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MrDias (account age 604 days) recently coldposted three pages, all of which have clear indicators of AI-generation:
10 Jan 2025 - 08:37:30
Item #: SCP-7532
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-7532, commonly referred to as “Huldra,” is to be contained in a secure humanoid chamber at Site-██. This room should resemble a tranquil forest space, complete with vegetation, wooden structures, and as much natural lighting as feasible. Surveillance is mandatory at all times.
A daily ration of fresh fruit, vegetables, and water must be provided. Personnel with Level 2 clearance (or higher) are permitted contact, but any such interactions must be monitored by both medical and security staff. At any indication of heightened stress or hostile behavior, all attending personnel should exit the chamber and notify security. Tranquilizers may be administered if the situation escalates, though minimizing harm to SCP-7532 remains a priority.
SCP-7532 takes the form of a Scandinavian woman with a concealed prehensile tail, which it typically hides beneath its clothing. This entity is strongly associated with forest settings and figures prominently in numerous Scandinavian folktales.
It exhibits several remarkable abilities, notably a strong bond with plant life; observers have witnessed SCP-7532 creating illusions of lush woodland scenes within its chamber, seemingly to soothe itself and others in its presence. Additionally, it can alter its appearance to appear especially appealing or comforting to humans.
Records show that SCP-7532 generally behaves in a gentle or even helpful manner, especially in situations reminiscent of historical accounts involving charcoal burners. Many of those accounts emphasize that SCP-7532 might accept small offerings or meals in exchange for its benevolence.
Stories about its origin vary. One narrative claims a lineage stretching back to Lilith, implying SCP-7532 descends from hidden offspring following Lilith’s exile. Another tale positions SCP-7532 within the story of Adam and Eve, depicting it as one of the children Eve concealed from divine perception. Numerous Scandinavian place-names appear to reference this being, suggesting a cultural significance that calls for deeper exploration.
Addendum 7532-1: Incident Report
On [REDACTED], during a routine session, SCP-7532 unexpectedly became violent, causing serious damage to its surroundings. Security personnel intervened quickly, administering sedatives and returning SCP-7532 to its containment area with no lasting injuries reported among staff.
A subsequent review determined that SCP-7532 had been exposed to an item (now designated SCP-███) believed responsible for prompting its sudden aggression. This item has since been secured, and stricter protocols have been instituted to prevent further incidents of this nature.
Addendum 7532-2: Research Opportunities
Thanks to its unique traits and deep ties to folklore, researchers are encouraged to propose further studies aimed at uncovering more about SCP-7532’s origins and cultural impact. Investigations into the scope of its influence on plant life, as well as potential connections with local legends and place-names, are of particular interest. All proposals must receive approval from Site-██ administration, and any authorized research endeavors must adhere to established safety and ethical protocols to protect both personnel and SCP-7532.
Excerpts of note:
It exhibits several remarkable abilities, notably a strong bond with plant life; observers have witnessed SCP-7532 creating illusions of lush woodland scenes within its chamber, seemingly to soothe itself and others in its presence. Additionally, it can alter its appearance to appear especially appealing or comforting to humans.
Addendum 7532-2: Research Opportunities
Thanks to its unique traits and deep ties to folklore, researchers are encouraged to propose further studies aimed at uncovering more about SCP-7532’s origins and cultural impact. Investigations into the scope of its influence on plant life, as well as potential connections with local legends and place-names, are of particular interest. All proposals must receive approval from Site-██ administration, and any authorized research endeavors must adhere to established safety and ethical protocols to protect both personnel and SCP-7532.
10 Jan 2025 - 08:48:13
Item #: Scp 7561
Object Class: Euclid
Containment Overview
Scp 7561 is housed within a freshwater enclosure with a minimum diameter of 30 meters. The walls are reinforced to withstand significant pressure and resist potential breaches. This containment area requires 24-hour camera surveillance, and any unusual activity must be immediately reported to the site director.
Only personnel holding Level 3 clearance or higher may access the enclosure. Direct contact with Scp 7561 is permitted solely under strict supervision, and any individual entering the water must wear a tethered safety harness. Continuous visual monitoring of Scp 7561 is mandatory throughout all interactions to minimize the risk of sudden hostile behavior.
Scp 7561 typically appears as a large, white horse. This form functions as a deceptive lure, especially to children who attempt to ride it. Once mounted, the victim cannot dismount, and Scp 7561 proceeds toward the nearest body of water to fully submerge itself along with its rider. The rider invariably drowns, and Scp 7561 subsequently drains the individual’s life force, leaving only a bloated corpse.
