Noting that JustBelowSane does not match any existing user name (account age and site membership 94 days) recently submitted the following concept critique thread, which has lots of common indicators of AI-generation:
**Seeking Greenlights:** Yes
**Page Type:** SCP Article
**Page Layout:** The article will follow a standard SCP format.
**Elevator Pitch:** A glittery, sweet-smelling stone found near the Achelous River in Greece suppresses the ability to dream, inducing psychological breakdowns in prolonged cases. The SCP Foundation contains it to prevent public paranoia and mitigate its dangerous effects.
**Central Narrative:** SCP-8274 is the psychological consequences of losing dreams — a critical yet often overlooked aspect of human well-being. The story begins with its discovery by archaeologists, evolves into a public phenomenon as visitors report strange symptoms, and concludes with the SCP Foundation’s intervention and containment. When tested on people who have pre-existing sleep disorders, they get 'warped' and nightmarish dreams, which cannot be interpreted into something logical correctly.
**Hook/Attention-Grabber:** The concept is about the underappreciated role of dreaming in maintaining mental health, presenting an anomaly that weaponizes dream deprivation.
**Additional Notes:**
* Are the scientific explanations for dream suppression and the anomaly's gas plausible enough to engage readers?
* Suggestions for improving the pacing of the discovery and containment narrative are welcome.
Excerpts of note:
Central Narrative: SCP-8274 is the psychological consequences of losing dreams — a critical yet often overlooked aspect of human well-being. The story begins with its discovery by archaeologists, evolves into a public phenomenon as visitors report strange symptoms, and concludes with the SCP Foundation’s intervention and containment. When tested on people who have pre-existing sleep disorders, they get 'warped' and nightmarish dreams, which cannot be interpreted into something logical correctly.
Hook/Attention-Grabber: The concept is about the underappreciated role of dreaming in maintaining mental health, presenting an anomaly that weaponizes dream deprivation.
Of note, the user also created a sandbox page with no edits for the same numerical designation, in which the draft is fully formed and also contains indicators of AI-generation:
[[module Rate]]
**Item #:** SCP-8274
**Object Class:** Safe
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8274 is housed within a 4m x 4m x 4m airtight containment chamber at Site-19. The chamber is equipped with a modified Anomalous Gas Suppression System (AGSS), which neutralizes the sweet-scented gas emitted by SCP-8274. The AGSS operates by drawing in the gas, mixing it with a combustible agent, and incinerating it in a controlled environment. The resulting smoke is then filtered through a HEPA air purification system to ensure the chamber remains safe and visible for monitoring.
Maintenance of the AGSS must be performed weekly, requiring refueling of its combustion mechanism. Personnel conducting maintenance or repairs must wear hazmat suits equipped with closed-circuit rebreathers to avoid exposure to SCP-8274's gas. In the event of a malfunction, the containment chamber and adjoining hallways are to be sealed, and hazmat teams are to conduct repairs under full quarantine protocols. Civilian exposure to SCP-8274 requires immediate administration of Class-B amnestics, and any public knowledge of SCP-8274's effects is to be suppressed through Foundation disinformation campaigns.
**Description:** SCP-8274 is a smooth, irregularly shaped stone, measuring approximately 18 cm in length and weighing 3.2 kg. Its surface is glittery and glossy, with a faint shimmering effect visible under most light conditions. The stone feels warm to the touch, maintaining a consistent internal temperature of approximately 40°C regardless of its external environment.
SCP-8274 continuously emits a sweet, pastry-like aroma, which is produced by an unknown gaseous compound. Inhalation of this gas suppresses REM sleep in affected individuals, designated SCP-8274-1. While sleep remains otherwise normal, SCP-8274-1 individuals are unable to experience dreams during this period, often describing their sleep as "restful but hollow." The duration of dream suppression is directly proportional to the time spent inhaling the gas, with a single inhalation (~5 seconds) preventing dreams for approximately 24 hours.
Extended exposure to SCP-8274 has shown varying psychological effects. While some individuals experience no adverse effects, others develop symptoms of paranoia, insomnia, and cognitive dysfunction, particularly after prolonged periods without dreaming. SCP-8274's effects appear to influence most terrestrial mammals capable of REM sleep. However, aquatic mammals like whales and dolphins, which rely on unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, are unaffected.
**Addendum 8274-1:** SCP-8274 was discovered near the Achelous River in Greece in 2017 by a UNESCO archaeological team. Attracted by its unusual appearance and glittery surface, the team transported the object to a museum in Athens for public display. Within 24 hours of its arrival, museum staff and several visitors reported an inability to dream, causing confusion and media attention. Public paranoia began to grow as civilians attributed the phenomenon to extraterrestrial or supernatural causes.
Foundation agents embedded in the Greek Ministry of Culture identified SCP-8274 as the source of the anomalies. Under the guise of preserving a potentially significant artifact, SCP-8274 was secured and transported to Site-19. A widespread amnestics campaign was conducted to neutralize public knowledge of the anomaly, with disinformation measures suppressing rumors and reports.
**Test Log 8274-A:**
**Objective:** Investigate SCP-8274's effects on individuals with pre-existing sleep disorders.
**Subject:** D-1167, a 45-year-old male with idiopathic insomnia and REM behavior disorder (RBD).
**Procedure:** Subject exposed to SCP-8274 for 10 seconds at a normal breathing rate.
**Results:** Subject reported vivid, disjointed, and highly distressing dreams, described as "fractured nightmares." Upon waking, subject exhibited heightened emotional agitation and refused further testing.
**Conclusion:** SCP-8274 appears to induce warped dream states in subjects with pre-existing REM abnormalities, contrary to its usual dream-suppressive effects. Further research is required to explore this anomaly.
//Notes: SCP-8274 is classified as Safe due to the manageable nature of its containment. However, its psychological effects and potential for widespread disruption necessitate strict containment measures. Research into its anomalous properties and potential applications is ongoing.//
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Excerpts of note:
Test Log 8274-A:
Objective: Investigate SCP-8274's effects on individuals with pre-existing sleep disorders.
Subject: D-1167, a 45-year-old male with idiopathic insomnia and REM behavior disorder (RBD).
Procedure: Subject exposed to SCP-8274 for 10 seconds at a normal breathing rate.
Results: Subject reported vivid, disjointed, and highly distressing dreams, described as "fractured nightmares." Upon waking, subject exhibited heightened emotional agitation and refused further testing.
Conclusion: SCP-8274 appears to induce warped dream states in subjects with pre-existing REM abnormalities, contrary to its usual dream-suppressive effects. Further research is required to explore this anomaly.
Membership revoked, PM sent.
ETA: user has deleted their account.