Noting that new site member coolgize (account age 21 days, site membership 20 days) recently coldposted two low-quality pages to the mainsite. Upon receiving downvotes, they proceeded to complain the discussion threads.
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**Item #:** SCP-7637
**Object Class:** Safe
**Special Containment Procedures:**
This anomaly was originally contained by steel walls with no entrance, however, it appears our research on the anomaly had flaws at that point in time. We had then moved the anomaly to a glass cage where researchers could keep an eye on its behavior. It appeared to weakly punch at the glass to no avail, rather than doing any form of destructive anomalous behavior. However, upon being left alone for as little as an hour, cracks appeared in the glass. Our current placement for it is a similar chamber, however, the glass is reinforced, one-way glass that has seemed to calm the anomaly. We have placed hidden cameras around the area, so that when no researchers are present, we may still monitor the anomaly. The details included here on previous containment are to serve as a guideline for any future writers on this log so that they may understand what conditions will keep the anomaly secure.
This anomaly resembles a grey man with no facial features, legs, or hair. Its skin follows a texture similar to that of polished marble. The anomaly is fully capable of speech, however, despite it understanding what our researchers are saying in English, the creature speaks a language researchers have determined as Japanese. The man who discovered it did inform us that he had found it near the coast of Japan, swimming in large circles and attacking any aquatic wildlife that got too close. While we have determined this as the reason it speaks Japanese, we are unsure why it had reportedly attacked the wildlife.
Upon bringing a translator into the Foundation, one of our first courses of action was to question the anomaly. However, it never answered any questions that were related to its behavior near marine animals. Despite this, we did recieve very valuable information. We have learned that it is 137 years old, and that it feels inclined to swim at all times. Despite this, we have come to an agreement not to allow it any water, as long as it receives an adequate meal daily.
Its eating habits give a hint as to why exactly it attacked fish, as, it will only eat things that have fish in them. Any other food will be left on the plate. Researchers speculate that it may have been hunting in order to feed on the fish, but we are still unsure if this is the case.
Many researches have reported the anomaly talking on and on about trains. Any mention of the subject leads to the anomaly telling stories about a train that crashed through a wall into the ocean. It is speculated that this may be how it ended up in the ocean before being found.
Similarly, any mention of the number 8 leads to the anomaly becoming extremely timid, for unknown reasons.
We have investigated all throughout the coastal areas of Japan, and found that one train does go near the ocean during its movement, going though platforms 1-8. We are soon to investigate more about this station, and specifically platform 8.
We have also interviewed some of the locals, and here’s what one had to say:
Researcher: “Have any trains crashed at this platform.”
Local: “Once, yes.”
R: “Are you aware of what happened to the train?”
L: “No, sir.”
R: “Have strange things been known to happen at this station?”
L: “Quite often, yes.”
R: “What are some examples?”
L: “Well, sometimes people go on the train planning to get off at platform 8, but disappear. There’s also a man who stays on the train often.:
R: “Anything else we should know?”
L: “Nope.”
R: “Please refrain from casual terms.”
L: “My apologies.”
As you can see, we learned most of our information from the locals. We have interviewed more, but in favor of space, this is the only one we have recorded here. The rest have been recorded in private.
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> **This article contains references to the game Platform 8.** For more information about Platform 8, please see the Exit 8 Wiki on
> **Author:** coolgize
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[[module Rate]]
**Item #:** SCP-7862
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment Procedures:**
We have placed this entity into a small chamber in a secluded facility. It has expressed resentment towards multiple higher-level researchers, but strangely seems more comforted by the lower levels. We are unaware why it behaves this way. We have decided to place it under light surveillance from Level 3 researchers, but Level 1 researches are to check on it regularly. It has shown to them sadness that it is trapped, and has tried to destroy its containment when it hasn’t been checked on.
The anomaly resembles a humanoid figure. Its fingers are long and sharp, as are its teeth. Its mouth appears to have sustained multiple injuries. We are unable to take any high-quality photos of the anomaly as whenever an image is taken in high resolution, the image will show its teeth smiling creepily with nothing else. The way it behaves whilst alone is described by researchers as “strange”, with multiple reports of using its sharp claws to poke holes in various items, and sometimes itself. It flinches back whenever it pokes itself, and our researchers have interpreted the cause of it poking itself as mistaking itself for an object, which led them to believe it has a poor memory. However, they cannot fully confirm this, as it seems to recognize each individual researcher.
**Addendum:** [Optional additional paragraphs]
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> **Author: coolgize**
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At this point I’m getting mass downvoted
Why do you guys hate all my SCPs can I at least have some advice :(
Staffposted on the first comment with links and instructions. A reader has provided a link to the How to Write an SCP Guide on the second.
Recommending revoke if the user continues to coldpost.