Noting that new site member John White sack (account age 38 days, site membership 29 days) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple indicators of AI-generation:
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8486
|clearance= #4
|container-class= esoteric
|secondary-class= Thaumiel
|disruption-class= dark
|risk-class= warning
++ Special Containtment Procedures:
+++ SCP-8486
* **Containment Location**: SCP-8486 is held in a high-security containment chamber at Site-[DATA REDACTED]. The object is stored within a specialized containment box designed to maintain an extremely low temperature and anti-gravity conditions to inhibit anomalous activity.
* **Access Restrictions:** Only personnel with Level 4 Clearance or higher are permitted entry to SCP-8486's containment chamber.
+++ SCP-8486-1
* **Containment Location:** SCP-8486-1 is housed in a high-pressure containment cage positioned adjacent to SCP-8486's chamber.
* **Contact Protocol:** No personnel are permitted to make physical contact with SCP-8486-1 except for authorized experimentation and research purposes.
* **Breach Protocol:** In the event of a containment breach, SCP-8486-1 must be re-contained within a 10-minute window to prevent escalation.
+++ SCP-8486-2
* **Containment Location:** SCP-8486-2 is secured within a small, hermetically-sealed fluid chamber in an underground containment area. The chamber is maintained at zero atmospheric pressure, devoid of breathable air, and actively disrupts all external magnetic signals to ensure full isolation of SCP-8486-2.
* **Breach Protocol:** In any containment breach scenario, Mobile Task Force units are required to ensure that SCP-8486-2 does not make contact with SCP-8486 under any circumstances.
++ Description:
SCP-8486 is an anomalous object resembling a steel padlock. The origin of SCP-8486 is unknown. When brought into direct contact with another object, SCP-8486 has the ability to "lock" or disable the object's primary functions or abilities. SCP-8486 is limited in its locking capabilities, being ineffective on objects exceeding 100 meters in length or 2 metric tons in weight.
Unlocking Mechanism: The only means to unlock SCP-8486 is with SCP-8486-1, a steel key that is a perfect match for the lock. No other keys or unlocking mechanisms have been observed to affect SCP-8486. SCP-8486 demonstrates an ability to adapt to various objects upon contact, though the method by which it locks and disables objects remains unidentified.
SCP-8486-1 is a steel key that serves as the only tool capable of unlocking SCP-8486. The key appears ordinary in composition but exhibits unique properties that specifically correspond to SCP-8486, suggesting a mutual or designed relationship between the two items.
SCP-8486-2 is a chain-like object composed of an unidentified metallic alloy. When brought into direct contact with SCP-8486, SCP-8486-2 initiates a fusion process, resulting in the formation of SCP-8486-A.
SCP-8486-A: The fusion of SCP-8486 and SCP-8486-2 creates SCP-8486-A, a modified version of the original lock with significantly enhanced capabilities. SCP-8486-A emits high levels of radiation, and its ability to lock objects appears unrestricted by size or weight limitations. Notably, if SCP-8486-A remains in an environment exceeding -100°C for more than one minute, it exhibits signs of activation, gaining limited autonomy and the ability to control the functions of any object it has locked.
SCP-8486-A is currently restricted to controlled experiments only, with rigorous safety protocols in place to prevent uncontrolled activation.
++Addendum 8486-EX-01: Experiment Log
Date: ██/██/20██
Location: Site-[REDACTED]
Personnel Involved: Dr. ███████, Research Assistant ████, Security Officer ███
To determine whether SCP-005, known as "The Skeleton Key," can unlock SCP-8486.
Experiment Procedure:
SCP-005 was carefully brought into SCP-8486’s containment chamber under high-security protocols. Personnel equipped with anti-radiation gear and signal-jamming devices proceeded to test SCP-005’s unlocking capabilities directly on SCP-8486. Research personnel observed and documented all effects on SCP-8486 during the process.
Upon insertion into SCP-8486’s keyhole, SCP-005 exhibited no observable effect. Attempts to turn SCP-005 yielded no movement or indication that SCP-8486 responded to its presence. SCP-005’s usual ability to adapt to any locking mechanism appeared to be entirely inert in relation to SCP-8486.
After 15 minutes of further attempts, SCP-005 was removed. SCP-8486 remained securely locked, showing no signs of damage or change in response to SCP-005.
The experiment indicates that SCP-8486 possesses properties beyond standard locking mechanisms that cannot be bypassed by SCP-005. This suggests a unique interaction or a form of “lock immunity” specific to SCP-8486, potentially due to its anomalous construction or an unknown mechanism of operation. Further research is recommended to explore the nature of SCP-8486’s resistance to SCP-005, as well as additional tests with other anomalous unlocking objects.
SCP-8486is confirmed to be unaffected by SCP-005, reinforcing the necessity of SCP-8486-1 as the sole unlocking mechanism. Further experimentation with alternate anomalous keys is pending approval by Site Command.
[[footnote]] The origin of SCP-8486 remains undetermined. No historical records or known anomaly-related activities precede its discovery at Site-[REDACTED].
[[/footnote]][[footnote]] SCP-8486's ability to lock objects has shown no signs of wear or degradation, suggesting it operates by an unknown, self-sustaining mechanism that does not rely on any form of conventional energy or force. [[/footnote]]
[[footnote]] SCP-8486-1, the only known key to unlock SCP-8486, is composed of a steel alloy that is identical in structure to SCP-8486 itself. The key's properties seem intrinsically linked to SCP-8486, and any attempts to replicate or forge additional keys have failed. [[/footnote]]
[[footnote]] SCP-8486’s inability to lock objects larger than 100 meters or heavier than 2 tons is currently unexplained. Further investigation into the physical or metaphysical limits of SCP-8486's locking ability is ongoing. [[/footnote]]
[[footnote]] SCP-8486 has proven impervious to conventional destructive methods. Standard cutting, burning, or impact-based techniques have been shown to have no effect on the object. It is hypothesized that SCP-8486's resistance to non-anomalous destruction may be linked to its anomalous properties. Research into potential anomalous means of destruction is ongoing. [[/footnote]]
Excerpts of note:
Unlocking Mechanism: The only means to unlock SCP-8486 is with SCP-8486-1, a steel key that is a perfect match for the lock. No other keys or unlocking mechanisms have been observed to affect SCP-8486. SCP-8486 demonstrates an ability to adapt to various objects upon contact, though the method by which it locks and disables objects remains unidentified.
The experiment indicates that SCP-8486 possesses properties beyond standard locking mechanisms that cannot be bypassed by SCP-005. This suggests a unique interaction or a form of “lock immunity” specific to SCP-8486, potentially due to its anomalous construction or an unknown mechanism of operation. Further research is recommended to explore the nature of SCP-8486’s resistance to SCP-005, as well as additional tests with other anomalous unlocking objects.
SCP-8486is confirmed to be unaffected by SCP-005, reinforcing the necessity of SCP-8486-1 as the sole unlocking mechanism. Further experimentation with alternate anomalous keys is pending approval by Site Command.
User has no forum history and the majority of their edits are renaming pages, adding incorrect tags, or formatting changes. They have three sandboxes created on the same day with drafts of the above article, all of which have clear indicators of AI-generation:
Special Containtment Procedures:
SCP-10494 is contained in a high security box on site[DATA REDACTED] at it's chamber. This box keeps SCP-10494 on very low deegres and in anti-gravity. Any personal below Clearence Level 4 are not to enter SCP-10494's chamber.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat and nico supporting.