Noting that new site member
Saturn Kuto (account age 18 days, site membership 16 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has some indicators of AI-generation: Of note, the page also contained a .gif that was not compliant with Creative Commons, and as such the file was removed.
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:turbo-vision]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:acs-animation]]
[[module Rate]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= SCP-8757
|clearance= 1
|container-class= euclid
|disruption-class= ekhi
|risk-class= notice
[[div class="turbo-block bg-grey border-black text-black" data-title=""]]
[[div class="heading"]]
[[span style="color:red" size larger]]**Special Containment Procedures:**[[/span]]
SCP-8757-1 is to be contained 80 meters underground at Site-8757. All personnel before entering Site-8757 are to undergo inspection (via metal detectors and pat downs.), and all cargo brought by personnel are to be confiscated, and are to be given back when the personnel leaves the Site.
No electronic devices, specifically ones with screens, are permitted within the Site. Any personnel attempting to enter the Site with a screened device are to be detained and put through a debriefing seminar about SCP-8757.
If any screens are infected by SCP-8757-1, or any instances of screens affected by SCP-8757 are discovered, they are to be terminated.
[[div class="heading"]]
[[span style="color:red" size larger]]**Description:**[[/span]]
SCP-8757 refers to an anomalous phenomenon which affects any electronic device possessing a screen or any other kind of visual display, manifesting as the device displaying the music video for the song "おちゃめ機能" by vocaloid Kasane Teto on a continuous loop. Once the device is affected, the video cannot be paused or turned off in any ordinary way, such as powering off the device, disconnecting its power supply, or resetting it. SCP-8757 is able to spread to other valid devices via any interaction or communication between them, causing the newly affected device to present the same properties as other affected devices.
[[div class="offset-left left-5"]]
[[div class="turbo-block bg-yellow border-black text-white" data-title="NOTE"]]
Please stop using SCP-8757 instances snuck out of Site-8757 to "prank" your colleagues. SCP-8757 instances are a real threat to Site safety, and if treated uncaringly, it could cost the Foundation millions to replace all the technology in a affected Site.
— Site-8757 Director, Pauline O'Moore.
Presently, only one object is known to be affected by SCP-8757 (hereby referred to as SCP-8757-1). SCP-8757-1 is a Samsung SyncMaster S27A850D monitor, which has remained in containment since its discovery in ████. It is unknown if SCP-8757-1 is the original source of SCP-8757, or merely a device that was affected by SCP-8757 via another affected device. Regardless, SCP-8757-1 is the primary subject for testing of SCP-8757.
[[div class="offset-left left-5"]]
[[div class="turbo-block bg-black border-black text-white" data-title="NOTE"]]
yah watever lawl
[[tab Discovery Addendum]]
Discovery Log:
SCP-8757 came into the Foundation's attention on 5/21/██ following a flagged phone call received by the Yakima Police Department. The caller, █████ ███████ (will be referred to as PoI-8757-A), reported what they described as a computer virus hacking all the screens and devices in their home. The PoI claimed the virus was "spreading through the cables" and via physical contact between the screens.
A Foundation field agent integrated into the Yakima Police Department where dispatched to investigate. Once at the PoI's apartment, the agent reported to see multiple electronic screen, including televisions, computer monitors, and smartphones, displaying a continuous looping video accompanied by music. The PoI described to the agent that they originally noticed the spreading of the virus after connecting their new computer to their outlet and monitor.
Field personnel were sent to the location. Upon arrival, the field personnel shut off all power to the residence, and destroyed screens and devices within the home. The original screen and computer (later designated SCP-8757-1) was left untouched for testing. PoI-8757-A was taken into custody for debriefing.
[[collapsible show="+ Access Interrogation Log 8757.1" hide="- Close Interrogation Log 8757.1"]]
[[div class="blockquote" style="border-radius: 10px; margin: 10px"]]
Interviewer: Agent ███████
Subject: PoI-8757-A
**Begin Log**
Agent ███████: Please state your name for the record.
PoI-8757-A:Uhm, it's █████ ███████, What's this all about, man!? I swear I already told you everything I know about the damn virus!
Agent ███████: Please calm down, Mr. ████████, I'm going to need you to go over everything one more time. Let's start from the beginning, when did you first notice the virus?
(PoI let's out a loud, drawn-out, dramatic sigh.)
PoI-8757-A: Alright.. It happened pretty much as soon as I turned my new computer on. I already knew that there had to be something up with the computer for how cheap I got it, but I didn't figure it'd ruin everything I had in the house. I tried to turn off my computer, didn't work. I tried to unplug my computer, didn't work. It was only when I got up to try and use the fuse box that I realized that it was loudly playing from the living room TV downstairs. In a panic, I unplugged my phone from it's charger cord only to realize it was affected too. I scrambled around the house, checking my families devices. I suppose I was the only unlucky one in the house, and no one else had their phone plugged in. I quickly called the police on my wife's phone, and now here we are...
Agent ███████: Okay.. You said that you also had a smartwatch that was affected by the virus?
PoI-8757-A: Yes, sir..
Agent ███████: How did the virus spread to your smartwatch?
