Noting that new site member l3viathan (account age 170 days, site membership 1 day) recently coldposted the following pages:
item#: SCP-8633
object class: keter apollyon
special containment procedures: SCP-8633 is contained in a 5 km x 5 km x 5 km square of water a squad of armed guards are NOT allowed to patrol SCP-8633’s containment.
description: SCP-8633 is a parasite that CANNOT live in air but can live in water and space.
behavior: SCP-8633 infects humans that come near it, the infected is now SCP-8633-1. When infected SCP-8633 will create a hard shell around SCP-8633-1’s nerves, then traveling through the bloodstream to take control of SCP-8633-1’s body, infecting more humans but never killing them, actually keeping SCP-8633-1 alive. Any infected will immediately be terminated.
item#: SCP-8667
special containment procedures:
And also created and blanked:
Kufat sent a PM to the user instructing them how to delete a page properly and to stop spamming low-effort coldposts.