Noting that new site member
IrritatorNr5 (account age 9 days, site membership 8 days) recently posted the following concept thread, which contains multiple indicators of AI-generation:
Seeking Greenlights:yes
Page Type: SCP Article,
Genre (Optional): Horror, Drama/Tennsion, Action,
Elevator Pitch: My idea is a sentient, catastrophic snowstorm that targets areas of high emotional distress or conflict, manifesting as extreme weather events. The SCP Foundation contains it using Vortex Disruptors(gets explained) and Scranton Reality Anchors(not shure if i really wanna use them), predicting its appearances. To protect civilians, they deploy ethically controversial measures like Procedure 72-Arkhos basically sacrificing D-Class personnel to lure the storm. SCP-XXXX’s origin remains unknown, and its potential for indefinite, self-sustaining destruction makes it a significant global threat.
Central Narrative: Through predictive successes and failures, the narrative highlights the human cost of containment—most notably the ethically dubious Procedure 72-Arkhos( gets explained), where the Foundation sacrifices D-Class personnel in the thousends to lure SCP-XXXX away from civilian populations. The storm’s selective hostility and its reality-warping effects hint at a deeper, possibly unknowable purpose, suggesting SCP-XXXX may be more than just a natural anomaly—it could be a reflection of humanity’s own emotional and existential crises.
The overarching story is one of desperation, moral ambiguity, and the existential dread of facing an unstoppable force that mirrors human suffering back at us.
Im imagining what you seein movies when a bunch people sit in abig room with Monitors and think how to slove a problem that reappears all the time.
I think about a way to make its origin/appearens something bigger e.g That it came about through social hatred or something like that, I always think it's good when humanity itself is to blame, but it doesn't have to be that way
Hook/Attention-Grabber : idk whats out there, but something less conzeptual would be nice in the curent series
thanks in advance
Excerpts of note:
Central Narrative: Through predictive successes and failures, the narrative highlights the human cost of containment—most notably the ethically dubious Procedure 72-Arkhos( gets explained), where the Foundation sacrifices D-Class personnel in the thousends to lure SCP-XXXX away from civilian populations. The storm’s selective hostility and its reality-warping effects hint at a deeper, possibly unknowable purpose, suggesting SCP-XXXX may be more than just a natural anomaly—it could be a reflection of humanity’s own emotional and existential crises.
The overarching story is one of desperation, moral ambiguity, and the existential dread of facing an unstoppable force that mirrors human suffering back at us.
Compare with the rest of the post:
Im imagining what you seein movies when a bunch people sit in abig room with Monitors and think how to slove a problem that reappears all the time.
Hook/Attention-Grabber : idk whats out there, but something less conzeptual would be nice in the curent series
User has no other forum history. They have a sandbox page, which has other obvious indicators of AI-generation:
Initial page creation:
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**Item #:** SCP-XXXX
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:**
The primary entrance to SCP-XXXX is disguised as a disused meteorological research station located in [REDACTED]. Civilian access to the area is restricted under the guise of hazardous weather monitoring operations. Routine patrols by Foundation security personnel ensure no unauthorized individuals approach the installation. Protocol Hailstone-07 is in effect, with additional surveillance via concealed drone units and remote monitoring systems.
No personnel below Level 4/XXXX clearance are permitted access to documentation regarding SCP-XXXX, its anomalous properties, or its containment procedures. Access to SCP-XXXX’s containment area is strictly limited to personnel with Level 5/XXXX clearance, except in cases of emergency operations, where temporary clearance may be granted by unanimous approval of both the site HMCL supervisor and O5 Command.
SCP-XXXX’s primary containment involves the deployment of Vortex Disruptors, specialized devices derived from Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) technology. These emit ultra-low-frequency infrasound waves calibrated to disrupt SCP-XXXX’s Hume field stability and suppress its anomalous storm manifestations. Each Disruptor has an effective radius of five kilometers and is arrayed in overlapping hexagonal grids around predicted SCP-XXXX manifestation sites. Operational parameters are detailed in Document VD-XXXX-T4, rev 2.5.3.
