Noting that it was brought to staff attention new site member multimonster (formerly doodlebob9000, account age 9 days, site membership 4 days) has coldposted multiple low-quality pages in the last 24 hours:
- (unedited repost; same material just with a different url)
- "alright dumb file here we go (i hate my job here) now read the scp i dont care"
- "Item #: SCP-92-J (You wanna downvote it, don't ya?) Object Class: Downvoteable++ Special Containment Procedures: You MUST downvote this, or a DVK-Class "You didn't downvote" Scenario will occur. DO NOT UPVOTE!!!"
- was posted yesterday as SCP-8042 with the same "you will downvote this" gimmick
Upon receiving downvotes, they commented:
four downvotes? really?
did i do something wrong? post title "fyi"
ok so the old version of this i forgot to add "collab:" ta the beginning of the link
so basically it's fixed now
Membership revoked, PM sent.