PoI-8757-A: Well, I distinctly remember my smartwatch touching my phone when I picked it up, so that's probably why..
Agent ███████: You're suggesting that the virus can spread through touch?
PoI-8757-A: Yes, s-sir..
Agent ███████: Okay..
(Agent nods, shuffling around papers.)
Agent ███████: Would you mind telling me where you got your computer from?
PoI-8757-A: Well, uh... I bought it from this random guy at a flea market.. for a couple bucks... I really thought it was gonna be worth it! I didn't know tha-
Agent ███████: Enough, it's fine. I'm not here to judge you, just to figure out what the virus is.
PoI-8757-A takes a shaky breath and looks around nervously, fiddling with his hands.
Agent ███████: Do you remember who sold the computer to you?
PoI-8757-A: U-uhm.. well, it was a younger man, and he said he got it from an old apartment. He explored there a few years ago after the place burnt down, the place near ██████ ██ █████, I remember the day it burnt down, while I was driving to work. I-I guess he went in soon after and just took what he could...
Agent ███████ nods again and pushes his papers to the side.
Agent ███████: That's all the information I need from you right now. Is there anything else that you would like to note?
PoI-8757-A: N-no, sir.. I would like to go home now..
**End Log**
[[collapsible show="+ Access Post Investigation Addendum-8757.2" hide="- Close Post Investigation Addendum-8757.2"]]
After the Interrogation, Poi-8757-A was administered Class-A amnesics and was released. SCP-8757-1 along with PoI-8757-A's computer where transported to Site-██ for testing. Initial testing revealed that the computer was not a primary part of the SCP, and so it was not given a designation and was stored at Site-██s storage lockers.
The address of the burned down building talked about PoI-8757-A was pinned down and field agents where sent in for investigation, but nothing of importance was found.
Investigation Personnel after looking through the records kept by the company discovered multiple PoI's residing at the apartment that had connection with the GoI [ Gamers Against Weed]. No further leads were discovered, as all the PoI's were declared MIA after the fire.
[[tab Test Logs]]
||~ Object Tested||~ Result ||
|| Hitachi Projector || SCP-8757 affects the image projected. Additional objects brought in contact with the projection exhibit properties of SCP-8757||
|| Oscilloscope || SCP-8757 manifests on the screen via a crude interpretation of the video. ||
|| Meta Quest Virtual Reality Headset || SCP-8757 manifests in both view ports of the headset, forming a stereoscopic image. ||
|| Diesel Generator, with 6 Windows computer monitors connected to the generator. || SCP-8757 mainfests on all 6 monitors. SCP-8757 instances are not to be connected to the public power grid under any circumstances. ||
|| 2010 Mitsubishi Galant || Screen in the vehicle is affected by SCP-8757. Video continues to play if vehicle is turned off, including if the battery is removed. No other devices in the vehicle are affected. ||
|| Single LED Display Pixel || SCP-8757 seems to manifest, with the pixel appearing to match the colors present in the music video. Other devices that contact the object exhibit SCP-8757 effects, confirming the spread. ||
|| Turtlebox Speaker || Object unaffected. ||
|| Sanyo CRT Television || SCP-8757 manifests. The electron gun continues to fire even if power is removed from the device. SCP-8757 effects continue even if the electron gun is removed from the television. ||
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<< [[[SCP-8756]]] | SCP-8757 | [[[SCP-8758]]] >>
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box]]
> **Filename:**
> **Name:** おちゃめ機能 -Full ver.- ゴジマジP feat.重音テト
> **Author:**
LamazeP (music, lyrics)
chinaru (illustration)
Kikka (video)
> **License:** Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
> **Source Link:**
[[include :scp-wiki:component:license-box-end]]
Excerpts of note:
SCP-8757 refers to an anomalous phenomenon which affects any electronic device possessing a screen or any other kind of visual display, manifesting as the device displaying the music video for the song "おちゃめ機能" by vocaloid Kasane Teto on a continuous loop. Once the device is affected, the video cannot be paused or turned off in any ordinary way, such as powering off the device, disconnecting its power supply, or resetting it. SCP-8757 is able to spread to other valid devices via any interaction or communication between them, causing the newly affected device to present the same properties as other affected devices.
Discovery Log:
SCP-8757 came into the Foundation's attention on 5/21/██ following a flagged phone call received by the Yakima Police Department. The caller, █████ ███████ (will be referred to as PoI-8757-A), reported what they described as a computer virus hacking all the screens and devices in their home. The PoI claimed the virus was "spreading through the cables" and via physical contact between the screens.
Compare with the user's sole forum post:
Thank you for reading muh first scp!!!
Im really proud with how it came out!!!!
Thank you to my friend and my girlfriend for helping me write this! as i havent written in a very very long time!!
If you have any complaints please i beg tell me so i can continue on my adventure to becoming a better writter, and a even better SCP Wiki author. :]
Of note, the user has multiple sandbox pages, and while they have a lot of edits, the large majority of the pages are mostly formatting changes, with comparatively very little actual writing added. Multiple pages also have indicators of AI-generation. Of particular note are the containment procedures, and the recurring inconsistency of using "Grade A amnesics" or the like compared to "Class A amnestics".