All Vortex Disruptors must undergo weekly diagnostic checks and recalibration to counter SCP-XXXX’s adaptive resistance. Each unit is equipped with an internal self-diagnostic system and redundant power supplies, ensuring functionality even in extreme conditions. Mobile Disruptor units are stationed on armored transport vehicles to address containment breaches rapidly.
Supplementary containment is achieved via the deployment of Scranton Reality Anchors (SRAs) in a concentric configuration around SCP-XXXX’s manifestation zones. SRAs are positioned every 30 meters to stabilize local reality. Each SRA must be inspected semi-annually for signs of wear or anomalous interference. Replacement procedures for damaged units are outlined in Document SRA-0271, rev 3.0.
Procedure 72-Arkhos
To influence the manifestation patterns of SCP-XXXX and minimize its impact on civilian populations, the Foundation has established high-security D-Class containment facilities, designated Arkhos Zones, in remote locations. These facilities house a large population of D-Class personnel under controlled conditions of psychological distress and emotional agitation to attract SCP-XXXX deliberately.
During an SCP-XXXX manifestation event, all non-essential personnel are evacuated to secure underground bunkers within the Arkhos Zone, while Vortex Disruptors and SRAs are activated to contain the anomaly’s effects within the zone’s perimeter. Surviving D-Class personnel are retrieved post-manifestation for interrogation and analysis. Survivors displaying severe psychological alteration or anomalous behavior are to be terminated following a full debriefing.
Additional D-Class personnel may be transported to replenish Arkhos Zones under the authority of the HMCL supervisor. The ethical implications of Procedure 72-Arkhos are under ongoing review by the Ethics Committee, though its necessity in mitigating SCP-XXXX’s destructive potential remains uncontested.
Secondary Measures and Emergency Protocols
In the event of a containment breach where SCP-XXXX’s manifestation spreads beyond designated zones, emergency Protocol Avalanche-42 is to be enacted. Mobile Task Forces Omega-9 (“Stormbreakers”) and Eta-13 (“Winter Warden”) are to deploy mobile Vortex Disruptors to reestablish containment boundaries. Civilian populations in affected areas are to be evacuated under the guise of natural disaster response, and amnestics administered as needed.
In cases of catastrophic failure of containment infrastructure, a Pseudo-Riemannian manifold is to be initiated at the epicenter of SCP-XXXX’s manifestation. This manifold will serve as a localized stabilization field, delaying the storm’s anomalous growth. Procedure Dead Frost-12, involving the targeted neutralization of SCP-XXXX entities using thermal disruptor weaponry, is to be executed concurrently.
**Description:** SCP-XXXX is a recurring, anomalous meteorological phenomenon manifesting as severe and persistent snowstorms capable of forming in any geographical location, regardless of climate or season. These storms, referred to as SCP-XXXX events, are characterized by extreme cold, hurricane-force winds, and dense whiteout conditions, rendering navigation and survival virtually impossible. SCP-XXXX events can span vast areas, with recorded manifestation zones ranging from several kilometers to over 100 kilometers in diameter.
A prominent feature of SCP-XXXX events is their apparent selective hostility. Manifestations occur primarily in regions experiencing significant emotional distress or conflict, including areas of political unrest, high mortality, or mass panic. This pattern suggests a degree of sentience or targeting mechanism, though the underlying cause remains speculative.
Within active SCP-XXXX storms, humanoid entities designated SCP-XXXX-A spontaneously form from compacted snow and ice. These entities are animate and hostile, exhibiting superhuman strength, speed, and durability. SCP-XXXX-A instances are highly aggressive, attacking any living beings they encounter. Their touch induces rapid freezing in organic tissue, leading to fatal hypothermia or severe frostbite.
