Noting for records-keeping. Mirriam Mistoath (account age 111 days, site membership 101 days) has been repeatedly sending me (and likely other reviewers, who do not respond to them) messages soliciting feedback, without implementing the critique they have received.
Below are logs of my message exchanges with the user.
Initial discussions:
Initial message from user:
27 Sep 2024
Hello, I have a SCP idea I'd wish for feedback. I'm not sure if this is the right link I should provide (, so I copied the content I wrote here in case if I made mistakes.
Seeking Greenlights: Yes
Page Type: SCP Article
Elevator Pitch:There is an anomalous phobia among the personnel of the foundation.
Central Narrative: Those who caught the phobia would have severe panic attacks in foundation. A psychologist in foundation was assigned to communicate to the affected, during so, the psychologist finds out the affected would believe foundation is a scary place and those seniors would torture and brainwash others. The psychologist tries to reduce the effect by explaining the foundation’s true purpose.This Foundation-Phobia is anomalous due to the affected personnel doesn't have any mental illness or anything that could trigger such stress (they are so new that they didn't know many parts of the site yet), they are quite okay with being in foundation, and then they suddenly broke down, thinking foundation would harm them. Once this turned to a draft, I'd like to made it to wholesome direction (the affected was slightly cured by an anomalous object related to foundation's supportive side).
Mirriam Mistoath
My response:
I took a look at the material and sorry, I don't think this is workable as presented. My review would be negative and I would not be greenlighting. With this in mind, are you certain you want critique from me specifically, instead of a reviewer who isn't as picky? |
27 Sep 2024
Hello, I have a Murphy Law (SCP-3143) story draft I'd wish for feedback, it's roughly 1300 words.
[the user posted the entirety of their draft in the PM]
Sorry, I'm not interested in this material. Please ask someone else for feedback. |
Also, as a general note, when requesting feedback from reviewers, please provide a sandbox link rather than posting the entire draft in the message. |
28 Sep 2024
Thank you very much for your reply.
Aside from this site, I am also a member of SCP site in different language, and my drafts usually get extremely negative responses there. [portion removed due to personal information]
I am open to criticism as long as it helps me realize which part of my work went wrong. For example, if you believe my idea is bad, then please let me know what makes it bad (Are there spelling mistakes? Is there anything wrong with the logic? etc.). I'd be very happy to discuss what I have in mind with you and make improvements.
Since the SCP wiki is a collaborative writing site, and pages are deleted off the site if they fall to a rating of -10 or below, it is crucial to understand both the audience and other authors to be successful here. You cannot write on your own and expect to do well without learning from other works, since that's where it's most clear how the audience responds to different kinds of storylines, anomalies, genres, and so on. |
How do you know when something is interesting to you? You've stated that you read and edit until something "looks fine" to you—how do you know when something looks fine to you? |
I think before you're ready to discuss writing concepts, it's better to get an idea of what makes a good concept to start with. A reviewer can tell someone that their material is boring, but if the author doesn't know what to do then, they're reliant on the reviewer to basically write the material for them. That will make reviewers less likely to have patience with the author, or want to interact with them at all. |
Out of curiosity, do you ever read discussion threads, to see what users have commented? Looking at the comments posted to high-rated articles can give you an idea of what readers particularly enjoyed, and a goal to reach with your own writing, whether that's an emotional connection to characters, a curiosity over a different perspective of the world, sheer awe at the scale of worldbuilding, or something else. On the other side, you can also look at old deletions records and the comments preserved there to see what pitfalls to avoid: |
Once you've done some preliminary reading to get a feel for the community's general expectations, try reading random new articles without looking at the rating, and guessing at what the audience response will be. When you've gotten good at reliably predicting how the audience will respond to other authors' pages, then consider working on your own concepts. |
29 Sep 2024
Thank you very much for your reply.
When I read my own works, I tend to focus on sentence structures (something like "I eat a burger while staring at him" to "Staring at him, I eat a burger"), wordings (something like "look" to "stare/gaze") and basic spelling errors. I stopped editing when I feel like it looks fine now and go back to editing when I feel like "now as I think about it, that part looks slightly off".
