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Kadenn0213 (account age 141 days, site membership 22 hours) recently coldposted the following page, which has multiple common indicators of AI-generation:
item#: 8691
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8691 is to be stored in a standard secure lockbox at Site-[REDACTED]. Access to SCP-8691 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above, and all experiments involving SCP-8691 must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel. SCP-8691 is not to be used for personal gain or to charge any objects that are not approved by the O5 Council.
Description: SCP-8691 is a small, metallic device that resembles a smartphone charger. However, instead of charging only specific devices, SCP-8691 can charge any object it comes in contact with, as long as that object has a battery or can be powered by electricity. This includes but is not limited to:
* Electronic devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.)
* Vehicles (cars, motorcycles, drones, etc.)
* Machinery (power tools, industrial equipment, etc.)
* Medical devices (pacemakers, insulin pumps, etc.)
* Even living organisms (e.g. humans, animals, plants)
SCP-8691 has no visible controls or interfaces, and it does not require any input or configuration to function. placing an object in contact with SCP-8691 will initiate charging, and the object will continue to charge until its battery is fully charged or SCP-8691 is removed.
SCP-8691 was discovered in the possession of a secretive cult that believed it to be a divine artifact with the power to bring about a new era of technological advancement. However, during testing, it became clear that SCP-8691 has a much more mundane origin. The device was created by a team of engineers who were experimenting with advanced battery technology. The cult likely stumbled upon the device and misinterpreted its purpose and capabilities.
Incident Report: During testing, SCP-8691 was used to charge a variety of objects, including a car, a medical device, and even a D-Class that has a pacemaker. In each case, the object was fully charged within a matter of minutes, and there were no observable side effects. However, during one test, SCP-8691 was used to charge a subject who had a fully depleted pacemaker. The subject experienced a sudden and severe cardiac arrhythmia. It is suspected that the rapid charging of the pacemaker may have caused the arrhythmia, but further testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Addendum: Due to the potential risks associated with SCP-8691, all testing involving human subjects has been suspended until further notice. Personnel are reminded that SCP-8691 is **a tool, not a toy,** and must be treated with caution.
Excerpts of note:
Incident Report: During testing, SCP-8691 was used to charge a variety of objects, including a car, a medical device, and even a D-Class that has a pacemaker. In each case, the object was fully charged within a matter of minutes, and there were no observable side effects. However, during one test, SCP-8691 was used to charge a subject who had a fully depleted pacemaker. The subject experienced a sudden and severe cardiac arrhythmia. It is suspected that the rapid charging of the pacemaker may have caused the arrhythmia, but further testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Addendum: Due to the potential risks associated with SCP-8691, all testing involving human subjects has been suspended until further notice. Personnel are reminded that SCP-8691 is a tool, not a toy, and must be treated with caution.
User's only edits are renaming the page and correcting "SCP-9592" and "SCP8691". They have no forum or sandbox activity.
Membership revoked, PM sent. Kufat and Zoobeeny agreeing with revoke.