User Notaton (W:917d, S:552d, U:8092574) recently posted a page that contains indicators of AI-generation:
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|item-number= 8855
|clearance= 4
|container-class= euclid
|secondary-class= none
|secondary-icon= none
|disruption-class= amida
|risk-class= danger
**Special Containment Instructions:** Item 8855 must be maintained in a tri-layered containment device that consists of TRI-reinforced titanium shells. Each shell ought to be able to withstand considerable external forces and shear distortion. The innermost shell ought to be removed only as a last measure. The other two shells can be removed for testing. The removal would need to ensure the inner shell of the object is always present for stabilization. The reason for this is that when the object is uncontrolled, it warps the entire chamber that surrounds it, and that is hazardous. Without the precautions, the chances of warping and destabilizing the containment chamber are so great that it is avoided by all means.
When there are reports that MSS has been under pressure for too long, Item 8855 has been known to initiate Potential Cosmic Expansionism Level Of Ordinal Terminology Cosmogenesis Finality. This leads to the potential loss of prioritropic bases that would lead to catastrophic events across the spaciotemporal lattice grid. Item 8855 is able to scale its dimensions exponentially with no manual force required to do so. This means that spatial and structural integrity of the infinite lattice grid is under threat, and each undefined action could outline new standards for Catastrophic Events in the computers area of working space.
The grasping of the Item 8855 creates conditions that compel subjects to view one of the internal dimensions of the item, with no known ways of exiting that dimension and rejoining the former space. After this transfer, subjects are put through a dangerous process of metamorphosis, the evidence points out that this process ends in them dying and being absorbed into the internal space of the anomaly.
Because of the disturbing effects of the item on the electronics, there are no recording devices reliable within the containment chamber. The space interference brought forth by the anomaly has caused use of the surveillance systems to be limited to say the least due to malfunctions. In order to fill this gap, a designed device able to protect against the EDT effects of the device during operational evaluation has been fitted in the inner most shell. Despite this fact, any monitoring device advanced near Item 8855 would be rendered inactive by the spatial shift exerted reinforcement by the anomaly.
Moreover, Item 8855 has been noted to have the capacity to move from the normal designated location and could even slide or slip over mild boundary walls, which renders all staff members in the vicinity or working within the area of the item’s containment to have their alertness elevated. However, these limitations are only until the research is done to obtain the adequate comprehensibility of the issues that the traits of Item 8855 could pose, and in turn improve the certain aspects of the containment measures. Additionally, the threat posed by Item 8855 should be taken into account as new procedures and plans are developed for periodically reevaluating the risk and response protocol.
**Description:** Item 8855 can best be described as a spherical object the size of a beach ball, approximately two dozen inches in diameter, however the fascinating fact about the object is that it appears to levitate at all times Its entire body is an astonishing blue with a white center that shimmers unceasingly like a whirlpool of plasma energy shifting within the orb creating dramatic pulsations. The pulsating light emanating from the center meshes effortlessly with the thick plasma waves creating an aura of mesmerizing energy.
Distinctive energy lies hidden below the barely transparent surface, rendering the orb peculiar in its overall aspect and surrounds. These robust shells surround the this exceptionally carefully designed orb along with two other similar titanium shells. These robust shells play a crucial role as well, as they cancel out the orb’s natural tendency to warp and thereby ensure that it stays fixed in space without moving or changing shape at any time. It is this combination of fragility and beauty of the orb with cruel and mechanical dominance of the three shells that yields the shock effect, as a result of which one becomes utterly astonished.
**Discovery:** Item 8855 was found during the exploration of an unidentified climber who’s exploration led them to a calm remote mountain range only to take a gruesome turn. The climber noted approximately thirty dead bodies gathered around the orb within the site of discovery. The identities of these individuals and how they died are several questions that remained unsolved, hence claiming the necessity of the events that unfolded themselves in this isolated place. For a breathtaking location, surrounded by the magnificent mountains, it was surprising to find numerous bodies, offering them suspense and dread at the same moment.
**Addendum 8855.1:** Item 8855-2 is a glass humanoid, which renders its form disintegrate and very easily breakable. This Provided by an anomalous trait, this entity exhibits an extreme sense of protectiveness towards Item 8855, and engages in active behaviors that indicate that it is a guardian. Observations indicate that 8855-2 is capable of defending or even attacking against threats to Item 8855 using techniques of self defense and direct assault respectively.
Moreover, studies have shown that there seems to be no upper limit in the number of such 8855-2 entities produced within the anomaly. Such an infinite capacity raises interesting questions about the means necessary to keep on producing them and what such implications would have for containment and interaction with the environment. The nature and the patterns of behaviors among 8855-2 entities are further to be determined as they explore the possible features of the anomaly.
> "The surrounding revelation of Item 8855-2 is cause for concern, as it seems that we're on the verge of facing greater complications and problems.” - Dr. Poilon
**Addendum 8855.2:** Isolated evaluations carried lately with Item 8855-2 have contributed a lot in understanding the anomalies’ scope of operation which is the ability to produce powerful shockwaves. Interestingly, this shockwave generation has been noted to originate from the anomalies during a number of scenarios thereby causing remarkable changes in theces a phenomenon surrounding it. As a result, it has made countermeasures to Item 8855 much more complicated in the ongoing attempts to control and stabilize the situation. Explain further the mechanics of how the anomaly generate or produces shockwaves that will assist combating this problem and controlling the risks in future.
> “Having Item 8855-2 developed brings as to more complexities and concerns with the ongoing attempts to encapsulate it” – Dr. Cakonal
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Distinctive energy lies hidden below the barely transparent surface, rendering the orb peculiar in its overall aspect and surrounds.
A prompt mistakenly included in the article text:
Explain further the mechanics of how the anomaly generate or produces shockwaves that will assist combating this problem and controlling the risks in future.
Nico, Queerious, aftokrator, and I agreed on a membership revocation, and Nico implemented.