Attempts to physically destroy SCP-XXXX-A instances have failed
SCP-XXXX-B instances manifest as crystalline structures approximately 10–15 meters in height, with irregular geometry. Their composition oscillates between a translucent, vitreous material and a completely opaque, obsidian-like state. The spires emit a persistent infrasound (1.2–4.7 Hz), perceptible to affected individuals as cranial pressure, disorientation, and hallu-cinations. Temporal anomalies occur within a 150-meter radius of SCP-XXXX-B instances. Observed effects include severe temporal dilation (e.g., one second experienced as hours) and retrograde motion, wherein individuals appear to "rewind" momentarily, regressing physically or cognitively. Extended exposure leads to corporeal destabilization, with victims experien-cing partial disintegration at a molecular level, dispersing into particulate matter resembling fine ash.
Attempts to physically destroy SCP-XXXX-B instances have failed.
Reports from survivors and drone observations have noted cognitohazardous properties within SCP-XXXX storms. Subjects exposed to the anomaly frequently describe auditory hallucinations, including whispers, screams, or incomprehensible chanting. Additionally, vague figures or shapes resembling humans are often reported at the periphery of visibility. These psychological effects escalate with prolonged exposure, inducing paranoia, disorientation, and, in severe cases, psychotic breaks.
SCP-XXXX’s origin remains unidentified. Despite extensive investigation, no singular anomalous artifact, location, or entity has been conclusively linked to its manifestations. Current theories suggest SCP-XXXX is a complex interaction of high-EVE field activity, environmental manipulation, and latent reality-bending phenomena.
Efforts to predict SCP-XXXX’s occurrences have yielded partial success. Statistical analysis of historical events and emotional patterns has allowed the Foundation to anticipate manifestation sites with moderate accuracy. These efforts, combined with active containment strategies, aim to mitigate civilian casualties and limit the anomaly’s spread.
Foundation research into SCP-XXXX has uncovered no discernible limits to its persistence or lethality. Without intervention, SCP-XXXX events have demonstrated the capacity to persist indefinitely, suggesting the phenomenon is self-sustaining. Containment strategies focus on disrupting its anomalous mechanisms, neutralizing SCP-XXXX-A entities, and minimizing human exposure to its effects.
SCP-XXXX poses a significant challenge to global stability, demanding the highest level of secrecy and resource allocation. Its unpredictable nature, destructive potential, and psychological impact on survivors make it one of the most dangerous large-scale anomalies currently under Foundation surveillance.
**Addendum:** [Optional additional paragraphs]
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Excerpts of note:
SCP-XXXX’s origin remains unidentified. Despite extensive investigation, no singular anomalous artifact, location, or entity has been conclusively linked to its manifestations. Current theories suggest SCP-XXXX is a complex interaction of high-EVE field activity, environmental manipulation, and latent reality-bending phenomena.
Efforts to predict SCP-XXXX’s occurrences have yielded partial success. Statistical analysis of historical events and emotional patterns has allowed the Foundation to anticipate manifestation sites with moderate accuracy. These efforts, combined with active containment strategies, aim to mitigate civilian casualties and limit the anomaly’s spread.
Foundation research into SCP-XXXX has uncovered no discernible limits to its persistence or lethality. Without intervention, SCP-XXXX events have demonstrated the capacity to persist indefinitely, suggesting the phenomenon is self-sustaining. Containment strategies focus on disrupting its anomalous mechanisms, neutralizing SCP-XXXX-A entities, and minimizing human exposure to its effects.
SCP-XXXX poses a significant challenge to global stability, demanding the highest level of secrecy and resource allocation. Its unpredictable nature, destructive potential, and psychological impact on survivors make it one of the most dangerous large-scale anomalies currently under Foundation surveillance.
The majority of their sandbox edits are for formatting/slight changes to the ACS header. In revision 18, they add a new log in its entirety, which also has some AI indicators.
Membership revoked, PM sent.