Noting that TheRockinGamer (account age 4 days) recently received a one-year maturity ban for the following behavior:
Coldposting multiple low-effort pages:
Status: ???
Not much is known about this anomaly, It is mostly unable to be seen because it literally bends the fabric of space and time, so us staff don't have information. We do know this because portals have been summoning all over its cage for the past couple of months. All information we do have is very private and will not be shared with the public -The SCP Foundation (a revision of an earlier coldpost)
Special Containment Procedures: Staff are to not come into a radius of 2 meters of this anomaly. Staff is required to feed the anomaly at least 20 bananas.
This anomaly is to be kept in a cell that has 2 meter thick walls, except for a small hole for it's daily bananas. If staff does not follow these procedures, it will eat their face off.Description: This anomaly is a male chimpanzee about 1.1938 meters tall, it has the body of a caucasian man with a 6 pack. Wears white shorts with black stripes. Has extremely sharp teeth. Has jet black human hair.
Posting the following comment in response to a deletion vote: post title, "Why does everyone hate this page? I worked really hard on it!"
No like seriously, why does everyone hate it?
They also posted the following comment on their first coldpost, as a reply to a staff deletion vote:
Please don't delete this. I worked hard coming up with this.
And sent staff the following PM, after being told multiple times about the deletion guidelines:
Hello [staff name was here], can you pls not delete my SCP: 8952, it would mean a lot, i worked REALLY hard on it! Thank you!
Nico banned and PM. Kufat and Esperion agreeing with yearlong ban.