Noting that new site member
The_One47 (account age and site membership 5 days) recently coldposted the following page to the mainsite, which has multiple obvious indicators of AI-generation:
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**Item #:** SCP-8764
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-8764 is to remain in constant exposure to bright light, with no circumstances allowing the lights to be extinguished. Backup generators must be fully operational and ready to activate immediately in the event of a power outage to ensure uninterrupted illumination.
SCP-8764-1 and SCP-8764-2 are to be stored separately from SCP-8764 in an independent containment chamber. Each object is to be secured within a reinforced container constructed of Angel Steel (see Addendum 8764.1 for material specifications). SCP-8764 is to be kept at a minimum distance of 100 meters from these objects at all times.
In the event of a containment breach, all available personnel and resources are to be deployed to recapture and re-contain SCP-8764. If SCP-8764 gains possession of SCP-8764-1 or SCP-8764-2, all personnel are to remain silent, cease all attempts to engage or interfere, and immediately evacuate the site. Site abandonment protocols will take precedence, including the relinquishment of all other SCPs contained on-site.
SCP-8764 is a humanoid entity measuring exactly 218.44 cm in height. The entity is composed entirely of bone and is perpetually cloaked in a black, tattered robe reminiscent of the folkloric depiction of the Grim Reaper. However, interviews with SCP-8764 indicate that it is not the Grim Reaper itself but rather an underling serving under the entity traditionally associated with death.
SCP-8764 wields a sickle made of black colour steel, designated SCP-8764-1 (also known as “The Black Steel Scythe”), and carries an aged sack marked with a skull symbol, designated SCP-8764-2 (also known as “The Sack of Souls”) When questioned, SCP-8764 revealed that SCP-8764-1 is used to reap the souls of the deceased, while SCP-8764-2 serves as a vessel for storing these souls. SCP-8764’s eye sockets emit a dim, bluish glow that appears to serve as its primary visual apparatus.
[[include component:image-block name=| caption= The only depiction of SCP 8764 before it coming into Foundation Custody. Painted in the 1█ Century A.D by an unknown artist.]]
Unlike traditional folklore surrounding the Grim Reaper, SCP-8764 does not passively wait for individuals to die from natural causes or external factors. Instead, it actively hastens death using one of two methods:
Method A: Inducing severe suicidal ideation in its victims, compelling them to take their own lives.
Method B: Directly killing its victims to expedite the process.
When SCP-8764 selects Method B, it demonstrates a strong preference for employing gruesome and archaic methods of execution. Documented examples include the use of medieval torture devices such as the rack, the brazen bull, and immolation via burning at the stake. Interviews suggest that SCP-8764 derives high pleasure and enjoyment from this, claiming that they are “part of its duty.” While snickering. However, psychological evaluations of survivors exposed to SCP-8764 (prior to its full containment) report pervasive feelings of dread and inevitability, suggesting an emotional manipulation component to its abilities.
**Addendum 8764.1:** Angel steel
Angel Steel was recently discovered during experimental testing with various material compositions. The alloy is comprised of three primary components: Angel Dust, a rare powder obtained from SCP-343; high-grade steel; and pure silver. The fusion of these materials during the forging process yielded an unexpectedly anomalous metal with unique properties.
Angel Steel emits a faint, perceptible aura that significantly suppresses the powers and aggression of demonic or infernal entities. When exposed to the metal, such entities exhibit docility and a marked reduction in hostility, even in scenarios where they would typically display heightened aggression. The mechanism by which Angel Steel achieves this effect remains under investigation, though it is hypothesized that the presence of Angel Dust plays a critical role in its anomalous properties.
**Addendum 8764.2:**
SCP-8764-1: The Black steel Scythe
SCP-8764-1 is a scythe crafted from a black-colored steel, exhibiting a dark red hue along its blade, with a faint purple glow emanating from its surface. The weapon is believed to possess a subtle, yet potent aura that induces extreme depression in individuals who handle it, except for SCP-8764 itself. Those who come into contact with SCP-8764-1 experience overwhelming despair and an irresistible compulsion to end their lives. If the individual fails to self-harm within 24 hours of contact, the depressive effects dissipate, leaving no lasting physical harm. After death of victim, the sickle cuts the string that attaches soul and body and holds the soul in SCP-8764-2.
Personnel who have handled SCP-8764-1 are to undergo immediate administration of amnestic treatment, followed by weekly psychological therapy sessions for one month to mitigate any lasting emotional or mental effects.
**Addendum 8734.3:**
SCP-8764-2: The Sack of Souls
SCP-8764-2 is an aged sack adorned with a skull symbol on its surface. The sack contains the souls reaped by SCP-8764, which are said to be in a state of perpetual torment. The souls trapped within groan continuously in pain, emitting a low, agonized wail that can be heard faintly from the sack. Despite their suffering, SCP-8764-1 exhibits an anomalous ability to exert control over these souls, manipulating them to serve its beholders will.
The souls within SCP-8764-2 can be compelled to perform various tasks, such as pinning victims down or tracking individuals for SCP-8764. This manipulation appears to be effortless, as if the souls are bound to obey the entity’s commands, despite their torment. The full extent of SCP-8764’s control over the souls is currently under investigation.
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Excerpts of note:
Unlike traditional folklore surrounding the Grim Reaper, SCP-8764 does not passively wait for individuals to die from natural causes or external factors. Instead, it actively hastens death using one of two methods:
Method A: Inducing severe suicidal ideation in its victims, compelling them to take their own lives.
Method B: Directly killing its victims to expedite the process.
When SCP-8764 selects Method B, it demonstrates a strong preference for employing gruesome and archaic methods of execution. Documented examples include the use of medieval torture devices such as the rack, the brazen bull, and immolation via burning at the stake. Interviews suggest that SCP-8764 derives high pleasure and enjoyment from this, claiming that they are “part of its duty.” While snickering. However, psychological evaluations of survivors exposed to SCP-8764 (prior to its full containment) report pervasive feelings of dread and inevitability, suggesting an emotional manipulation component to its abilities.
Angel Steel emits a faint, perceptible aura that significantly suppresses the powers and aggression of demonic or infernal entities. When exposed to the metal, such entities exhibit docility and a marked reduction in hostility, even in scenarios where they would typically display heightened aggression. The mechanism by which Angel Steel achieves this effect remains under investigation, though it is hypothesized that the presence of Angel Dust plays a critical role in its anomalous properties.
Personnel who have handled SCP-8764-1 are to undergo immediate administration of amnestic treatment, followed by weekly psychological therapy sessions for one month to mitigate any lasting emotional or mental effects.
Compare with the user's single forum post:
Thanks for the thanks :), amazing SCP btw. Bet ur wondering why ur getting so many downvotes?
Membership revoked, PM sent. User was also issued a one-year maturity ban (Kufat and Bleep supporting) for other behavior, including editing another user's (now-deleted) page with major edits and adding themselves as co-author, without clear indication that permission was given.