Noting for records-keeping that QueenTiamatsWrath (account age 2 days, site membership 1 day) recently coldposted two pages, one of which was unfinished:
**Item #: SCP-8168**
**Object Class: Safe**
**Special Containment Procedures:**SCP-8168 should be contained in a 3m x 3m x 3m cube composed of a decently strong material (specifics do not matter, as SCP-8168 could teleport through nearly any material if he so wishes to). The room can have up to three tinted windows(to prevent full view of his face) looking into it. Decoration is not mandatory, but can be given for good behavior. However, no hammers, or any object similar to a hammer in shape or functionality should ever be within SCP-8168’s line of sight.
**Description:**SCP-8168 resembles an average white adult male humanoid head contained within a lime-greenish glass cover, with the bottom of the enclosure being made of steel. The enclosure is approximately 25 centimeters tall. Retractable steel arms with claws can emerge from the bottom on the outside if SCP-8168 wants to use them. He will often use them as arms and legs and has never been seen with more than five out at a time.
SCP-8168 is capable of intelligent human speech in at least five (5) different languages(seen so far are English, Spanish, Russian, German, and a language we have tried, and cannot identify), and speaks perfectly.
SCP-8168 possesses the ability to teleport himself and anything he is holding up to 100 feet away, however this process tires him out quickly, so he does not seem to do it often, and will not try to escape captivity in this way (with a few exceptions). The sharp metal claws on the end of his arms are enough to cut through soft material(including human flesh) with ease.
SCP-8168 is normally very docile, and will only attack if provoked, or if he sees an object similar to a hammer in shape or functionality(see below). He enjoys to talk, and does it often. He is quite charismatic and can easily persuade people to do what he wants. Looking at his face also seems to make someone feel at ease, and more likely to comply with what he says. Due to this, photographs of SCP-8168 are strictly forbidden without permission from 05-█. If one know of SCP-8168’s influence on their mind, it is easier to not be swayed.
SCP-8168 is extremely dangerous if provoked, and can kill in seconds. Due to how easily he can be provoked, and how there have been multiple occasions where he has convinced staff to give him various objects (which were taken away before he could do anything with them), Dr. ███████ has petitioned to terminate SCP-8168. Their request is still pending approval.
**Audio Log of Test 8168-A**
**<Begin Log>**
Dr. ███████: Alright, now please enter the room.
D-6263: Okay.
//D-6263 enters the room. There are is a window that Dr. ███████ is looking for, and a window connecting the room D-6263 is in and the room SCP-8168 is in.//
D-6263: What the hell is that thing?
SCP-8168: Hey, I can hear you, you know.
D-6263: …
Dr. ███████: Do you see the box on the table?
D-6263: Yes.
Dr. ███████: Please reach into the box, and remove the object.
//D-6263 complies, and removes a hammer from the box. SCP-8168 sees it and immediately teleports from his location to the location of D-6263. He protracts all five of his steel arms, two of which coil around D-6263, two plunge into their chest, and one grabs their face. D-6263’s chest is torn open, and their intestines are removed one by one. At the same time, SCP-8168 rips D-6263’s eyes out, and then slashes their throat. He then jumps off of D-6263 and destroys the dropped hammer before teleporting back to his enclosure. The blood that just was on him appears to have disappeared. This all happened in less than 40 seconds.//
Dr. ███████: God…
**<End Log>** (initial post only had the ACS bar, first revision only added containment)
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:blankstyle]]
[[include :scp-wiki:component:anomaly-class-bar-source
|item-number= 8588
|clearance= 5
|container-class= esoteric
|secondary-class= tiamat
|disruption-class= amida
|risk-class= critical
[[div style="border:solid 1px #999999; background:#f2f2c2; padding:5px; margin-bottom: 10px;"]]
This file has been heavily edited and redacted for security reasons. If you would like to see the full file, please contact 05-2.
-- Chris Aster, Assistant Director, RAISA
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8588 is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m cube made entirely out of highly reinforced concentrated darkness (creation method [[[Concentrated-Darkness-1 |linked here]]]). The cube should be placed in a secure location and be monitored at all times, with no exception. No non-colored light sources(including sunbeams) should ever be within five (5) miles of the cube, which is why I recommend it be placed at ████████████, to prevent accidental light.
Due to obvious reasons, all personnel monitoring SCP-8588 should be equipped with black lights and night vision gear. There should be at least thirty (30) armed personnel onsite at all times. Testing cannot be conducted on SCP-8588 without approval from 05-█.
**Description:** SCP-8588 is a 1.5 meter tall and 1.7 meter wide floating yellow smiley face composed of two yellow dots and a smile. She exudes a warm, inviting glow around herself. It is theorized that this is not SCP-8588’s true form, and is just a ██████ ████ ██ ███.
SCP-8588 is capable of appearing in and/or controlling any non-colored light sources within 5 miles of her location. A mere glance at her can cause a victim’s eyesight to be permanently burned away if they are not wearing the necessary protection. She can also make (non-colored) light sources so intense they burn anything they shine on. If she is shined on a creature, whether via a NCLS(non-colored light source), or via personal contact, then she can ████ ████ ████ ████ ███ ███████ █████ █████████████ ████ █████████ ██ █████ █████ ████ ███ ████ ██████ ██ ███ █████████. Even photos of SCP-8588 are warm to the touch, and have an annoying habit of bursting into flames.
SCP-8588’s fires burn at an intensity so hot, they are comparable to the core of the sun. The only thing they cannot penetrate are concentrated darkness. ████████ ███████ █████████ ███████ have shown that areas in which SCP-8588’s fires have burned for longer than 5 minutes without being put out by concentrated darkness beams have major █████████ ██████ ██████. A creature that touches SCP-8588’s flames should be considered dead, as their body will be annihilated in nanoseconds. For some reason, the consciousness of a person burned by SCP-8588’s flames may still linger for up to three (3) days after the death of their body. It is unknown how this is possible.
If SCP-8588 ever were to escape into an area exposed to the sun, her power would be unimaginable. It would mean the end of the world as we know it. Due to this, the 05 Council unanimously agreed that the destruction of SCP-8588 should be a top priority. A containment chamber made of concentrated darkness is nearly impossible to build, and it still will not keep her forever. Research is being conducted on a “Darkness Bomb” to terminate SCP-8588, but progress is slow.
███ ███ ██████ ████ ███████ ███ █████ ███ █████ ███ ███ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██ ███ █████████ ██████████ ██ ████████████ ██████.
Upon the second page receiving downvotes, the user posted:
Pls stop downvoting I accidentally published it before it was finished chill guys I just uploaded the first draft(also how the fuck did three people all happen to find an untitled page with only like three words???)
Kufat staffposted.