I have checked some of the articles on site. For SCP-682, the comments tend to focus on the possible method of destroying it. For 049, some people like the theme of plague doctor, some think the zombie-summoning is slightly too random and one of the interview log looks unnecessary. For SCP-3143, majority of people gave upvotes for the metaphysical plot twist. However, the latter has only about 500+ upvotes while the former two documents have 4000+ to 5000+. The former two are also much more famous than 3143. It confuses me a lot since I love 3143's concept and plot twist. Is it due to 682 and 049 have easier-to-understand concept? What defines interesting for many people when interesting itself is an subjective concept?
I'm not expecting my work to be masterpiece when I write (I fully aware I am not talented enough to do that), I join this site mainly due to I just want to show my ideas and discuss with people. I am very friend-less in real life (even worse, I am not someone who can just go to a stranger and be like "hello there, would you like to be my friend?". I prefer someone to notice me and talk to me). I thought joining a site with people who have similar interest would at least make me feel less lonely. I don't have enough courage to handle sharp negative responses well, but I fully understand that if something is not good enough, it WILL get negative responses. As for the skill part, I do wish to improve myself and be a genius writer one day, but it isn't my first goal.
After the discussion, would you like to tell me why do you not like my idea? I really wish to tell you everything I have in mind about the concept.
Hello, I just notice that you ported the content of our PM on idea forum for ease of reference ( Could you delete my part of response in that content (or the entire content if you'd like to)? I don't wish other people to have the possibility of checking out what I wrote in PMs since this involves my personal situation/experience. It's in a block, but it's still there. (I know others probably won't have interests on reading long email contents, but I still feel uncomfortable). I can check my mailbox if I want to know what we have discussed. Thank you very much.
I can edit the comment, but the history of the material will still be visible if someone looks at previous versions. Staff only completely delete posts that contain severe rulebreaking material. |
Since I receive a lot of messages every week, I don't review material in private messages. I only review concepts in the forums. |
I will note that the articles you're looking at are far too old to be of any use for a new writer in the current time. 682 and 049 were written over 10 years ago, and had a long while to accumulate higher ratings when the SCP wiki didn't have as high standards as it does now. For the purposes of improving your reading abilities, you should only look at pages posted within the past six months or so. |
If you would like to continue this conversation, please respond in the forum thread. I don't review material in personal messages. |
30 Sep 2024
Yes, thank you very much for your reply.
Continued discussions:
4 Oct 2024
Hello, I have no idea that we can only post two threads per week, and because of it, I got two threads locked.
My "Friendship is Treasure" is posted on 9.24, and "Anomaly Assassin" is posted on 9.27, today is 10.4 and I thought they have met the 7-day requirement. Do I need to do anything to unlock the two threads below?
Locked Threads
The threads will not be unlocked. |
If you want to ask for feedback on those concepts, you will need to post new threads that follow the weekly limit. |
Please note that if you have an overabundance of active threads you are seeking feedback on at the same time, staff will continue to lock additional threads to remain fair to other authors. |
5 Oct 2024
I believe this concept would be interesting to others if I present it in right way (The Administrator, the most powerful figure in SCP universe, is a normal person who'd teach lesson to a child). It feels interesting for me when I imagine it. Would you like to tell me your opinion on it? Thank you very much.
I definitely do not think this is a good idea and I would recommend scrapping it entirely. Are you certain you want my feedback on this concept? |
10 Oct 2024
Hello, I rewrote The Administrator's Apprentice, changed the narrative completely. Would you like to check it out and tell me your opinion? I personally like my idea of a girl who wish to be better than Administrator, do you think this idea can be better if the story is being presented in this way? If not, which part of the story is not logical/interesting enough to have greenlight?