Its modus operandi closely resembles that of malign water spirits chronicled in folklore—examples include the Celtic Kelpie or the Swedish Bäckahäst. Unlike conventional legends, however, Scp 7561 exhibits pronounced intelligence and calculated tactics, suggesting that it possesses a keen awareness of its environment and possible containment methods. Additionally, Scp 7561’s regenerative abilities make it highly resilient to damage, adding further complexity to containment efforts.
Addendum 7561-01: Breach Report
On [DATE REDACTED], Scp 7561 breached containment during routine maintenance. In the resulting incident, it displayed aggressive behavior, successfully luring and drowning two Class-D personnel prior to the arrival of containment teams. Following this breach, containment procedures were revised to include the use of tethered harnesses for all staff entering the enclosure.
Interview Log 7561-01
Interview Conducted By: Dr. ███████
Subject: Scp 7561
Location: Primary Aquatic Containment Chamber
(Dr. ███████ enters the observation platform, which extends partially over the enclosure’s waterline. Two security officers stand by the entrance, armed with tranquilizer rifles. The water in the chamber ripples softly as Scp 7561 surfaces, its equine form partially illuminated by overhead lights. A subtle mist hovers above the water.)
Dr. ███████ (clearing throat): Scp 7561, can you hear me?
Scp 7561 (voice resonating as though echoing through an underwater cavern): I hear you clearly, Doctor. You believe me confined within these barriers, yet the depths remain mine alone.
Dr. ███████: Then you’re aware we’ve established these measures to ensure you can’t harm anyone. Do you understand why we do this?
Scp 7561: (soft snort, water splashing) I am not blind to your intentions. You strive to protect your own. But neither locks nor chains have true power over what was birthed by the currents.
Dr. ███████: You’ve been responsible for numerous fatalities, often luring victims—especially children. I want you to explain, in your own words, why you feel compelled to do this.
Scp 7561: (the entity’s muzzle dips beneath the surface, then rises again) It is my calling. The naive climb onto my back, seeking companionship or thrill. Once they do, they belong to the depths. Their energy becomes a part of me, and their bodies float lifelessly away.
Dr. ███████: Were you ever anything other than this predatory existence? Do you recall a time when you weren’t tied to drowning your victims?
Scp 7561 (hesitates, water dripping from its mane): My memories flow like a river: layered, unceasing. I have always been a presence in the waters, coaxing the curious to take that fateful ride. If I lived otherwise, it has long been lost to those same waters.
Dr. ███████: We have collected folklore referencing creatures much like you—Kelpies, Bäckahästar, and other water horses. Are you claiming to be the origin of these stories?
Scp 7561: Humans name what they cannot tame. The stories are echoes of me and my kind. Warnings to stay away from the shore, to mistrust a lone horse by a quiet lake. You twist these tales to frighten children. Yet, they still come. They always do.
Dr. ███████: Some legends suggest there could be methods to bind or banish entities like you—using iron, magical wards, or other means. Have you encountered attempts like these?
Scp 7561: (a low laugh resonates) I’ve seen mortals wave talismans in the dark, chant words of power, fashion chains of iron. Sometimes those acts delay me, but only for a while. Water erodes metal, rust creeps in, and time reduces spells to whispers. I remain.
Dr. ███████: That implies you see no end to this cycle of hunting and feeding. Is there truly nothing that could convince you to stop claiming lives?
Scp 7561: If I cease, I perish. I draw life from the drowned, from the fear and the final breath. It is the current that sustains me, the pull beneath the surface.
Dr. ███████: You show no remorse, then. Even after the updated containment procedures and witnessing the aftermath of what you do?
Scp 7561: (voice hardens) Remorse is a human word. I serve my nature, and the water does not apologize for its tides.
Dr. ███████: Understood. We will continue these interviews as part of our research. Is there anything else you wish to communicate before we conclude?
Scp 7561: One day, these walls will fail. The water always finds a path. Remember that when you gaze upon your still pools, Doctor.
Dr. ███████: We’ll keep that in mind.
(Dr. ███████ gives a nod to the security officers, who remain watchful as Scp 7561 submerges, its pale form disappearing beneath the surface.)
Note: Scp 7561 continues to exhibit predatory behavior and a complete lack of remorse for its actions. Updated safety protocols remain in place, requiring tethered harnesses, continuous surveillance, and immediate incident reporting procedures. All personnel are advised to maintain heightened vigilance and strictly adhere to directives when accessing or observing Scp 7561.
Excerpts of note:
Its modus operandi closely resembles that of malign water spirits chronicled in folklore—examples include the Celtic Kelpie or the Swedish Bäckahäst. Unlike conventional legends, however, Scp 7561 exhibits pronounced intelligence and calculated tactics, suggesting that it possesses a keen awareness of its environment and possible containment methods. Additionally, Scp 7561’s regenerative abilities make it highly resilient to damage, adding further complexity to containment efforts.
