of this report, the entire town of [REDACTED] remains under quarantine. MTF Zeta-15 is coordinating with local authorities to manage the situation and prevent the spread of SCP-8757. All individuals within the quarantine zone are undergoing screening for SCP-8757 infection, and efforts are underway to contain and neutralize SCP-8757-1 instances.
- Immediate review and enhancement of containment protocols for SCP-8757.
- Implementation of stricter regulations on the transport of SCP-8757-1 and monitoring of personnel for potential SCP-8757 contamination.
- --Further study of the interaction between SCP-8757 and SCP-7175 to prevent similar incidents in the future.--
- Transportation of SCP-7175 to a different facility.
**End of Report**
Excerpts of note:
As the number of SCP-8757-1 instances increases, the global supply of macaroni and cheese becomes depleted. This leads to widespread panic and societal collapse as individuals fight over remaining supplies. Governments and organizations are unable to contain the spread of SCP-8757-1, resulting in the breakdown of social order and the eventual collapse of civilization.
Current Status:
- As of this report, the entire town of [REDACTED] remains under quarantine. MTF Zeta-15 is coordinating with local authorities to manage the situation and prevent the spread of SCP-8757. All individuals within the quarantine zone are undergoing screening for SCP-8757 infection, and efforts are underway to contain and neutralize SCP-8757-1 instances.
- Immediate review and enhancement of containment protocols for SCP-8757.
- Implementation of stricter regulations on the transport of SCP-8757-1 and monitoring of personnel for potential SCP-8757 contamination.
- Further study of the interaction between SCP-8757 and SCP-7175 to prevent similar incidents in the future.
- Transportation of SCP-7175 to a different facility.
End of Report
User has no sandbox history and no forum posts. They have two edits, one to upload an image, and the other to add a strikethrough to one bullet point line.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat and Queerious supporting.