Sorry, I don't think the entire story will work. A child cannot give consent for the kind of mentorship you want to have in the story, and the Administrator has much more important responsibilities (and also has no reason to trust this random child anyway). |
I will not provide any further critique on this. |
10 Oct 2024
Hello, I have a story idea I'd wish for feedback. The idea is still on "Administrator being mentor", but this tale would be focus on what The Administrator found to be important about life instead of focus on who he wrote the letter to. My goal is to present my imagination on Administrator's personality through the advice, making the readers see the human side of the mastermind of entire foundation, letting them feel surprised on how the powerful Admin believe these simple advices are the most important. Do you think this can work?
Sorry, no. There are a lot of existing works involving the Administrator: that includes life lesson and such, with more unique characterization. |
11 Oct 2024
Hello. I have a SCP idea I'd wish for feedback. This one is still about the apprentice girl. I turned her story from a tale to an anomaly article. She can be apprentice for important figures due to she has anomalous trait, having the ability to get all her questions answered directly and with patience. Do you think this can work?
I am not interested in reviewing further iterations of this material. Please ask someone else. |
12 Oct 2024
Hello, I have a SCP idea I'd wish for feedback. This one is about an anomaly that keeps trying to hunt anomalies that are relatively new (1000+) due to it believes those anomalies have made the foundation too "complex". Do you think this can work?
Moving forward, please do not ask me for feedback on concepts unless you have received one greenlight on them first. |
Further discussions after I requested that the user only ask me for feedback on concepts they have at least one greenlight on:
9 Nov 2024
Hello, it has been 8 days since I post this forum and I haven't received feedback. I have contacted several people, but they either haven't replied or aren't interested in 3143. I want to contact the creator of Murphy Law (3143), but that account is in "deleted" status. I am not sure who is interested in Murphy Law and can give me critique/greenlight on this concept. Would you like to help me on finding reviewer?
Have you tried asking in the official Discord? |
I only tried private message in Wikidot. I have never used Discord before and I don't have an account, so I'm not familiar with this App.
The Discord is where most reviewers and authors tend to congregate, so it's more reliable compared to the forums, which move considerably slower. |
If you're not interested in using the Discord, you can try the IRC chatrooms, which does not require an app. You can access the chat here: as a guest, and ask a chat operator for instructions on how to register a username and use the feedback rooms there. |
I have joined "Site 17" in IRC chatroom, I'm not sure what should I do next. Do I directly type my questions, or should I click an operator's name at right side? I have read Chat Guide, and I am still feeling confused.
Yes, just type your questions into the text input bar. |
16 Nov 2024
Hello, I don't have a Discord account, so I tried to use IRC Chatroom for the past several days for this Murphy Law (3143) story concept, but I didn't get critique/greenlight from that. I only got one critique from someone I have contacted through private message.
Do you know any reviewer who is interested in metaphysical content like 3143? If not, would you like to give me some help on finding this kind of reviewer? I am considering on checking Murphy Law tags in apps like Tumblr and write private message to those who have posted Murphy Law content, but I am not sure if it is a good idea.
I recommend looking at pages that include such content, and checking the discussion thread for recent comments from readers. You can reach out to readers who posted comments and might be interested in reading a draft. You can also try exchanging draft reviews with other authors. |
That said, looking at the review in the linked thread, it doesn't seem like most reviewers would be interested in working with you based on the core premise, which fundamentally alters the main character to the point where readers of that material may not enjoy or even take your version seriously. |
Thank you very much for your reply.
Would you like to tell me what is the problem of this core premise? Is the idea of mixing noir with fairytale too random, or is the plot not serious enough when dealing with dark contents?
I know that offsite reviews could be not professional, but right now, I am feeling stuck. I feel like those who can give greenlights aren't really interested in my idea, and those who might be interested in 3143 are not people who can give greenlights. I could ask for feedback from professional reviewers who are not that interested in 3143, but I am sure they would not enjoy having long-time discussions on updates of an idea they have no interests of.
