Noting that new site member Drautistcoranagutan (account age 7 days, site membership 6 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple common indicators of AI-generation:
**Item #:** SCP-8152
**Object Class:** Safe
**Special Containment Procedures:** Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8152 is to be contained within a custom-built airtight chamber equipped with a highly efficient air filtration and ventilation system designed to capture and neutralize any emitted colored clouds. Regular inspections, maintenance, and replacement of filters are required to ensure optimal functionality.
Personnel handling SCP-8152 must wear full-body protective suits made of impermeable material to prevent direct contact with SCP-8152’s emitted colored clouds. The suits should include respirators fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8152 is to be contained within a custom-built airtight chamber equipped with a highly efficient air filtration and ventilation system designed to capture and neutralize any emitted colored clouds. Regular inspections, maintenance, and replacement of filters are required to ensure optimal functionality.
Personnel handling SCP-8152 must wear full-body protective suits made of impermeable material to prevent direct contact with SCP-8152’s emitted colored clouds. The suits should include respirators fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters.
**Description:** SCP-8152 is a red mushroom resembling Calvatia gigantea that exhibits an anomalous ability to emit colored clouds at irregular intervals. Each cloud is associated with a specific color and induces distinct physical alterations in individuals exposed to it.
Physical alterations occur upon inhalation or direct contact with SCP-8152’s colored clouds. The severity of these changes ranges from minor cosmetic effects to severe and potentially life-threatening transformations. No known methods exist to reverse the effects induced by SCP-8152. Additionally, the clouds stain affected objects, leaving persistent and difficult-to-remove marks. These stains may be further altered by subsequent exposure to SCP-8152’s emissions, complicating cleanup efforts.
The colors emitted by SCP-8152 and their corresponding effects are as follows:
• Red: Affected individuals experience their hair turning red with a white spot pattern, resembling the surface of a mushroom. Subsequently, numerous small red mushrooms sprout from their hair. These secondary mushrooms do not emit any colored clouds.
• White: Affected individuals undergo a progressive softening of their bones, ultimately transforming into a jelly-like fungus resembling the heterobasidiomycete species. This process completely alters the skeletal structure, resulting in a loss of rigidity and mobility.
• Lime-Green: Affected individuals’ skin turns a vivid green hue and develops a waxy texture akin to the Hygrocybe virescens fungus. This transformation is primarily cosmetic but may impair natural skin functions.
• Reddish-Brown: Affected individuals experience the growth of Gyromitra esculenta fungus inside their brains. This condition is highly dangerous and frequently fatal.
Excerpts of note:
Special Containment Procedures: Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8152 is to be contained within a custom-built airtight chamber equipped with a highly efficient air filtration and ventilation system designed to capture and neutralize any emitted colored clouds. Regular inspections, maintenance, and replacement of filters are required to ensure optimal functionality.
Personnel handling SCP-8152 must wear full-body protective suits made of impermeable material to prevent direct contact with SCP-8152’s emitted colored clouds. The suits should include respirators fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8152 is to be contained within a custom-built airtight chamber equipped with a highly efficient air filtration and ventilation system designed to capture and neutralize any emitted colored clouds. Regular inspections, maintenance, and replacement of filters are required to ensure optimal functionality.
Physical alterations occur upon inhalation or direct contact with SCP-8152’s colored clouds. The severity of these changes ranges from minor cosmetic effects to severe and potentially life-threatening transformations. No known methods exist to reverse the effects induced by SCP-8152. Additionally, the clouds stain affected objects, leaving persistent and difficult-to-remove marks. These stains may be further altered by subsequent exposure to SCP-8152’s emissions, complicating cleanup efforts.
User has no forum posts besides an intro:
Hello, I am Drautisticorangutan. Just call me Orangutan. I have been a fan of SCP for around four years, and ever since I found it, I’ve been addicted. In my free time, I think of SCPs to create, which sparked an interest in writing them. So, I’m here to write SCPs and have fun with the community!
They have no sandbox history, but they do have a personal site with other-format writing, which seems to showcase their usual typing style without AI:
Procedures:IOS-008 is too be be held in the BCZ facility Library in the back stairwell room.
Contained in a small see thru box. If the subjects shadow try’s to escape the perimeter
Such subject will be terminated.
Description: IOS-008 is a preschool-kindergarten level book named “My Shadow” By author Robert-Louis-Stevenson. When reading 008-2 the subjects shadow takes a mind of its own.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat supporting.