Disciplinary - ShallweYesweshall
Noting for records-keeping that ShallweYesweshall (account age 365 days) received a membership revoke last week, due to:
"User posted a straight up Nazi to the anomalous objects log and was also banned from the 914 log for consistently posting low quality entries." |
It was also brought to staff attention that:
- "His long term plan is to get his OC on the wiki (who may or may not be a Nazi, idk) since pretty much day one. He tries to get it under the radar by adding to experiment logs"
- "their "agent mindflayer" character feels very similar to br*ght in the sense of them being an anomalous gunslinging funny business OC"
- "critting it is a complete waste of time, since he refused to change certain things when in the collab logs"
As such, in addition to the revoke, they were issued a ban from posting any more content to collaborative log pages. They were also warned that any further infractions will result in a permanent ban from the SCP wiki. Their response to the ban message:
Thank you for telling me. I think I'll wait until finishing my current draft before re-applying.
User has since re-applied for membership and rejoined the site today.