Note: Scp 7561 continues to exhibit predatory behavior and a complete lack of remorse for its actions. Updated safety protocols remain in place, requiring tethered harnesses, continuous surveillance, and immediate incident reporting procedures. All personnel are advised to maintain heightened vigilance and strictly adhere to directives when accessing or observing Scp 7561.
10 Jan 2025 - 09:00:57
Item #: Scp 7563
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures
Scp 7563 is housed in a dedicated aquatic chamber at Site-██. This enclosure should feature materials resistant to water damage, as well as integrated filtration systems to maintain water quality at all times. Entry to this area requires Level 3 clearance and must be supervised by at least two authorized personnel.
Inside the chamber, the environment should mimic a natural freshwater setting, complete with a small waterfall, a simulated riverbed, and vegetation typical of Scp 7563’s known habitat. A selection of stringed instruments—most notably, a violin and a Hardanger fiddle—should also be kept on hand for Scp 7563’s use. The water for this enclosure must be gathered from local rivers or lakes and replaced on a consistent schedule to ensure freshness.
Personnel entering the enclosure are required to wear waterproof suits and suitable ear protection, as Scp 7563’s music has the potential to induce a hypnotic effect. Monitoring devices, including auditory dampeners, must be tested regularly to ensure they are ready to be activated in the event of a heightened musical episode.
Designated as Scp 7563, this entity appears to be a humanoid aquatic figure reminiscent of Scandinavian folklore. It exhibits a male form, featuring long hair, a flowing beard, and occasionally wears a makeshift hat fashioned from leaves or riverine flora. Notably, Scp 7563 demonstrates remarkable musical talent, particularly with bowed string instruments such as the violin and the Hardanger fiddle.
Scp 7563 typically resides in freshwater environments—waterfalls, streams, and lakes appear to be its natural domain. It exhibits the ability to influence and guide water currents as part of creating its elaborate musical performances. The melodies it produces can place listeners into a trance-like state, often resulting in confusion or disorientation. In more severe cases, subjects have reported vivid hallucinations or a complete loss of time awareness.
Interactions with Scp 7563 have generally been peaceful. It shows a particular affinity for humans who share its love of music, at times instructing them in new techniques or enhancing their existing musical aptitude. Nonetheless, persistent exposure to Scp 7563’s performances can pose a psychological and physical risk. Prolonged trances have been linked to fatigue, mental strain, and possible physiological aftereffects.
So far, attempts at verbal communication have had limited success. Scp 7563 appears to comprehend certain elements of human speech but responds chiefly through its music, relying on melody and rhythm to express thoughts or emotions. Staff members studying Scp 7563 are advised to exercise restraint and undergo periodic evaluations to detect any adverse effects from extended interaction.
Addendum 7563-1: Incident Report
On [DATE REDACTED], while staff were engaged in routine observation, Scp 7563’s music intensified unexpectedly. Personnel within the chamber were drawn into a deep trance, experiencing hallucinatory imagery and failing to react to external inputs. Sonic dampeners were activated to counteract the effects, and all affected individuals gradually returned to normal consciousness with minimal aftereffects. The cause of the sudden escalation in Scp 7563’s music remains under investigation.
Addendum 7563-2: Research Opportunities
Scp 7563’s ties to Scandinavian folklore, as well as its significant influence on human cognition, present ample avenues for further study. Collaborative research involving cultural experts, professional musicians, and psychologists may yield insights into its origins, musical composition style, and the potential therapeutic or detrimental implications of its performances.
Addendum 7563-3: Possible Relation to Scp 7561
Due to certain commonalities—both entities exhibit behavior rooted in Scandinavian lore and display an affinity for water—some personnel have speculated on a potential link between Scp 7563 and Scp 7561. While Scp 7563 generally demonstrates nonviolent tendencies and engages with humans through music, it shares with Scp 7561 an environment-based approach to luring or influencing individuals, albeit through different means. Investigations into any genealogical or folkloric connection are ongoing. Researchers are advised to compare behavioral patterns, folkloric references, and observed abilities to determine whether these entities might have diverged from a shared origin.
Note: All personnel assigned to Scp 7563 must adhere to documented safety protocols, remain vigilant regarding the entity’s hypnotic effects, and report any anomalies to Site-██ administration without delay.
Excerpts of note:
Addendum 7563-2: Research Opportunities
Scp 7563’s ties to Scandinavian folklore, as well as its significant influence on human cognition, present ample avenues for further study. Collaborative research involving cultural experts, professional musicians, and psychologists may yield insights into its origins, musical composition style, and the potential therapeutic or detrimental implications of its performances.
Note: All personnel assigned to Scp 7563 must adhere to documented safety protocols, remain vigilant regarding the entity’s hypnotic effects, and report any anomalies to Site-██ administration without delay.
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