I just restated what the first reviewer in your thread told you. If you want further clarification, please follow up with them. |
If readers are not interested in your concept, you might need to rewrite most of it or put it aside for later. |
If you are confident that people will be interested in your material, you can try asking those people for reviews and working on a draft with their assistance. You just won't be able to use the Draft Critique forum, since you would need greenlights first. |
30 Nov 2024
Hello, I want to write a very short piece about 3143 (Murphy Law) and 4999 (The SCP that watches over dying people) being friends. However, I couldn't decide whether I should focus on Law or 4999.
If I focus on Law, I would write how Law has been dead for several times when he's having metaphysical adventure, and 4999 has been there with him every time when he faces death. This caused Law to have very positive opinion towards him. In Law's final death (consumed by Anafabula, a SCP that eats stories), 4999 took away a piece of the ruined script to remember Law, and this unintentionally saved Law from a metaphysical angle.
If I focus on 4999, I would write how 4999 finds himself having good dreams of adventures, and this was caused by Law, who wants to thank him for being there with him during dying moments. Law gives him a role in Law's own stories. Due to 4999 has no metaphysical awareness, he sees that as dreams.
I feel like both of these directions could become interesting concepts. Would you like to give me your opinion on which of them sounds more interesting?
I am not interested in this material; please ask someone else for feedback. |
4 Dec 2024 (of note, the greenlighter told the user "One warning I do want to give, you've got good ideas but you seem hesitant to change them. You should work a bit more on your flexibility, and make an effort to change stories based on suggestions." in the thread. Also of note, the greenlight was given in "IRC following a long discussion")
Hello, I got 1 greenlight for this, I am seeking for a second greenlight. Would you like to take a look and give me your opinion?
I'm not interested in this material; please ask someone else. |
19 Dec 2024
Hello. The reviewer I have contacted through PM is in a critique hiatus. I have tried to put this link several times a day in IRC chatroom. I have done this for more than a week and I still could not find a second reviewer who can give greenlight to this material. (I have tried to send PM to reviewers in IRC chatroom too, but they either didn't reply or do not know much about Murphy Law).
I know that you told me you are not interested in this material, but would you like to tell me what made you not interested? I would like to know your opinion towards the overall quality of this concept. We can discuss things like structure, moral, gimmick, etc if you are not interested in the content. Is the quality of this concept high enough to get a greenlight from you?
I am willing to wait for your feedback if you currently have a lot of materials to review.
I only greenlight material I am confident will be well-received by the audience. Since I am not familiar with Murphy Law, and the writing itself has a lot of simple grammar errors that make me hesitant in the ability of the author to write a tale, this does not meet my criteria for giving greenlights. |
20 Dec 2024
Okay. Thank you very much for your reply.
May I contact you again on this material after I fixed the grammar errors? I would like to know your opinion on the concept. I really love 3143/Murphy Law and I wish to make tales that can receive positive feedback even from readers who don't know about Murphy Law.
I cannot give a greenlight if I am not confident in the material, and I don't have the time to read up on the Murphy Law background it would take to be familiar with the subject material. Please do not contact me further regarding any Murphy Law material. |
(of note: the author did not fix all of the grammar errors; the current version of the post has sentences like "Murphy found himself appeared in a fairytale." and "Murphy killed puppet, and he found out it had his appearance.")
21 Dec 2024
Hello. This is an article concept about a girl who can get all her questions answered nicely. Would you like to take a look?
As stated before, moving forward, please do not ask me for feedback on concepts unless you have received one greenlight on them first. |
Reviewers, if you are receiving lots of messages from this user, feel free to report such. Of note, as of now, these are the concept threads the author has created:
- 19 Sep 2024
- 24 Sep 2024
- 26 Sep 2024
- 29 Sep 2024
- 29 Sep 2024
- 5 Oct 2024
- 5 Oct 2024
- 1 Nov 2024 (of note, a reviewer told the user "One warning I do want to give, you've got good ideas but you seem hesitant to change them. You should work a bit more on your flexibility, and make an effort to change stories based on suggestions.")
- 21 Nov 2024
- 20 Dec 2024