Noting that it was brought to site attention that new site member
kvwaies (account age 3 days, site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following page: which plagiarizes both conceptual material and artwork from Trevor Henderson
+ SCP 7461
**Item #:**SCP-7461
**Object Class:** Euclid
**Special Containment:** the local nature reserve hosting SCP-7461 has been surrounded and closed off by personal, the entrance to SCP-7461 is to be monitored at all times, and no one is to enter SCP-7461.
**Description:** SCP-7461 **'The God of Roadkill'** is believed to be at least as large as a van, if not bigger, and possesses numerous supernatural characteristics. Its head takes on the shape of a bird, featuring a lengthy and slender beak that tapers to a needle-like point. Positioned on the upper part of its head are four eyes, all of which appear to be crudely drawn. Instead of flesh, the creature's body is comprised of thin, crimson bones, forming a skeletal structure that bears resemblance to the upper portion of a human skeleton. However, the creature's neck surpasses the length of a typical humans, and its humerus is also unnaturally elongated. Strangely, the creature lacks a lower half, relying on its arms to support itself on its spine.
The photograph captures SCP-7461 in a pose that indicates its reliance on its arms for various modes of transportation such as walking, crawling, and running. A sketch of the creature reveals stitches extending from its head to its neck, hinting that its head may actually be a mask. This could potentially explain why the creature's eyes seem to be artificially depicted rather than naturally present.
SCP-7461 only appears at night roughly after 7:30 PM and it shows no aggression to any staff or personal in the area, SCP-7461 is usually seen with a group of animals most commonly deer, badgers and coyotes it is believed that SCP-7461 guides dead animal souls who have been road killed to the after life
**DISCOVERY:** SCP-7461 was found after a number of vehicle related deaths happened, in each instance the car remained intact however the body of the victims were dismembered and split in half
**Incident 7461 9:13pm on ██/██/2014:** A human male was driving 3 miles near the restricted area of SCP-7461 as the man was driving he had gone lost and was driving increasingly fast to get home quicker, the man had accident swerved lanes and then a loud thud sound , as the car stops the man exits to see if he has crashed into a tree or had his tire popped the man stares in shock as he realizes he ran over a deer blood was smeared on his front bumper the man dragged the deer into the side of the road and chucked it carelessly not knowing that he would die in the most gruesome way he hears a large scrapping sound coming his was he doesn't know what think before he has time to get in his car SCP-7461 dashes towards him using his long arms to pierce the man as the man screamed in pain SCP-7461 pulled on the man vertically splitting him in half his remains was found later in the morning at 7:48 AM.
The user also posted the following comment:
i decided to take the risk the layouts not good and it is very basic i also stole the concept from trevor Henderson but i thought it was cool this prob sucks but eh
nico and Naepic, acting in Licensing Team capacity, recommended a ban. Emergency ban enacted, PM sent. Disc team, please weigh in.
ETA: Queerious supported ban.