What is this?
To meet the demand of the Discord Critique Team's needs, we are restructuring internally through the creation of vice captains for the team. This page details the responsibilities, purview, and structural changes to the team, based on initial discussions had.
To assist with critique policy, we would like to establish the following definitions for specific words used in Discord Critique Policy:
- Codify/Codification: To codify a process is to record a process in writing, in an official capacity, within Deer College, Critcord, Crit-Box or other venues and locations. These 'codified' policies are not officially policy until voted on by the team, but may be structured and presented as such, excluding information that is directly communicated to the average wiki user.
Discord Critique Team Vice Captains
To assist with the sheer amount of responsibilities, labor and moderation required by the Discord Critique Sub-Team, it is not longer tenable to operate with only one Captain. To that end, we have created the position of Vice Captain within the Discord Critique Subteam. A vice captain is assigned a specific general area of responsibilities. At the present time, those focuses are:
- Vice Captain for Moderation
- Vice Captain for Documentation
The next sections outline the roles and responsibilities of Vice Captains, on a general level, as well as on the specific level for each distinct area.
Discord Critique Vice Captain Definition, Responsibilities and Purview
Discord Critique Vice Captains are a position that is appointed by the Captain of the Discord Critique team.
The general duties of Discord Critique Vice Captains are as follows:1
- Work in tandem with the Discord Critique Captain to maintain a culture of collaboration and creativity within Deer College;
- Observe and moderate internal Discord Critique staff discussions in the place of the Captain, serving as an alternative form of internal team accountability;
- Vice Captains' votes towards daily Discord Critique actions do not hold any greater value than another member of the Discord Critique team;
- However, in situations that are tied, or otherwise split, Vice Captains work alongside the Captain to serve as tie breakers;
- Supports communication between the team and the Discord Critique Captain, in both directions;
- Vice Captains do not hold the power to make formal, final decisions on changes towards policy. That power remains with the subteam Captain;
- However, in the context of the Vice Captain's specific assigned area of responsibility, in situations such as ambiguous wordings, or tied discussions, they hold the ability to determine the best course of action, or to revisit previously made decisions, within reason. This power exists to support a culture of collaboration and accountability throughout the Discord Critique Team.
Vice Captains also have specific duties related to their areas of responsibility. Those are as follows:
Vice Captain of Moderation
The Vice Captain of Moderation is expected to observe, focus and serve as a first point of deliberation on all topics related to moderation and day-to-day management of the Deer College Discord Channels. These responsibilities include:
- Review and audit Discord Critique Actions, such as critkicks, critbans etc., for the purposes of ensuring that all actions are taken in accordance with the rules of Deer College;
- Auditing the validity of all critique actions, and coordinating internal reviews;
- Stay informed and aware of all channels within Deer College, and is expected to be a trusted voice regarding decisions around critique actions, especially those that are following an established precedent;
- Serves as a point of contact for issues around critique actions for the Discord Critique Team, and is responsible for ensuring the following:
- Any concerns around moderation decisions are raised to the Discord Critique Team Captain;
- Concerns from other staff teams are communicated to both the Discord Critique Team Captain, as well as the critique team;
- Ensuring that any user appeals are properly communicated to and discussed by the team, and the Discord Critique Team Captain, in a timely manner.
Vice Captain of Documentation
The Vice Captain of Documentation is expected to maintain an understanding of the internal policy that governs the Discord Critique Subteam, and, where applicable, is responsible for the documentation and codification of policy. They are also responsible for maintaining the systems of logging, tracking and internal team accountability. These responsibilities include:
- Documenting and codifying any and all policies that govern Discord Critique team decisions, operations and more;
- The Vice Captain of Documentation does not have the ability to make decisions regarding the creation of new policy, as any new policy requires the signoff of Discord Critique Team Captain. However, they are able to codify policy in advance of said approval, as a part of their regular duties;
- Ensuring that critique accountability logging is done correctly, promptly, and in the correct venues. They are not the individual who must do the logging, but they ensure that it is done. This includes:
- The 'Users to Watch' log, recording warnings and patterns of behavior;
- Logging critique actions on the official critique staff discord;
- Logging critique actions on the O5 wiki;
- Tracking, defining and coordinating voting on policy proposals, discord critique action appeal decisions, Moth Squad Roster applications and Discord Critique Staff additions;
- Responsible for ensuring the creation, maintenance and updating of any guides, resources, reference pages, posts or threads that deal with both internal and external Discord Critique policy, processes or other related systems. Any Discord Critique Staff team member may propose the changes or creation of documentation, however, the Vice Captain of Documentation should be informed, as they are accountable for ensuring that the work is accurate.
Proposed Changes
To accommodate the restructure of the Discord Critique Team, we request the following item(s):
- As determined by
Pedagon, the following Discord Critique Staff Team members are to be selected as Vice Captains, with the following areas of focus:
AstersQuill, as Vice Captain of Moderation
Queerious, as Vice Captain of Documentation.